How to Clear a Stringstream Variable

How do you clear a stringstream variable?

For all the standard library types the member function empty() is a query, not a command, i.e. it means "are you empty?" not "please throw away your contents".

The clear() member function is inherited from ios and is used to clear the error state of the stream, e.g. if a file stream has the error state set to eofbit (end-of-file), then calling clear() will set the error state back to goodbit (no error).

For clearing the contents of a stringstream, using:


is correct, although using:


is technically more efficient, because you avoid invoking the std::string constructor that takes const char*. But any compiler these days should be able to generate the same code in both cases - so I would just go with whatever is more readable.

How to clear stringstream?

Typically to 'reset' a stringstream you need to both reset the underlying sequence to an empty string with str and to clear any fail and eof flags with clear.

parser.str( std::string() );

Typically what happens is that the first >> reaches the end of the string and sets the eof bit, although it successfully parses the first short. Operations on the stream after this immediately fail because the stream's eof bit is still set.

Best way to empty stringstream?

I've always done:

s.clear();//clear any bits set

@litb gets into more detail about how to seekp to the start of the stream combined with std::ends you can keep your allocated size.

resetting a stringstream

This is the way I usually do it:

ss.clear(); // Clear state flags.

Why do I need to clear a stringstream variable with each iteration of a loop in which it is used

The rationale behind this is that creating heavy objects inside of the loop leads to performance degradation. ::std::stringstream is one of these objects and it's a common mistake to create and destroy string streams all the time. However such a rule does not apply for light objects, such as primitive types.

Consider the test case:

#include <chrono>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

int main()
using namespace std;
using namespace chrono;

auto const loops_count{1000000};
auto const p1{high_resolution_clock::now()};
stringstream ss{};
for(auto i{loops_count}; 0 != i; --i)
ss.str(string{}); // clear
ss << 1;
auto const p2{high_resolution_clock::now()};
for(auto i{loops_count}; 0 != i; --i)
stringstream ss{}; // recreate
ss << 1;
auto const p3{high_resolution_clock::now()};
cout << duration_cast< milliseconds >(p2 - p1).count() << "ms "
<< duration_cast< milliseconds >(p3 - p2).count() << "ms"
<< endl;

first loop 35ms, second 431ms

how to clear the content in the String stream.?

What you're doing is clearing the string that is returned from the stringstream, not the internal string. You'll have to actually do the ss.str("")

See here:
How do you clear a stringstream variable?

How to properly empty stringstream buffer?

The problem you are having is that calling buffer.str("") doesn't reset the stream state flags so if a previous operation failed or reached the end of the stream no other reads will succeed. The following should fix the issue:


Your code seems unnecessarily convoluted. If all you are trying to do is convert dates to and from strings I recommend using Howard Hinnant's date library which is now also part of c++20.

Clear and reuse a stringstream for multiple conversions

You can call the str(s) method to initialize an std::istringstream to a new string. You should use std::istringstream if all you're doing is converting from a string.

If the previous conversion resulted in an error you will also need clear(), to clear its error state.

So your example would be:

istringstream ss(hour);
ss >> i_hour;
ss >> i_minute;

Using .clear() in string streams (C++)

After you do inSS >> userAge; the first time, that involves trying to read past the end of the string, since it had to see if there was another digit after the last digit of the age.

This means the eofbit is set on the stream, which means future extractions will fail due to the stream being in an end-of-file state. The clear() call clears this state.

You should find that if you provide an input string the first time around that can extract userAge without hitting the end (e.g. joe shmo 23 foo) then the clear() call is not necessary (but it's still good practice).

BTW it would be good practice to test if (!inSS) to check for errors after inSS >> userAge otherwise you go on to output "garbage" values in the form of whatever values the variables already had, since the read attempt failed.

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