How to Check If a File Is Still Being Written

Checking if file is completely written

Does the producer process close the file when its finished writing? If so, trying to open the file in the consumer process with an exclusive lock will fail if the producer process is still producing.

PHP, check if the file is being written to/updated by PHP script?

To check if the file is currently being written, you can use filectime() function to get the actual time the file is being written.

You can get current timestamp on top of your script in a variable and whenever you need to access the file, you can compare the current timestamp with the filectime() of that file, if file creation time is latest then the scenario occured when you have to wait for that file to be written and you can log that in database or another file.

To prevent this scenario from happening, you can change the script which is writing the file so that, it first creates temporary file and once it's done you just replace (move or rename) the temporary file with original file, this action would require very less time compared to file writing and make the scenario occurrence very rare possibility.

Even if read and replace operation occurs simultaneously, the time the read script has to wait will be very less.

How to identify if file is still written or completed through linux script

You are making the common mistake of assuming that [ is part of the if command's syntax; but it's not: [ is just another command. The syntax for an if statement is

if commands; then
: what to do if the exit code from commands was 0
: what to do if not

where commands can be an arbitrarily complex sequence of commands, and the exit code from the last command in the sequence decides which branch to take; and the else branch is optional.

As a minimal fix, change to

    # use modern $(command substitution) syntax
# instead of obsolescent `command substitution`;
# always quote variables with file names
f1=$(basename "$file")
# Remove [ and switch to grep -q;
# add -F to grep flags for literal matching
if ! lsof | grep -Fq "$f1"; then

Anyway, what about something like this instead?

find $(lsof |
awk 'NR==FNR { if ($9 ~ /^\/home\/test\//) a[$9]++; next }
FNR == 1 {
if (! (FILENAME in a)) print FILENAME;
next }' - /home/test/*abc_YYYYMMDDhhmmss*) \
-type f -mmin +2 -exec sh -c '
for file; do
mv "$file" "${file}_Complete"
done' _ {} +

This is pretty complex, but here's a rundown.

  • lsof | awk ... prints out the files which are not open from the wildcard matches.
    • This assumes that the files are regular text files - some Awk variants have trouble with binary input files. It would probably not be too hard to refactor this to avoid this constraint if it's proplematic.
    • In some more detail, the first argument to Awk is - i.e. standard input, which reads the pipe from lsof. The condition NR==FNR is true for the first input file; we simply collect the open files into the associative array a. Then the second condition prints the name of the current input file if it's not in the array; this is executed for the remaining input files, i.e. those which match the wildcard.
  • This is passed as the paths for find to examine; it will look for any files modified in the last two minutes, and pass the result to the command in -exec.
  • The simple shell script in -exec should be easy to understand. find passes the found files as command-line arguments, but sh -c fills them from $0 so we pass in a dummy _ to push the file names into $1, $2 etc which is what for loops over if you don't give it a list of arguments.

This will probably not work if your file names contain newlines; then you'll need something more complex still.

Looping over arbitrary file names is disappointingly complex in Bourne-family shells, and finding elements not in a list is always slightly pesky in shell script. Ksh and Bash offer some relief because they have arrays, but this is not portable to POSIX sh / ash / dash.

How to test if a file is complete (completely written) with Java

You could use an external marker file. The writing process could create a file XYZ.lock before it starts creating file XYZ, and delete XYZ.lock after XYZ is completed. The reader would then easily know that it can consider a file complete only if the corresponding .lock file is not present.

Need a way to determine if a file is done being written to

I ended up resolving it for our situation. As it turns out the process that was writing the files out had them opened exclusively so all we had to do was try opening them for read access - when denied they were in use.

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