Non Const Lvalue References

Non const lvalue references

That is because a temporary can not bind to a non-const reference.

double &m = a;

a is of type int and is being converted to double. So a temporary is created. Same is the case for user-defined types as well.

Foo &obj = Foo(); // You will see the same error message.

But in Visual Studio, it works fine because of a compiler extension enabled by default. But GCC will complain.

cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type 'Node&' to an rvalue of type 'const Node'

The problem is that the function delete_node has its first parameter as a reference to non-const Node while the function get_node returns a Node by value. This means that the call expression get_node(2, &node1) is an rvalue. But since, we cannot bind a reference to non-const Node to an rvalue of type Node, you get the mentioned error.

One way to solve this is to change the return type of get_node to Node& as shown below:

//--vvvvv------------------------------------------------>return type changed to Node&
Node& get_node(size_t position, Node *current_node){
//other code as before
return *current_node;

Why does this code give the error cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type ‘char*&’ to an rvalue of type ‘char*’

The reason is that the C++ standard doesn't allow non-const references to bind to temporaries, and std::string::data returns a pointer by value. Only const reference can do that, and prolong the life of the temporary object.

In your case you either need to make your reference const.

const auto& r =;

Or better, just create a variable that will store the pointer for you, as pointers are cheap to copy around.

const char* r =;

non-const lvalue reference to type '' cannot bind to a temporary of type ' *'

At least use the const qualifier

void addMyclass( const myclass& myclassobject){

Or overload the function like

void addMyclass(myclass&& myclassobject){

And instead of

mQueuetest->addMyclass(new myclass(...));



because the queue is declared as storing objects of the type myclass instead of pointers to objects.

queue<myclass>* mMyQueue = ...

Also it is unclear why you are using a pointer to std::queue as a data member.

queue<myclass>* mMyQueue = new queue<myclass>;

Just declare the data member like

queue<myclass> mMyQueue;

Here is a demonstrative program.

#include <iostream>
#include <queue>

struct myclass

class Queuetest
std::queue<myclass> mMyQueue;

void addMyclass( const myclass &myclassobject )
std::cout<< "void addMyclass( const myclass &myclassobject )\n";

void addMyclass( myclass &&myclassobject )
std::cout<< "void addMyclass( myclass &&myclassobject )\n";

int main()
Queuetest test;

test.addMyclass( myclass() );

myclass m;

test.addMyclass( m );

Its output is

oid addMyclass( myclass &&myclassobject )
void addMyclass( const myclass &myclassobject )

non-const lvalue reference to type ... cannot bind to a temporary of type

You can't.

The C++ standard does not allow the binding of an anonymous temporary to a reference, although some compilers allow it as an extension. (Binding to a const reference is allowed.)

Aside from the workaround you already have, if you can change the function to take const QImage& then that would be better.

non-const lvalue reference type _normal_iterator cannot bind a temporary of type _normal iterator in gcc

begin does not return a reference. It returns an iterator, which is itself an object, by value. Therefore player_hands.begin(); is a temporary. Temporaries can not be bound to non-const lvalue references.

What you can do is either of the following:

auto hand_it = player_hands.begin(); 

const auto& hand_it = player_hands.begin();

auto&& hand_it = player_hands.begin();

What you should use is the first case. Although the lifetime of the temporary will be extended in the other two cases, there is no need to use references at all. The second case also limits the usability, because it makes the iterator const, making it impossible to e.g. hand_it++.

The iterator object itself refers to an element of the container. There is no need for references. A reference to the container element is obtained from the iterator with the indirection operator: *hand_it

Visual C++ is non-compliant with the standard in allowing binding of temporaries to non-const lvalue references. You can use the /permissive- flag to make it compliant and issue an error message for this code.

non-const lvalue reference to type 'pair ... ' cannot bind to a temporary of type 'pair ... '

That's because try_emplace returns a pair<iterator, bool>, which is a temporary, NOT a reference to the inserted element. See description on cppreference

After emplacing, you could say

auto& elem = connections["test"];


auto [connection, inserted] = connections.try_emplace("test");
auto& elem = *connection;

for example, to get a reference to the element.

The first variant returns a reference to the actual value associated with the key test, whereas the second one returns a reference to the map element, which is a pair<const key_type, mapped_type>, i.e. the first version essentially returns second of said pair directly.

const auto& compiles because it is legal to declare a const reference to a temporary, but not a non-const lvalue reference.

I want to bind a a non-const lvalue reference to type T to a temporary of type T

You can define a auxiliary function, the "opposite" of std::move

template<typename T>
constexpr std::remove_reference_t<T> &stay(T &&t) { // perhaps "temporary" is a better name
return t;

In your case, the prvalue will materialize into an xvalue that binds to an rvalue reference, which lets us construct an lvalue referring to the same object.


As usual, the temporary lives until the end of the full-expression (to the semicolon), so this is safe (assuming swap doesn't try to save the reference somewhere).

error: cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type ‘Position&’ to an rvalue of type ‘Position’

Your update() is looking to take a Position by reference so that it can make modifications and have them percolate back to the object you're passing. However, tortoise->getCurrPos() returns a Position copy. If you want the changes in update() to affect your tortoise's Position member, you'll need to have getCurrPos() return its Position by reference.

Position Runner::getCurrPos() { 

Should become

Position& Runner::getCurrPos() { 

For more, you can read up at What is a reference variable in C++?

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