Read Unicode Utf-8 File into Wstring

How to read UTF-16 file into wstring use wfstream

It's because the BOM has to be written/read in binary whereas the text is just done in text mode..

You can use something like this to close/reopen the file or else do it manually.. Otherwide you might have to use C++11 or WinAPI.. The idea is to read/write the bom in binary mode and then read/write the file in text mode. It works that way. I've tested it. Otherwise you're going to have to do conversions.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>

template<typename T, typename Traits = std::char_traits<T>>
class ModFStream
std::string filepath;
std::basic_fstream<T, Traits> stream;
std::ios_base::openmode mode;

ModFStream() : stream(), mode() {}
ModFStream(const std::string &FilePath, std::ios_base::openmode mode) : filepath(FilePath), stream(FilePath, mode), mode(mode) {}
~ModFStream() {}

inline std::basic_fstream<T, Traits>& get() {return stream;}

void setmode(std::ios::openmode mode)
stream.close();, mode);

template<typename U>
ModFStream& operator << (const U& other)
stream << other;
return *this;

template<typename U>
ModFStream& operator >> (U& other)
stream >> other;
return *this;

int main()
wchar_t bom[] = L"\xFF\xFE";
std::wstring str = L"Chào";

ModFStream<wchar_t> stream("C:/Users/Brandon/Desktop/UTF16Test.txt", std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
stream << bom;
stream.setmode(std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
stream << str;

stream.setmode(std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
stream >> bom[0] >> bom[1];

stream >> str;


You could write a WinAPI fstream simulator I guess..

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <locale>
#include <windows.h>

namespace win
template<typename T>
struct is_wide_char : std::false_type {};

struct is_wide_char<wchar_t> : std::true_type {};

enum class open_mode
app = 1L << 0,
ate = 1L << 1,
bin = 1L << 2,
in = 1L << 3,
out = 1L << 4,
trunc = 1L << 5

enum class seek_dir
beg = 1L << 0,
cur = 1L << 1,
end = 1L << 2

inline constexpr open_mode operator & (open_mode a, open_mode b) {return open_mode(static_cast<int>(a) & static_cast<int>(b));}
inline constexpr open_mode operator | (open_mode a, open_mode b) {return open_mode(static_cast<int>(a) | static_cast<int>(b));}
inline constexpr open_mode operator ^ (open_mode a, open_mode b) {return open_mode(static_cast<int>(a) ^ static_cast<int>(b));}
inline constexpr open_mode operator~(open_mode a) {return open_mode(~static_cast<int>(a));}
inline const open_mode& operator |= (open_mode& a, open_mode b) {return a = a | b;}
inline const open_mode& operator &= (open_mode& a, open_mode b) {return a = a & b;}
inline const open_mode& operator ^= (open_mode& a, open_mode b) {return a = a ^ b;}

template<typename T>
std::wstring to_wide_string(const T* str)
if (is_wide_char<T>::value)
return std::wstring(str);

std::wstring utf16 = std::wstring(std::mbstowcs(nullptr, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(str), 0), '\0');
std::mbstowcs(&utf16[0], reinterpret_cast<const char*>(str), utf16.size());
return utf16;

template<typename T>
class WinFStream
open_mode mode;
bool binary_mode = false;

WinFStream(const T* FilePath, open_mode mode = open_mode::in | open_mode::out) : mode(mode), hFile(nullptr), binary_mode(false)
unsigned int open_flags = 0;

if (static_cast<int>(mode & open_mode::bin))
binary_mode = true;

if (static_cast<int>(mode & open_mode::in))
open_flags |= GENERIC_READ;
else if (static_cast<int>(mode & open_mode::app))
open_flags |= FILE_APPEND_DATA;

if (static_cast<int>(mode & open_mode::out))
open_flags |= GENERIC_WRITE;

std::wstring path = to_wide_string(FilePath);
hFile = CreateFileW(path.c_str(), open_flags, 0, nullptr, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr);

if (static_cast<int>(mode & open_mode::ate))
SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, nullptr, FILE_END);

~WinFStream() {CloseHandle(hFile); hFile = nullptr;}

inline std::size_t seekg(std::size_t pos, seek_dir from)
return SetFilePointer(hFile, pos, nullptr, static_cast<int>(from) - 1);

inline std::size_t tellg()
return GetFileSize(hFile, nullptr);

void close()
hFile = nullptr;

template<typename U>
inline std::size_t write(const U* str, std::size_t size)
long unsigned int bytes_written = 0;
WriteFile(hFile, &str[0], size * sizeof(U), &bytes_written, nullptr);
return bytes_written;

template<typename U>
inline std::size_t read(U* str, std::size_t size)
long unsigned int bytes_read = 0;
ReadFile(hFile, &str[0], size * sizeof(U), &bytes_read, nullptr);
return bytes_read;

