Resolution of Std::Chrono::High_Resolution_Clock Doesn't Correspond to Measurements

Resolution of std::chrono::high_resolution_clock doesn't correspond to measurements

I'm going to guess you are using Visual Studio 2012. If not, disregard this answer. Visual Studio 2012 typedef's high_resolution_clock to system_clock. Sadly, this means it has crappy precision (around 1 ms). I wrote a better high-resolution clock which uses QueryPerformanceCounter for use in Visual Studio 2012...


    struct HighResClock
typedef long long rep;
typedef std::nano period;
typedef std::chrono::duration<rep, period> duration;
typedef std::chrono::time_point<HighResClock> time_point;
static const bool is_steady = true;

static time_point now();


const long long g_Frequency = []() -> long long
LARGE_INTEGER frequency;
return frequency.QuadPart;

HighResClock::time_point HighResClock::now()
return time_point(duration(count.QuadPart * static_cast<rep>(period::den) / g_Frequency));

(I left out an assert and #ifs to see if it's being compiled on Visual Studio 2012 from the above code.)

You can use this clock anywhere and in the same way as standard clocks.

Does standard C++11 guarantee that high_resolution_clock measure real time (non CPU-cycles)?

Short answer: as of the C++14 standard, high_resolution_clock does NOT explicitly provide the guarantee you're looking for.

For now, steady_clock and system_clock provide better and more explicit guarantees. However, most implementations probably will ensure that HRC advances while its thread is sleeping. It may nevertheless be preferable to do your own type-aliasing. See 'EDIT' sections below and discussion in comments.

Long answer:

The draft standard does in fact implicitly acknowledge (in note 30.2.4 "Timing Specifications", note 5) that Clock objects are not required to advance while their associated thread is sleeping. For context, this section is explaining how the standard-library timer objects work; the behavior of a timer is based on the behavior of the clock used to set it.

[ Note: If the clock is not synchronized with a steady clock, e.g., a
CPU time clock, these timeouts might not provide useful functionality.
end note ]

Note that in this case, "timeouts might not provide useful functionality" means that if you use a timer to sleep_until a particular clock time using an unsynchronized (non-realtime) clock, your thread will not wake up. So the note above is a bit of an understatement.

And, indeed, there is nothing in the Clock specification (20.13.3) that actually requires synchronization with a steady clock.

However, the standard appears to implicitly condone two potential aliases for high_resolution_clock in the definition in

high_resolution_clock may be a synonym for system_clock or

steady_clock is, of course, steady. system_clock is not, because the system time could change (e.g. as the result of an NTP update) while the program is running.

However, system_clock ( is still a "realtime" clock:

Objects of class system_clock represent wall clock time from the
system-wide realtime clock.

So system_clock will not stop advancing when your thread sleeps.
This confirms Nicol Bolas's point that a is_steady may be false for high_resolution_clock even if the clock behaves as you expect (i.e. it advances regardless of the state of its associated thread).

Based on this, it seems reasonable to expect most mainstream implementations to use a realtime (i.e. synchronized) clock of some sort for high_resolution_clock. Implementations are designed to be useful, after all, and a clock is generally less useful if it's not realtime, especially if it's used with timers as per the note on "useful functionality" above.

Since it's not guaranteed, however, you should check the behavior and/or documentation of each implementation you want to use.

EDIT: I've started a discussion on the ISO C++ Standards group on the issue, suggesting that this is a bug in the standard. The first reply, from Howard Hinnant, who takes credit for putting it in the standard, is worth quoting:

I would not be opposed to deprecating high_resolution_clock, with the intent to remove it after a suitable period of deprecation. The reality is that it is always a typedef to either steady_clock or system_clock, and the programmer is better off choosing one of those two and know what he’s getting, than choose high_resolution_clock and get some other clock by a roll of the dice.

...So the moral, according to Hinnant, is don't use high_resolution_clock.


The problem with high_resolution_clock according to Hinnant is not so much that you're likely to run into a problem with HRC (although that is possible even with a conforming compiler, as per the argument above), but that since you're typically not actually getting a lower resolution than you could with the one of the other two clocks (though you'll need to manually compare their resolutions in a type-alias or typedef to get a "maximum resolution" non-sleeping clock), there's no concrete benefit. So you need to weigh the risk of having threads sleep forever on conforming implementations versus the semantic benefit of the name high_resolution_clock and the simplicity/brevity benefit of avoiding just making your own typedef or type-alias.

Here's some actual code for various approaches:

  • Use static_assert to check whether high_resolution_clock is actually aliased to a real clock. This will probably never fire, which means that you're automatically getting the highest-resolution "realtime" clock without messing with your own typedefs:

    std::is_same<high_resolution_clock, steady_clock>::value
    || std::is_same<high_resolution_clock, system_clock>::value,
    "high_resolution_clock IS NOT aliased to one of the other standard clocks!");
  • Use the HRC if high_resolution_clock::is_steady is true; otherwise prefer the higher-resolution clock between system_clock and steady_clock. NOTE that if high_resolution_clock::is_steady is false, this probably just means that the HRC is aliased to system_clock, in which case you'll ultimately end up with a new type-alias that is actually the same type as high_resolution_clock. However, creating your own type-alias makes this explicit and guarantees that even a malicious-but-conforming implementation won't have the issue outlined above.

    using maxres_sys_or_steady =
    system_clock::period::den <= steady_clock::period::den,
    system_clock, steady_clock
    using maxres_nonsleeping_clock =
    high_resolution_clock, maxres_sys_or_steady

What are the uses of std::chrono::high_resolution_clock?

There are none.

Sorry, my bad.

If you are tempted to use high_resolution_clock, choose steady_clock instead. On libc++ and VS high_resolution_clock is a type alias of steady_clock anyway.

On gcc high_resolution_clock is a type alias of system_clock and I've seen more than one use of high_resolution_clock::to_time_t on this platform (which is wrong).

Do use <chrono>. But there are parts of <chrono> that you should avoid.

  • Don't use high_resolution_clock.
  • Avoid uses of .count() and .time_since_epoch() unless there is no other way to get the job done.
  • Avoid duration_cast unless the code won't compile without it, and you desire truncation-towards-zero behavior.
  • Avoid explicit conversion syntax if an implicit conversion compiles.

How to get the precision of high_resolution_clock?

The minimum representable duration is high_resolution_clock::period::num / high_resolution_clock::period::den seconds. You can print it like this:

std::cout << (double) std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::period::num
/ std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::period::den;

Why is this? A clock's ::period member is defined as "The tick period of the clock in seconds." It is a specialization of std::ratio which is a template to represent ratios at compile-time. It provides two integral constants: num and den, the numerator and denominator of a fraction, respectively.

high_resolution_clock's highest resolution is 1000ns

The precision of clock is hardware and operating system dependent, on x86 platform running linux microseconds is quite normal. On my red hat 6 with 2.6.30 kernel, I can only get about 10µs.

To get better resolution, you'll need a real time operating system.

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