Member Function with Static Linkage

Member function with static linkage

The keyword static has several different meanings in C++, and the code you've written above uses them in two different ways.

In the context of member functions, static means "this member function does not have a receiver object. It's basically a normal function that's nested inside of the scope of the class."

In the context of function declarations, static means "this function is scoped only to this file and can't be called from other places."

When you implemented the function by writing

static void Foobar::do_something() {} // Error!

the compiler interpreted the static here to mean "I'm implementing this member function, and I want to make that function local just to this file." That's not allowed in C++ because it causes some confusion: if multiple different files all defined their own implementation of a member function and then declared them static to avoid collisions at linking, calling the same member function from different places would result in different behavior!

Fortunately, as you noted, there's an easy fix: just delete the static keyword from the definition:

void Foobar::do_something() {} // Should be good to go!

This is perfectly fine because the compiler already knows that do_something is a static member function, since you told it about that earlier on.

Static member functions error; How to properly write the signature?

I'm guessing you've done something like:

class Foo
static void Bar();


static void Foo::Bar()

The "static void Foo::Bar" is incorrect. You don't need the second "static".

Why can static member function definitions not have the keyword 'static'?

There's ambiguity alright. The same definition need not be for a member function at all.

Consider this:

namespace foo {
static void bar();

static void foo::bar() {


foo::bar is required to be defined with the same linkage specifier.

For member functions, however, static is not a linkage specifier. If it was allowed, the correctness of the definition of foo::bar will be very very context dependent on what foo is. Disallowing static in fact eases the burden on the compiler.

Extending it to members in general, as opposed to just member functions, is a matter of consistency.

Declaring a static member with static linkage

If the goal is just to not have to create a .cpp file, the
simplest solution would probably be to wrap the static data
member in an inline static member function. In other words,
something like:

struct Transport
static ServiceType& service()
static ServiceType theData;
return theData;

Of course, you'll have to use the syntax service(), rather
than just service, to access it.

Why can a static member function only be declared static inside the class definition and not also in its own definition?

Your class definition (in the header file) will provide the function with whatever propreties are necessary :

  • static
  • inlined
  • virtual

Considering that every further object will look at your class definition using the .h then it makes sense that these properties to be defined there.

Furthermore, each function from the class will mentain it's property in the derived classes (for example you need to declare the destructor virtual only in your base class, every subsequent inheritance will take the destructor as virtual).

It makes no sense to redeclare these properties in your implementation body .

Having to declare function proprieties in both .h and .cpp files would actually lead to allot of problems.
Imagine this scenario : you declare a function as virtual in a .h file, and as static in the .cpp file. What will the compiler make that function ? virtual or static ? (or more likely a compile error , but the compiler error will just urge you to match in your .cpp file the declaration in the header. You cannot overload a function according to "static" or "virtual").

static member function with C language binding?

C++11 7.5/4 "Linkage specifications"

A C language linkage is ignored in determining the language linkage of
the names of class members and the function type of class member

So your example is valid in the sense that it's not malformed or an error, but the extern "C" should have no effect on S::foo() or T::foo().

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