In Which Order Should Floats Be Added to Get the Most Precise Result

In which order should floats be added to get the most precise result?

Your instinct is basically right, sorting in ascending order (of magnitude) usually improves things somewhat. Consider the case where we're adding single-precision (32 bit) floats, and there are 1 billion values equal to 1 / (1 billion), and one value equal to 1. If the 1 comes first, then the sum will come to 1, since 1 + (1 / 1 billion) is 1 due to loss of precision. Each addition has no effect at all on the total.

If the small values come first, they will at least sum to something, although even then I have 2^30 of them, whereas after 2^25 or so I'm back in the situation where each one individually isn't affecting the total any more. So I'm still going to need more tricks.

That's an extreme case, but in general adding two values of similar magnitude is more accurate than adding two values of very different magnitudes, since you "discard" fewer bits of precision in the smaller value that way. By sorting the numbers, you group values of similar magnitude together, and by adding them in ascending order you give the small values a "chance" of cumulatively reaching the magnitude of the bigger numbers.

Still, if negative numbers are involved it's easy to "outwit" this approach. Consider three values to sum, {1, -1, 1 billionth}. The arithmetically correct sum is 1 billionth, but if my first addition involves the tiny value then my final sum will be 0. Of the 6 possible orders, only 2 are "correct" - {1, -1, 1 billionth} and {-1, 1, 1 billionth}. All 6 orders give results that are accurate at the scale of the largest-magnitude value in the input (0.0000001% out), but for 4 of them the result is inaccurate at the scale of the true solution (100% out). The particular problem you're solving will tell you whether the former is good enough or not.

In fact, you can play a lot more tricks than just adding them in sorted order. If you have lots of very small values, a middle number of middling values, and a small number of large values, then it might be most accurate to first add up all the small ones, then separately total the middling ones, add those two totals together then add the large ones. It's not at all trivial to find the most accurate combination of floating-point additions, but to cope with really bad cases you can keep a whole array of running totals at different magnitudes, add each new value to the total that best matches its magnitude, and when a running total starts to get too big for its magnitude, add it into the next total up and start a new one. Taken to its logical extreme, this process is equivalent to performing the sum in an arbitrary-precision type (so you'd do that). But given the simplistic choice of adding in ascending or descending order of magnitude, ascending is the better bet.

It does have some relation to real-world programming, since there are some cases where your calculation can go very badly wrong if you accidentally chop off a "heavy" tail consisting of a large number of values each of which is too small to individually affect the sum, or if you throw away too much precision from a lot of small values that individually only affect the last few bits of the sum. In cases where the tail is negligible anyway you probably don't care. For example if you're only adding together a small number of values in the first place and you're only using a few significant figures of the sum.

Floating-point arithmetic: why would order of addition matter?

Suppose you have a decimal floating-point type with three digits of precision. Not very realistic, but it makes for a simpler example.

Suppose you have three variables, a, b and c. Suppose a is 1000, b and c are both 14.

a + b would be 1014, rounded down to 1010. (a + b) + c would then be 1024, rounded down to 1020.

b + c would be 28. a + (b + c) would then be 1028, rounded up to 1030.

Why does changing the sum order returns a different result?

Maybe this question is stupid, but why does simply changing the order of the elements affects the result?

It will change the points at which the values are rounded, based on their magnitude. As an example of the kind of thing that we're seeing, let's pretend that instead of binary floating point, we were using a decimal floating point type with 4 significant digits, where each addition is performed at "infinite" precision and then rounded to the nearest representable number. Here are two sums:

1/3 + 2/3 + 2/3 = (0.3333 + 0.6667) + 0.6667
= 1.000 + 0.6667 (no rounding needed!)
= 1.667 (where 1.6667 is rounded to 1.667)

2/3 + 2/3 + 1/3 = (0.6667 + 0.6667) + 0.3333
= 1.333 + 0.3333 (where 1.3334 is rounded to 1.333)
= 1.666 (where 1.6663 is rounded to 1.666)

