Passing Variable Number of Arguments with Different Type - C++

Passing variable number of arguments around

To pass the ellipses on, you initialize a va_list as usual and simply pass it to your second function. You don't use va_arg(). Specifically;

void format_string(char *fmt,va_list argptr, char *formatted_string);

void debug_print(int dbg_lvl, char *fmt, ...)
char formatted_string[MAX_FMT_SIZE];

va_list argptr;
format_string(fmt, argptr, formatted_string);
fprintf(stdout, "%s",formatted_string);

Variable number of arguments in C programmng

I want to use functions like sum(1,2,3) should return 6. i.e, no counter should be there

You could define a sentinel. In this case 0 might make sense.

/* Sums up as many int as required. 
Stops adding when seeing the 1st 0. */
int sum(int i, ...)
int s = i;

if (s)
va_list ap;

va_start(ap, i);

/* Pull the next int from the parameter list and if it is
equal 0 leave the while-loop: */
while ((i = va_arg(ap, int)))
s += i;


return s;

Call it like this:

int sum(int i, ...);

int main(void)
int s = sum(0); /* Gives 0. */

s = sum(1, 2, 3, 0); /* Gives 6. */
s = sum(-2, -1, 1, 2, 0); /* Gives 0. */
s = sum(1, 2, 3, 0, 4, 5, 6); /* Gives 6. */

s = sum(42); /* Gives undefined behaviour! */

The sum() function alternatively could also look like this (but would do one useless addition of 0):

/* Sums up as many int as required. 
Stops adding when seeing the 1st 0. */
int sum(int i, ...)
int s = i;

if (s)
va_list ap;

va_start(ap, i);

/* Pull the next int from the parameter list and if it is
equal 0 leave the do-loop: */
i = va_arg(ap, int);
s += i;
} while (i);


return s;

passing variable number of arguments

Here is an example:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int maxof(int, ...) ;
void f(void);

int main(void){

int maxof(int n_args, ...){
register int i;
int max, a;
va_list ap;

va_start(ap, n_args);
max = va_arg(ap, int);
for(i = 2; i <= n_args; i++) {
if((a = va_arg(ap, int)) > max)
max = a;

return max;

void f(void) {
int i = 5;
int j[256];
j[42] = 24;
printf("%d\n", maxof(3, i, j[42], 0));

c++ passing variable number of arguments to a function

With C++11 this is actually possible and I had a quite similar problem. Have a look at the following:

Generic template for calling function with vector elements

Passing variable arguments to another function that accepts a variable argument list

You can't do it directly; you have to create a function that takes a va_list:

#include <stdarg.h>

static void exampleV(int b, va_list args);

void exampleA(int a, int b, ...) // Renamed for consistency
va_list args;
do_something(a); // Use argument a somehow
va_start(args, b);
exampleV(b, args);

void exampleB(int b, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, b);
exampleV(b, args);

static void exampleV(int b, va_list args)
...whatever you planned to have exampleB do...
...except it calls neither va_start nor va_end...

C++11 variable number of arguments, same specific type

A possible solution is to make the parameter type a container that can be initialized by a brace initializer list, such as std::initializer_list<int> or std::vector<int>. For example:

#include <iostream>
#include <initializer_list>

void func(std::initializer_list<int> a_args)
for (auto i: a_args) std::cout << i << '\n';

int main()
func({4, 7});
func({4, 7, 12, 14});

Can you pass a varying number of arguments of the same type to a function without using arrays?

You can use a recursive template function.

#include <iostream>

template <typename First>
void f(First&& first) {
std::cout << first << std::endl;

template <typename First, typename... Rest>
void f(First&& first, Rest&&... rest) {

int main() {

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