Making My Own Photo-Mosaic App with Qt Using C++

Making my own photo-mosaic app with Qt using C++

Below is a self contained sketch. The mosaicing algorithm is mid-way through the algorithms implemented in an excellent reference. It works well enough for two hours of work, I think. I tried for the code to be reasonably correct, with two caveats, left, as they say, as an exercise to the reader.

  1. I'm not tracking the worker threads - if you try to exit the application while workers are active, it is expected to crash on exit. This is not nice, but otherwise benign and doesn't affect the overall functionality. There may be a few corrupt images left on disk, but those should be ignored when reloading.

  2. There is no scaling of the image displayed in the label. The window will resize to the image size.

The tile image database can be filled with random images from imgur, you can also fill it with your own images by storing them on disk yourself. It's located in a standard application data path suffixed by /so-photomosaic/image. The fetched images are added there. Upon startup, the image database is repopulated from disk in the background - that's how your own tile images would be loaded. In fact, all of image processing is done in non-GUI threads. On a rather unassuming 5 year old Core 2 OS X system, disk image loading proceeds at about 5000 images/s. The images requested from imgur are their small size, or 90x90.

The tile matching is done with a 4x4 subdivision grid (divs parameter to calcPropsFor). The images are downsampled to a 4x4 mosaic, and the RGB color values of consecutive pixels in that grid are stored in Props vectors. The squared sums of differences of elements of those vectors are the measure of fit. For each tile to be replaced, the images are sorted according to their fit, and one of the best ones are picked up at random. The randomness parameter is a power-of-to of the sample size from which the image is randomly selected.

It uses Qt 5 and C++11. Length: 300 lines, out of which 64 are the random image source, 25 are the disk image database, and 88 are actually to do with mosaics. The image processing code would probably look and perform better if OpenCV or Eigen was used instead of valarray/QImage, but oh well.

Also, all of this would be probably 50 lines in Mathematica :)


# Make sure to re-run quake once this is set.
QT += widgets network concurrent
CONFIG += c++11
SOURCES += main.cpp
TARGET = photomosaic
#include <QApplication>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QSlider>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QBoxLayout>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QImage>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QColor>
#include <QAtomicInt>
#include <QMutex>
#include <QtConcurrent>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <valarray>

/// Provides random images. There may be more than one response per request.
class RandomImageSource : public QObject {
int m_parallelism;
bool m_auto;
QNetworkAccessManager m_mgr;
QSet<QNetworkReply*> m_replies;
QList<QUrl> m_deferred;
QRegularExpression m_imgTagRE, m_imgUrlRE;
QUrl m_randomGallery;
void get(const QUrl & url) {
if (m_replies.count() < m_parallelism) {
QNetworkRequest req(url);
req.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpPipeliningAllowedAttribute, true);
} else
m_deferred << url;
void finishReply(QNetworkReply * reply) {
if (reply) reply->deleteLater();
if (! m_deferred.isEmpty()) get(m_deferred.takeLast());
while (m_deferred.isEmpty() && m_auto) get(m_randomGallery);
Q_SLOT void rsp(QNetworkReply * reply) {
auto loc = reply->header(QNetworkRequest::LocationHeader);
if (loc.isValid()) {
get(loc.toUrl()); // redirect
} else {
auto ct = reply->header(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader).toString();
if (ct.startsWith("text/html"))
foreach (QUrl url, parseImageUrls(reply->readAll()))
else if (ct.startsWith("image")) {
auto img = QImage::fromData(reply->readAll());
img.setText("filename", m_imgUrlRE.match(reply->url().toString()).captured(1));
if (!img.isNull()) emit rspImage(img);
QList<QUrl> parseImageUrls(const QByteArray & html) {
QList<QUrl> urls;
auto it = m_imgTagRE.globalMatch(QString::fromUtf8(html));
while (it.hasNext()) { auto match =; // get small images
urls << QUrl("http:" + match.captured(1) + "s" + match.captured(2)); }
return urls;
RandomImageSource(QObject * parent = 0) : QObject (parent),
m_parallelism(20), m_auto(false),
m_imgTagRE("<img src=\"(//i\\.imgur\\.com/[^.]+)(\\.[^\"]+)\""),
connect(&m_mgr, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), SLOT(rsp(QNetworkReply*)));
Q_SLOT void reqImages(int count) {
while (count--) get(m_randomGallery);
Q_SIGNAL void rspImage(const QImage &);
bool automatic() const { return m_auto; }
Q_SLOT void setAutomatic(bool a) { if ((m_auto = a)) finishReply(0); }
int parallelism() const { return m_parallelism; }
Q_SLOT void setParallelism(int p) { m_parallelism = p; if (m_auto) finishReply(0); }

