How to Link to a Library With Code::Blocks

How do I link to a library with Code::Blocks?

The gdi32 library is already installed on your computer, few programs will run without it. Your compiler will (if installed properly) normally come with an import library, which is what the linker uses to make a binding between your program and the file in the system. (In the unlikely case that your compiler does not come with import libraries for the system libs, you will need to download the Microsoft Windows Platform SDK.)

To link with gdi32:

Sample Image

This will reliably work with MinGW-gcc for all system libraries (it should work if you use any other compiler too, but I can't talk about things I've not tried). You can also write the library's full name, but writing libgdi32.a has no advantage over gdi32 other than being more type work.

If it does not work for some reason, you may have to provide a different name (for example the library is named gdi32.lib for MSVC).

For libraries in some odd locations or project subfolders, you will need to provide a proper pathname (click on the "..." button for a file select dialog).

How do I link math library to my compiler in codeblocks?

You need to link math library while compiling your program like this:

gcc test.c -lm

Here is a good explanation why is it necessary for <math.h>.

Link the static system library libm.a in Code::Blocks

i fix it like this
Sample Image

use the command int the other linker option directly

How do I link a library to my project in CodeBlocks & GCC without adding the library source to my project

First you have to have the library installed on your machine, already compiled into a static or dynamic library file. You can install from source, or you may find a pre-built package available for your OS (depending on which OS you are using). You will need to know the name of the library.

In the case of hashlib++ they have provided instructions to build a static library from source in their README; see section 3.2.

In most cases, dynamic linking is the best choice. This means that the library is linked with the library at run time, instead of adding the library to your executable when it is compiled (which would make your executable file much larger).

Unfortunately, according to their README.txt, hashlib is only available as a static lib, which limits your choices.

When compiling a program on the command line using gcc, the '-l' option links in a library:

gcc -o MyProg -lhl++ MyProg.c

When using an IDE like Code::Blocks, you normally have to specify the libraries to be linked. See this answer for details on how to do this with Code::Blocks.

CodeBlocks External Library Management

You should be able to, if all your header files are in one directory, include the directory in the global settings. Every project will then look there for the file.

code::blocks -> settings -> compiler settings -> global compiler settings -> compiler settings tab -> other options tab -> write "-I the/string/to/ your/directories" and -> OK

this makes all projects link to this directory. If you place your headers there, you should be good to go



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