Libzip with Visual Studio 2010

libzip with Visual Studio 2010


Before starting on the answer provided here, it appears that this may no longer be an issue going by @Thomas Klausner's answer below.

The following should get you a VS10 solution:

  1. If you've not already done so, install CMake

  2. Download and extract zlib to e.g. C:\devel. The download links are about halfway down the homepage. Currently this provides zlib version 1.2.7.

    • To work around this CMake bug which affects 64-bit Windows only, add

      set_target_properties(zlibstatic PROPERTIES STATIC_LIBRARY_FLAGS "/machine:x64")

      to the end of C:\devel\zlib-1.2.7\CMakeLists.txt

  3. Download and extract libzip to e.g. C:\devel

  4. In a VS10 command prompt, cd C:\devel\zlib-1.2.7

  5. mkdir build && cd build

  6. cmake .. -G"Visual Studio 10" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="C:\devel\installed\zlib" This sets the install path to C:\devel\installed\zlib rather than the default C:\Program Files\zlib. For 64-bit Windows, use "Visual Studio 10 Win64" as the -G parameter.

  7. msbuild /P:Configuration=Debug INSTALL.vcxproj

  8. msbuild /P:Configuration=Release INSTALL.vcxproj

  9. cd C:\devel\libzip-0.10.1

  10. mkdir build && cd build

  11. cmake .. -G"Visual Studio 10" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="C:\devel\installed\zlib" Set the path to wherever you installed zlib so that CMake can find zlib's include files and libs. Again, for 64-bit Windows, use "Visual Studio 10 Win64" as the -G parameter.

This should result in C:\devel\libzip-0.10.1\build\libzip.sln. It looks like there are a few POSIX-specific problems in the code, but they should hopefully be fairly easy to resolve (e.g. in zipconf.h #include <inttypes.h> needs replaced with #include <stdint.h>; there are some snprintf calls needing replaced e.g. with _snprintf).

Static libpng link with visual studio 2010

To make all your libraries static, you would have to recompile everything "from scratch" as static libraries.

This simply means you should create a set of projects for each library you have in your sequence and set the output type to static library.

After that you should eliminate library dependencies between the libraries themselves (this means you should link the output of some projects to another projects, e.g. if your "libpng" library uses "libzip", it means you should first compile the "libzip" and link that output (static library) to your "libpng" project.

In the very end you would have a big set of static libraries compiled for your platform, which you can use in your projects.

Also to mention, try googling more carefully. I'm sure someone has this done and you would probably need to download a package of .lib files for your platform (I know that very often the "dev" bundle of libraries only includes an import library paired with appropriate .dll file, but there are a lot of enthusiasts like you :)

Extract files from zip

zLib is your best bet. It can be found here: zLib website.

Look in the contrib\vstudio folder for the visual studio projects. The easiest way to use it, is via minizip, located in the contrib\minizip folder.

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