template<typename U>
WinFStream& operator << (const U &other)
this->write(&other, 1);
return *this;

template<typename U, std::size_t size>
WinFStream& operator << (U (&str)[size])
this->write(&str[0], size);
return *this;

template<typename U, typename Traits = std::char_traits<U>>
WinFStream& operator << (const std::basic_string<U, Traits>& str)
this->write(str.c_str(), str.size());
return *this;

template<typename U>
WinFStream& operator >> (U &other)
this->read(&other, 1);
return *this;

template<typename U, std::size_t size>
WinFStream& operator >> (U (&str)[size])
this->read(&str[0], size);
return *this;

template<typename U, typename Traits = std::char_traits<U>>
WinFStream& operator >> (std::basic_string<U, Traits>& str)
unsigned int i = 0;
std::vector<U> buffer(512, 0);

long unsigned int bytes_read = 0;
bool result = ReadFile(hFile, &buffer[i], sizeof(U), &bytes_read, nullptr);

if (std::isspace(buffer[i]) || buffer[i] == '\r' || buffer[i] == '\n')


if (bytes_read != sizeof(U) || !result)

str.append(buffer.begin(), buffer.begin() + i);
return *this;

typedef WinFStream<wchar_t> WinFStreamW;
typedef WinFStream<char> WinFStreamA;


using namespace win;

int main()
unsigned char bom[2] = {0XFF, 0xFE};
std::wstring str = L"Chào";

WinFStreamW File(L"C:/Users/Brandon/Desktop/UTF16Test.txt");
File << bom;
File << str;

File.seekg(0, win::seek_dir::beg);

std::wstring str2;


I know, it's dirty and doesn't work the exact same as fstream but it was worth my time "trying" to simulate it..

But again, my operator << and >> aren't "equivalent" to std::fstream's..

You're probably better off just using CreateFileW, ReadFile, WriteFile or re-opening the file in text mode after writing the bom in binary mode..

Read Unicode UTF-32 file into wstring

You may want to use a classic C++ pattern of allocating wifstream on the stack instead of the heap (new):

std::wifstream* file = new std::wifstream(name, ifstream::binary);
std::wifstream file(name, ifstream::binary);

For the codecvt part, I'd try with std::codecvt_utf16<char32_t>.

P.S. Note that wchar_t can have different sizes (16 bits, 32 bits) on different platforms. So it may be better for you to use std::u16string for UTF-16 and std::u32string for UTF-32.

Can I use wstring to read, parse, and emit utf-8?

Is wstring able to do utf-8?

C++ has standard functions (wstring_convert) that are able to convert between wstring and UTF-8 strings. There are also standard functions in both C and C++ (wcstombs, mbstowcs), that may be able to do the same with C-wstrings if your system has an appropriate locale. Most POSIX-is systems do, Windows-based ones normally don't (they have non-standard facilities for that). That's about all wstring and UTF-8 have to do with each other.

Is utf-8 even the thing I should be concerned with?

It depends. If you are living in 1980, or don't do any programming, then probably not. If you don't do any character-level processing, and only shuffle entire strings, you should also be fine. Just use char-based strings and don't worry about any fancy characters. It all should work more or less automaticaly.

If you do need character-level stuff (substrings, search, ...) you probably do need to be aware of UTF-8. It's probably wise to do all internal processing with either wchar_t or char32_t, and convert from or to UTF-8 upon I/O. (I would just say "use wchar_t" but alas, on Windows wchar_t is broken. You may still be able to get away with it, but no promises.)

If I have a u8"string" or L"string" which contains characters from multiple languages, how would I write this to file using only the C standard IO library?

You cannot do much about u8"string" in C. In C++, they are normal char-based strings and can be written as any other string, and do the right thing. (You may have to jump through some hoops on Windows, see _setmode and _O_U8TEXT docs). Thia is however of a minor importance. You nirmally don't need to have any fancy characters in string literals. All user-facing strings should be loaded from files.

With wchar_t based strings, you may or may not be able to output UTF-8 directly, depending on your OS and compiler. You can always convert to UTF-8 and output that.

If you are willing to use third-party libraries, consider using

Also read:

Confused about C++'s std::wstring, UTF-16, UTF-8 and displaying strings in a windows GUI

Windows from NT4 onwards is based on Unicode encoded strings, yes. Early versions were based on UCS-2, which is the predecessor of UTF-16, and thus does not support all of the characters that UTF-16 does. Later versions are based on UTF-16. Not all OSes are based on UTF-16/UCS-2, though. *nix systems, for instance, are based on UTF-8 instead.

UTF-8 is a very good choice for storing data persistently. It is a universally supported encoding in all Unicode environments, and it is a good balance between data size and loss-less data compatibility.

Yes, you would have to parse the XML, extract the necessary information from it, and decode and transform it into something the UI can use.

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