How to Correctly Initialize Member Variable of Template Type

How to correctly initialize member variable of template type?

Like so:

T a{};

Pre-C++11, this was the simplest approximation:

T a = T();

But it requires T be copyable (though the copy is certainly going to be elided).

How do I initialize template type variables?

If T can only be a primitive type (int, float, etc.), I don't think there's any difference; in all cases, the compiler will perform the relevant conversion (and will probably perform the substitution at compile-time).

If T is a user-defined type, then obviously these won't compile, unless it has the appropriate constructors defined. At which point, it may make a difference (e.g. if you have both T::T(int) and T::T(double) defined).

How to initialize to zero/NULL in a template

Use Value Initialization:

T A = T(); // before C++11

T A{}; // C++11 and later

The effects of value initialization are:

1) if T is a class type with at least one user-provided constructor of any kind, the default constructor is called;

(until C++11)

1) if T is a class type with no default constructor or with a user-provided or deleted default constructor, the object is default-initialized;

(since C++11)

2) if T is an non-union class type without any user-provided constructors, every non-static data member and base-class component of T is value-initialized;

(until C++11)

2) if T is a class type with a default constructor that is neither user-provided nor deleted (that is, it may be a class with an implicitly-defined or defaulted default constructor), the object is zero-initialized and then it is default-initialized if it has a non-trivial default constructor;

(since C++11)

3) if T is an array type, each element of the array is value-initialized;

4) otherwise, the object is zero-initialized.

Unable to initialize a template variable inside a class, why?

Add missing static. Then, either move variable definitions to namespace scope:

class foo
template <class T> struct null_string { static const std::string value; };
template <class T> static std::string const null_str;

template <class T> const std::string foo::null_string<T>::value = "";
template <class T> std::string const foo::null_str = foo::null_string<const T&>::value;

Or make them inline:

class foo
template <class T> struct null_string { inline static const std::string value = ""; };
template <class T> inline static const std::string null_str = foo::null_string<const T&>::value;

Initialization list template variable

How am I supposed to initialize the def_value correctly?

Simply like e.g. this:

myClass(): arr(nullptr), size(0), capacity(0), def_value() {};
// ^^^^^^^^^^^

or this:

myClass(): arr(nullptr), size(0), capacity(0), def_value{} {};
// ^^^^^^^^^^^

How to initialise vector member variable in constructor of class template

If the intent is for the vector to have an initial size of numPeripherals elements, then use

PeripheralSystem(uint32_t numPeripherals = 0) : peripherals(numPeripherals) {};

Now peripherals will have numPeripherals value-initialized (which is default initialization if T is a class type) instances of T.

Static member initialization in a template class

Maybe simpler

template<class T, class V>
bool fraction<T, V>::auto_reduce = true;

When you write

template<class T, class = typename enable_if<is_any_integral<T>::value>::type>
class fraction

you say that fraction is a class with two type template paramenters; the std::enable_if if part is useful to assign a default value to the second parameter (and to permit the enable/not enable SFINAE works) but fraction is and remain a template class with two parameters, you have to cite both and there is no need to repeat the enable/not enable/default part for second parameter initializing auto_reduce.

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