/// Stores images on disk, and loads them in the background.
class ImageStorage : public QObject {
QString const m_path;
ImageStorage() :
+ "/images/")
{ QDir().mkpath(m_path); }
Q_SLOT void addImage(const QImage & img) {
QString path = img.text("filename");
if (path.isEmpty()) return;
QtConcurrent::run([img, path]{; });
Q_SLOT void retrieveAll() {
QString const path = m_path;
QtConcurrent::run([this, path] {
QStringList const images = QDir(path).entryList(QDir::Files);
foreach (QString image, images) QtConcurrent::run([this, image, path] {
QImage img; if (img.load(path + image)) emit retrieved(img);
Q_SIGNAL void retrieved(const QImage &);

/// A memory database of images. Finds best match to a given image.
class ImageDatabase : public QObject {
typedef std::valarray<qreal> Props;
typedef QPair<QImage, Props> ImageProps;
QMutex mutable m_mutex;
QList<ImageProps> m_images;
static void inline addProps(Props & p, int i, QRgb rgb) {
QColor const c = QColor::fromRgb(rgb);
p[i+0] += c.redF(); p[i+1] += c.greenF(); p[i+2] += c.blueF();
static Props calcPropsFor(const QImage & img, int divs = 4) {
Props props(0.0, 3 * divs * divs);
std::valarray<int> counts(0, divs * divs);
QSize div = img.size() / divs;
for (int y = 0; y < img.height(); ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < img.width(); ++x) {
int slice = x/div.width() + (y*divs/div.height());
if (slice >= divs*divs) continue;
addProps(props, slice*3, img.pixel(x, y));
counts[slice] ++;
for (size_t i = 0; i < props.size(); ++i) props[i] /= counts[i/3];
return props;
Q_SIGNAL void newImageCount(int);
Q_SLOT void addImage(const QImage & img) {
QtConcurrent::run([this, img]{
Props props = calcPropsFor(img);
QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex);
m_images << qMakePair(img, props);
int count = m_images.count();
emit newImageCount(count);
ImageProps bestMatchFor(const QImage & img, int randLog2) const {
QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex);
QList<ImageProps> const images = m_images;
Props const props = calcPropsFor(img);
typedef QPair<qreal, const ImageProps *> Match;
QList<Match> matches; matches.reserve(images.size());
std::transform(images.begin(), images.end(), std::back_inserter(matches),
[props](const ImageProps & prop){
return qMakePair(pow(props - prop.second, 2).sum(), &prop);
std::sort(matches.begin(), matches.end(),
[](Match a, Match b) { return b.first < a.first; });
randLog2 = 1<<randLog2;
return *(matches.end()-randLog2+qrand()%randLog2)->second;

QImage getMosaic(QImage img, const ImageDatabase & db, int size, int randLog2)
QPainter p(&img);
for (int y = 0; y < img.height(); y += size)
for (int x = 0; x < img.width(); x += size) {
QImage r = db.bestMatchFor(img.copy(x, y, size, size), randLog2).first
.scaled(size, size, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
p.drawImage(x, y, r);
return img;

class MosaicGenerator : public QObject {
QPointer<ImageDatabase> m_db;
int m_size, m_randLog2;
QAtomicInt m_busy;
QImage m_image;
void update() {
if (m_image.isNull() || m_busy.fetchAndAddOrdered(1)) return;
QImage image = m_image;
QtConcurrent::run([this, image]{ while (true) {
emit hasMosaic(getMosaic(image, *m_db, m_size, m_randLog2));
if (m_busy.testAndSetOrdered(1, 0)) return;
MosaicGenerator(ImageDatabase * db) : m_db(db), m_size(16), m_randLog2(0) {}
Q_SLOT void setImage(const QImage & img) { m_image = img; update(); }
Q_SLOT void setSize(int s) { m_size = s; update(); }
Q_SLOT void setRandLog2(int r) { m_randLog2 = r; update(); }
Q_SIGNAL void hasMosaic(const QImage &);