We don't even need non-integers for this to be a problem:

10000 + 1 - 10000 = (10000 + 1) - 10000
= 10000 - 10000 (where 10001 is rounded to 10000)
= 0

10000 - 10000 + 1 = (10000 - 10000) + 1
= 0 + 1
= 1

This demonstrates possibly more clearly that the important part is that we have a limited number of significant digits - not a limited number of decimal places. If we could always keep the same number of decimal places, then with addition and subtraction at least, we'd be fine (so long as the values didn't overflow). The problem is that when you get to bigger numbers, smaller information is lost - the 10001 being rounded to 10000 in this case. (This is an example of the problem that Eric Lippert noted in his answer.)

It's important to note that the values on the first line of the right hand side are the same in all cases - so although it's important to understand that your decimal numbers (23.53, 5.88, 17.64) won't be represented exactly as double values, that's only a problem because of the problems shown above.

PHP & Base 2. Which Floats give a precise Value?

Any multiple of 1/pow(x, 2) can be precisely represented as a float.

That means x/2, x/4, x/8, x/16 ...ect. can be accurately represented.

For more information on how floating point numbers are store see

Gmp is a good library for high precision math.

Is there any accuracy gain when casting to double and back when doing float division?

I am going to assume IEEE 754 binary floating point arithmetic, with float 32 bit and double 64 bit.

In general, there is no advantage to doing the calculation in double, and in some cases it may make things worse through doing two rounding steps.

Conversion from float to double is exact. For the infinite, NaN, or zero divisor inputs it makes no differences. Given a finite number result, the IEEE 754 standard requires the result to be the result of the real number division f1/f2, rounded to the type being using in the division.

If it is done as a float division that is the closest float to the exact result. If it is done as double division, it will be the closest double with an additional rounding step for the assignment to result.

For most inputs, the two will give the same answer. Any overflow or underflow that did not happen on the division because it was done in double will happen instead on the conversion.

For simple conversion, if the answer is very close to half way between two float values the two rounding steps may pick the wrong float. I had assumed this could also apply to division results. However, Pascal Cuoq, in a comment on this answer, has called attention to a very interesting paper, Innocuous Double Rounding of Basic Arithmetic
Operations by Pierre Roux, claiming proof that double rounding is harmless for several operations, including division, under conditions that are implied by the assumptions I made at the start of this answer.

Order-independent floating point summation

If your language has a high precision decimal type, such as Java's java.math.BigDecimal, use that to do the summation. Conversion from float or double to BigDecimal are exact. If you do not specify a MathContext that requires rounding BigDecimal addition is also exact. The final BigDecimal value will be the real number sum of the inputs, and real number addition is associative and commutative. The only rounding, and rounding error, will be on the conversion back to float, and that will be converting the same number regardless of input order.

This is similar to your accumulator idea, but taking advantage of an already tested data type and memory management that limits the size of the "accumulator".

private static float sum(float[] data) {
BigDecimal adder = new BigDecimal(0);
for(float f : data) {
adder = adder.add(new BigDecimal(f));
return adder.floatValue();

Integers and float precision

In the sum two floats, is there any precision lost?

If both floats have differing magnitude and both are using the complete precision range (of about 7 decimal digits) then yes, you will see some loss in the last places.


This is because floats are stored in the form of (sign) (mantissa) × 2(exponent). If two values have differing exponents and you add them, then the smaller value will get reduced to less digits in the mantissa (because it has to adapt to the larger exponent):

PS> [float]([float]0.0000001 + [float]1)

In the sum of a float and a integer, is there any precision lost?

Yes, a normal 32-bit integer is capable of representing values exactly which do not fit exactly into a float. A float can still store approximately the same number, but no longer exactly. Of course, this only applies to numbers that are large enough, i. e. longer than 24 bits.


Because float has 24 bits of precision and (32-bit) integers have 32. float will still be able to retain the magnitude and most of the significant digits, but the last places may likely differ:

PS> [float]2100000050 + [float]100

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