Override Member Field in Derived Classes

Override member field in derived classes

The new b added in the derived class doesn't override base's b. It just hides it.

So, in the derived class you have two b and the virtual method prints corresponding b.

C++ Override base member value

B::foo is a completely separate member from A::foo. That is why initializing B::foo does not update A::foo. You would have to do something more like this instead:

int foo;
A(int value = 0) : foo(value) {}

class B : public A
B() : A(1) {}

int main()
A *a = new B();
std::cout << a->foo;
delete a;
return 0;

Override a data member in a C++ derived class

You could do something like this (but requires C++11):

#include <type_traits>

// A way to check for 'attr' data member presence/absence using SFINAE
template<class T> constexpr auto missing_attr(T) -> decltype(T::attr, bool())
return false;
constexpr bool missing_attr(...) { return true; }

struct Base { /* There might be (or not) a float data member 'attr' */ };

template<bool> struct Inject;
template<> struct Inject<true> { float attr = 0.0; };
template<> struct Inject<false> {};

struct Derived : public Base, protected Inject<missing_attr(Base())>
void do_something_with_attr()
// Derived has only one 'float attr' (it can be from Base or from Inject).
a *= a;

There are other ways to detect if a data member exists, e.g. the member detector idiom (C++03 compatible).

Overriding member variables in C++

You printed i via A's (the parent class's) print function. Your class has two is, and A's print only knows where to find one of them (the one from A). If you want to print B's i, it has to be done in a B method (that knows where to find it).

You could make a virtual accessor method on A that provides access to i, and have B override it, while A's print uses it (rather than direct accessing i), so it can see the i from B, but that's the best you'll get. It works because methods can be virtual (looked up dynamically based on runtime type), and if the accessor is virtual on A and overridden on B, the B method will be found when A's print calls it, and B's method sees the definitions in B.

C++ override a member variable

By declaring TSubclassof<AWeapon> ItemClass; in the derived class, you are basically hiding ItemClass in the base class. So, it will look like you "changed" the type, but you didn't, only in the derived class will you see the new type variable.

If you call a member function of the base class, which accesses ItemClass, it will use the "old" type variable.

If not, is it possible to hide a variable in a child class? i.e. I could hide ItemClass and create a new variable called WeaponClass.

That's possible, you could declare ItemClass as a private variable, so that the derived class doesn't have access to it. Then when you can create WeaponClass, without there being a ItemClass in the derived class.

How do I override a field in a base class with a property in a derived class?

You're trying to access the super's member as if it were a class attribute. Try with:

class Derived(Base):
def member(self):
print "intercepting getter"
return self._member

def member(self, value):
print "intercepting setter"
self._member = value

Override initial value of a member variable of base class

What is the correct way to implement the following?

Without meaning to sound difficult, it really depends on exactly what you want to achieve.

I'm going to make a guess that we're simply be asking an object what type it is, regardless of which interface we're calling on:

struct Base {
virtual ~Base() = default;

virtual const std::string id() const {
return "Base";

struct Derived : Base {
virtual const std::string id() const override {
return "Derived";

Here's another way:

struct Base {
virtual Base(std::string ident = "Base")
: _id(std::move(ident))

virtual ~Base() = default;

std::string& id() const {
return _id;

std::string _id;


struct Derived : Base {
Derived() : Base("Derived") {}

And another, using value is interface, but note that this will disable the assignment operator

struct Base {
virtual Base(std::string ident = "Base")
: id(std::move(ident))

virtual ~Base() = default;

const std::string id;


struct Derived : Base {
Derived() : Base("Derived") {}

This list is by no means exhaustive.

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