class Window : public QWidget {
bool m_showSource;
QImage m_source, m_mosaic;
QBoxLayout m_layout;
QSlider m_parallelism, m_cellSize, m_randomness;
QLabel m_imgCount, m_parCount, m_image;
QPushButton m_add, m_load, m_toggle;
MosaicGenerator m_gen;
Q_SIGNAL void newSource(const QImage &);
void updateImage() {
const QImage & img = m_showSource ? m_source : m_mosaic;
Window(ImageDatabase * db, QWidget * parent = 0) : QWidget(parent),
m_showSource(true), m_layout(QBoxLayout::TopToBottom, this),
m_parallelism(Qt::Horizontal), m_cellSize(Qt::Horizontal),
m_randomness(Qt::Horizontal), m_add("Fetch Images"),
m_load("Open for Mosaic"), m_toggle("Toggle Mosaic"), m_gen(db)
QBoxLayout * row = new QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout::LeftToRight);
row->addWidget(new QLabel("Images in DB:"));
row->addWidget(new QLabel("Fetch parallelism:"));
m_parallelism.setRange(1, 100);
row = new QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout::LeftToRight);
row->addWidget(new QLabel("Cell Size:"));
row->addWidget(new QLabel("Randomness:"));
m_cellSize.setRange(4, 64); m_cellSize.setTracking(false);
m_randomness.setRange(0,6); m_randomness.setTracking(false);
row = new QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout::LeftToRight);
m_parCount.connect(&m_parallelism, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(setNum(int)));
connect(&m_add, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SIGNAL(reqAutoFetch(bool)));
connect(&m_parallelism, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SIGNAL(reqParallelism(int)));
m_gen.connect(&m_cellSize, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(setSize(int)));
m_gen.connect(&m_randomness, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(setRandLog2(int)));
connect(&m_load, &QPushButton::clicked, [this]{
QString file = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this);
QtConcurrent::run([this, file]{
QImage img; if (!img.load(file)) return;
emit newSource(img);
connect(this, &Window::newSource, [this](const QImage &img){
m_source = m_mosaic = img; updateImage(); m_gen.setImage(m_source);
connect(&m_gen, &MosaicGenerator::hasMosaic, [this](const QImage &img){
m_mosaic = img; updateImage();
connect(&m_toggle, &QPushButton::clicked, [this]{
m_showSource = !m_showSource; updateImage();
Q_SLOT void setImageCount(int n) { m_imgCount.setNum(n); }
Q_SIGNAL void reqAutoFetch(bool);
Q_SIGNAL void reqParallelism(int);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
RandomImageSource src;
ImageDatabase db;
ImageStorage stg;
Window ui(&db);
db.connect(&src, SIGNAL(rspImage(QImage)), SLOT(addImage(QImage)));
stg.connect(&src, SIGNAL(rspImage(QImage)), SLOT(addImage(QImage)));
db.connect(&stg, SIGNAL(retrieved(QImage)), SLOT(addImage(QImage)));
ui.connect(&db, SIGNAL(newImageCount(int)), SLOT(setImageCount(int)));
src.connect(&ui, SIGNAL(reqAutoFetch(bool)), SLOT(setAutomatic(bool)));
src.connect(&ui, SIGNAL(reqParallelism(int)), SLOT(setParallelism(int)));
return a.exec();

#include "main.moc"

How can I do this (photo mosaic)?

You can do this by making a GUI-program in Matlab. So fare, you have to implement some functions like these:

function handles = loadImage(handles)

function resizeThumbs(path,thumbSize)

function handles = loadThumbs(handles)

function handles = genMosaic(handles)

If you have further questions ask.

Win 32 API in Qt

Can I use these functions - CreateFile, ReadFile and DeviceIOControl in my Qt code directly if I include Windows.h ?


How about about Win API functions used for concurrency, like WaitForSingleObject and Mutex? What part of Win API is/is not available in Qt?

You can use any part of the Win API.

Is there a standard mechanism for converting MFC code to Qt?

There is no standard mechanism. However, for the aforementioned functionality, you really want to look into the Qt alternatives, like QMutex, etc.

Also, you would need to consider whether the conversion is worth it. After all, Qt will use the Windows API on Windows in the background.

Assuming you wish to make your code cross-platform, you would really like to migrate away from the direct Windows API usage, otherwise your code will end up full of compilation-time preprocessor directives.

Is this a decent structure for a multithreaded videocoacher program?

Performance-wise, the best approach is not to deal with threads directly at all, but use QtConcurrent::run. It is safe to paint QImages that are simply passed via signals to a GUI object to display. I wrote a complete example demonstrating that approach. It leads to some very concise and easy-to-understand code thanks to related code being adjacent.

If you do want to use explicit threads, it will be much easier not to derive from QThread, but to simply move various worker objects into their threads, and have them communicate via signals and slots. I have a complete example for that approach as well.

How can I set text of label when a function is running?

The reason the label isn't seen to update is that the main thread, which updates the GUI, is busy in your for loop and not getting time to process events which, amongst other things, causes the GUI widgets to be redrawn.

While you could use QApplication::processEvents, this is not ideal, especially if many events are received during the processing of your function.

The proper way to handle this is to create a separate thread (QThread) and an object, derived from QObject, which will do work while sending messages to the main (GUI) thread to update the label.

Rather than repeating the code, I suggest you read this article on how to use QThread properly. It's not that difficult.

Then you would change your function, which is now in the object on the 2nd thread, to something like this: -

for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) 
// calling UpdateLabel signal, which connects to an object on the main thread

Assuming the signal from the Worker class has been connected to a slot in an object on the main thread, such as QMainWindow, you'd receive the text in the slot and update the label: -

void QMainWindow::UpdateLabel(const QString text)

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