Visual Studio 2015 "Non-Standard Syntax; Use '&' to Create a Pointer to Member"

non-standard syntax; use '&' to create a pointer to member error in Visual Studio 2015

If you use

if (usersList[i]->getUsername() != excludeUser->getUsername)

instead of

if (usersList[i]->getUsername() != excludeUser->getUsername())

your compiler will think you want to use a function pointer instead of the method itself, and if you would have wanted to use a function pointer, you would still have to get the address of it (using &).

So make sure you don't forget your () after a function call!

Visual Studio 2015 “non-standard syntax; use '&' to create a pointer to member”

The problem is with the lines which contain the following (it appears twice in your code):


Player one move is a function which receive an std::string parameter as an input. In order to call it you'll need to create an std::string object and pass it as an argument for the function. You can use the following syntax if you want the string to be given as an input:

std::string move;
cin >> move;

Also, notice that player2Turn should call Board.player2Move instead of Board.player1Move.

C++ Visual Studio Non-standard syntax; use '&' to create a pointer to member

You forgot the function call operator (). Change your main code to:

int main(){

BankAccount bankAccount1("testName", 200.0);

cout << bankAccount1.amountOfMoney() << endl;


Without the parentheses it tries to print the address of a member function, which it is not able to do unless the function is not a member of a class.

C++ Visual Studio 2015: non-standard syntax; use '&' to create a pointer to member

This line here is not correct:

string st = deck[2].toString;

The proper way to call a function in C++ (actually Java too I thought) is this:

string st = deck[2].toString();

Non-standard syntax; use '&' to create a pointer member. Error on display function c++

GetHeight is not a variable, but a function, add parenthesis:

void Display()
cout << "Height: " << GetHeight() << " " << "Width: " << GetWidth() << " " << "Area: " << GetArea() << " " << "Perimeter: " << GetPerimeter() << endl;


Visual Studio 2015 “non-standard syntax; use '&' to create pointer for member”

Parameter #2 of the CreateThread must be a pointer to function matching ThreadProc signature. You can not pass result of pSample->Resize() (which is void) or a pointer to Resize function itself (because this is a non-static class member function). Also you may want to use ::std::thread instead of calling WinApi directly.

Visual Studio 'non-standard syntax; use '&' to create a pointer to member'

The type of the expression a->testInA is a pointer to a non-static member function.

It does not have the same type as fptr, so the compiler emits an error, albeit a cryptic one.

Compilation would pass if testInA were static.

See C++ function pointer (class member) to non-static member function for more details.

C++ Visual Studio 2015 “non-standard syntax; use '&' to create a pointer to member”

The correct definition for a pointer to member function is:

typedef HRESULT(ITaskSettings::*FuncOfBoll)(_Out_ VARIANT_BOOL* b);

Then, you should pass the pointer to the object instance to function GetBool:

static bool GetBool(ITaskSettings* setting, FuncOfBoll func)
HRESULT hr = (setting->*func)(&b);

Or, with template:

template<class C>
static bool GetBool(C* p, HRESULT(C::*func)(_Out_ VARIANT_BOOL*))
HRESULT hr = (p->*func)(&b);


void test(ITaskSettings* settings)
currentSetttings = settings;
bool b = GetBool(settings, &ITaskSettings::mb_function);

Visual Studio 2015 non-standard syntax; use '&' to create pointer for member

You have 2 function named getPlayerX(string & name) returning nothing :
I think you made a mistake in what are "getters" and "setters".

You want your std::cout to GET a string, then make your functions getPlayerX() like a GETTER :

std::string getPlayerX() const noexcept;

You want to SET your data, make a SETTER :

void setPlayerX(const std::string & name);

Remember, the function you use are like this :

Type_you_want_to_get   Name_of_the_function ([const] type_of_argument [&] var_name)

void "means" return nothing.

VS2017 non-standard syntax; use '&' to create a pointer to member

On the line

cout << "BySimpson:" << MyInt.BySimpson << endl << endl;

You probably meant to make a call to BySimpson but your forgot the ()

cout << "BySimpson:" << MyInt.BySimpson() << endl << endl;

The reason you get this misleading error is because pre ISO standarization MyInt.BySimpson would actually mean you wanted the address just like for normal function the function name on its own gives the address of the function. Later however the use of & to take the address of a member was put in the standard as a requirement. So Visual Studio thinks you are still using the old syntax and wants you to use the new syntax.

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