Pointers in C++ After Delete

Deleting Pointers

is dynamically creating a pointer, and then changing a pointer address to something else still deleting the original allocated space?

No. delete will deallocate the memory to which its operand points. You must delete the same block of memory that you obtained from new.

int c = 50;
int * q = new int;
int * r = q;
q = & c;
delete q; // WRONG! q points to something you didn't get from new
delete r; // OK! p points to the block you got from new

To be even more clear, delete doesn't care about what variable it operates on, it only cares about what that variable points to. In the last line above, r points to the block that was originally pointed to by q and allocated by new, so you can safely delete it. q points to statically allocated memory, not something you got from new, so you can't delete it.

Instead of changing where q points, though, you can copy the value you want into the space that q points to:

int c = 50;
int * q = new int;
*q = c;
delete q; // OK! q still points to the same place

Here you're changing the value stored in the location to which q points, but you're not changing q itself. q still points to the block you got from new, so it's safe to delete it.

C++ after delete pointer

int* ptr = new int(6); reserves some memory where ptr will be pointing to, that memory will be good to store one int, 6 or any other, it cannot be used to do anything else, you can reliably store the data there and access it later.

After you delete it you tell the system that the memory is available and the program can use it for whatever else it wants. ptr may still be pointing to the same address(the value of the pointer) and you can still print it, but that memory no longer belongs to ptr, accessing that memory through it (e.g.: dereferencing the pointer), amounts to undefined behavior.

The value of the pointer(which is the address it's pointing to) normally remains unchanged until you change it yourself.

A somewhat common practise is to assign nullptr to a pointer that doesn't point to any valid memory location, that way you can easily check if it can be dereferenced or not.

How to delete the data of a pointer in C?

You can't assume that memory returned from malloc is initialized to anything. It may be initialized to zero the first time, but you can't rely on that behavior.

You can call memset to clear the memory returned from malloc. Or consider using calloc, which zeros out the memory before returning the pointer to you.

In general programs only use memset or calloc if they really need the memory buffer to be initialized to zero. If you're just going to copy a string into it, you don't need to initialize it to zero first; you can just copy the string and (if necessary) append a '\0' to the end.

What happens to the pointer itself after delete?

The pointer itself does have an address and the value. The address of the pointer does not change after you perform delete on it. The space allocated to the pointer variable itself remains in place until your program releases it (which it might never do, e.g. when the pointer is in the static storage area). The standard does not say what happens to the value of the pointer; all it says is that you are no longer allowed to use that value until you assign your pointer a valid value. This state of the pointer is called dangling.

In your program, the pointer ptr is dangling after delete has completed, but before the ptr = NULL assignment is performed. After that it becomes a NULL pointer.

The pointer it self is placed on stack or heap?

Pointer variable is a regular variable. Its placement follows the same rules as the placement of other variables, i.e. you can put a pointer in a static area, in an automatic area (commonly known as "the stack") or in the dynamic memory (also known as "the heap"). In this case, you allocate a pointer to a pointer:

TheObject **ptrPtr = new TheObject*; // The pointer to a pointer is on the stack
*ptrPtr = new TheObject; // The pointer to TheObject is in the heap
delete *ptrPtr; // The space for TheObject is released; the space for the pointer to TheObject is not
delete ptrPtr; // Now the space for the pointer to TheObject is released as well
// The space for the pointer to pointer gets released when ptrPtr goes out of scope

Why pointer is not NULL after using delete in C++

It's because when you say delete p you're deleting a pointer to memory which completely erases the reference to the new memory you allocated. When you say if p==NULL you're checking to see if the pointer was set to null when in fact the memory that it was pointing to was de-allocated so the pointer isn't pointing to anything. Which doesn't mean the same as having it point to NULL in C++.

Is the pointer guaranteed to preserve its value after `delete` in C++?

No, it's not guaranteed and an implementation may legitimately assign zero to an lvalue operand to delete.

Bjarne Stroustrup had hoped that implementations would choose to do this, but not many do.


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