Nonstatic Member as a Default Argument of a Nonstatic Member Function

Nonstatic member as a default argument of a nonstatic member function

Your code (simplified):

struct X
int mem;
void f(int param = mem); //ERROR

You want to use a non-static member data as default value for a parameter of a member function. The first question which comes to mind is this : which specific instance of the class the default value mem belongs to?

X x1 = {100};  //mem = 100
X x2 = {200}; //mem = 200

x1.f(); //param is 100 or 200? or something else?

Your answer might be 100 as f() is invoked on the object x1 which has mem = 100. If so, then it requires the implementation to implement f() as:

void f(X* this, int param = this->mem);

which in turn requires the first argument to be initialized first before initialization of other argument. But the C++ standard doesn't specify any initialization order of the function arguments. Hence that isn't allowed. Its for the same reason that C++ Standard doesn't allow even this:

int f(int a, int b = a); //§8.3.6/9

In fact, §8.3.6/9 explicitly says,

Default arguments are evaluated each
time the function is called. The order
of evaluation of function arguments is
. Consequently, parameters
of a function shall not be used in
default argument expressions
, even if
they are not evaluated.

And rest of the section is an interesting read.

An interesting topic related to "default" arguments (not related to this topic though):

  • Default argument in the middle of parameter list?

Default arguments as non-static member variables

Overload Bar:

int Bar()
return x_ + y_;

int Bar(int x)
return x + y_;

int Bar(int x, int y)
return x + y;

Thanks to @Jarod42 for this improvement:

int Bar(int a, int b)
return a + b;

int Bar(int a)
return Bar(a, y_);

int Bar()
return Bar(x_, y_);

The real-world problem you're trying to solve is more likely to benefit from this refactoring than the original problem of summing two numbers. This behavior is more obviously identical to that you were hoping to achieve through default arguments.

c++ default parameters

You can't do that.

You can however have an overload for test that takes no parameters.

void test(){

C++11: Use non-static member function as default argument in class constructor

class Foo
using CallbackType = std::function<void(void)>;

Foo() : Foo([this]{defaultCallback();}) {}

explicit Foo(CallbackType callback) : _callback(callback) {}

void defaultCallback(void) {}

CallbackType _callback;

Using a non static value as default argument in a function

One relatively elegant way (in my opinion) would be to use std::optional to accept the argument, and if no argument was provided, use the default from the object:

class C {
const int N_; // Initialized in constructor
C(int x) :N_(x) {}

void foo(std::optional<int> x = std::nullopt) {
std::cout << x.value_or(N_) << std::endl;

int main() {
C c(7);;;

You can find the full explanation of what works/doesn't work in section 11.3.6 of the standard. Subsection 9 describes member access (excerpt):

A non-static member shall not appear in a default argument unless it
appears as the id-expressionof a class member access expression
( or unless it is used to form a pointer to member
([Example:The declaration of X::mem1()in the following example
is ill-formed because no object is supplied for the non-static
memberX::a used as an initializer.

int b;
class X {
int a;
int mem1(int i = a);// error: non-static memberaused as default argument
int mem2(int i = b);// OK; useX::b
static int b;

Non static members as default parameters in C++

How about :

class MyClass
CMyObject A,B;

void MyFunc()
void MyFunc(CMyObject &Object);


initializing default parameter with class member function/variable

The default argument is considered to be provided from the caller side context. It just doesn't know the object on which the non-static member function return5 could be called on.

You can make return5 a static member function, which doesn't require an object to be called on. E.g.

class C {
static int return5() { return 5; }
void f(int d = return5()) {

Or make another overload function as

class C {
int n{ 5 };
int return5() { return 5; }
void f(int d) {
void f() {
void ff(int d) {
void ff() {

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