Function References

Function pointer vs Function reference

Functions and function references (i.e. id-expressions of those types) decay into function pointers almost immediately, so the expressions func and f_ref actually become function pointers in your case. You can also call (***func)(5) and (******f_ref)(6) if you like.

It may be preferable to use function references in cases where you want the &-operator to work as though it had been applied to the function itself, e.g. &func is the same as &f_ref, but &f_ptr is something else.

What is the difference between a function call and function reference?

Well, the onclick property expects a reference to a function, for it to execute when the element is clicked. Normally it's either:

element.onclick = funcRef;


element.onclick = function () {

(but of course, it's best to use addEventListener and attachEvent)

Notice how both of them are references to functions, not calling.

When something expects a reference, you don't call assign a reference to it (first example).

When you want to specifically call a function, you call it with () (second example). But notice how in the second example, there's still a reference to a function that's assigned to onclick - it's just an anonymous function.

Probably the more important part:

Some people think you want to do this:

element.onclick = funcRef();

But that immediately executes the function (because of the ()), and assigns its return value to onclick. Unless the return value is a function, this isn't what you want.

I think the moral of the story is that when you want/need something to execute right now, you call the function. If the function is wanted for later use or needs stored, you don't call it.

Is it possible to reserve function reference into unordered_map or vector?

Regardless of wether this is something you should be doing or not (the comments under your question are covering this already), it's still worth answering your question as is.

The [] operator of map types is a veritable swiss army knife. You can do a lot of things with it.

  • You can assign a value.
  • You can lookup the value.
  • You can lookup a value even if it doesn't exist yet.

Because of this, using that operator imposes some requirements for whatever type is stored in the map. In this specific case, you are running into the requirement that it has to be value-initializable, which references cannot be.

This applies to regular references as well by the way, not just function references.

So the answer is: You can store references in a map as much as you like as long as you don't use any function of the map that requires the reference to do something it's not allowed to.

In this case, you can use;. One of the big differences between [] and at() is that if the key is not set yet, at() will throw an exception instead of creating a value-initialized value.

Comparison operator and function references

I believe the comments have been explanatory, the grouping operator (..) is necessary not only for precedence but also, as demonstrated in the example from the Doc, it allows you to let output from a command participate in an expression.

Without it, PowerShell interprets -eq as a parameter of the function mj and 23 as an argument for said parameter.

You can test this by adding $args or a parameter that takes ValueFromRemainingArguments to your function:

function mj { 23; $args }

function mjWithRemainingArgs {

23; $remargs

PS /> mj -eq 23

PS /> mjWithRemainingArgs -eq 45

Why does passing functions by value work but not by reference

You are trying to bind a non-constant reference with a temporary object.

You could use a constant reference.

Here is a demonstration program.

#include <iostream>
#include <functional>

void foo( const std::function<int(int)> &stuff )
int x = 10;

std::cout << stuff( x ) << '\n';

int main()
auto fct = [](int x){return x * 10;};


The program output is


Without the qualifier const you could write for example

#include <iostream>
#include <functional>

void foo( std::function<int(int)> &stuff )
int x = 10;

std::cout << stuff( x ) << '\n';

int main()
auto fct = [](int x){return x * 10;};

std::function<int(int)> f( fct );


As for the lambda-expression then according to the C++ 17 Standard ( Closure types)

1 The type of a lambda-expression (which is also the type of the
closure object) is a unique, unnamed non-union class type, called the
closure type, whose properties are described below.

Perl dynamic / symbolic function reference

All you need is this:

my $ref = \&{ "${package}::$name" };


my $ref = \&{ $package . "::" . $name };

Using an expression producing the name of a variable where a variable name is expected is called a symbolic reference. These are usually forbidden by use strict; (specifically use strict qw( refs );), but \& is exempt.

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