How to Call the Class's Destructor

How do I call the class's destructor?

You should not call your destructor explicitly.

When you create your object on the stack (like you did) all you need is:

int main()
date ob2(12);
// holds 12
return 0; // ob2's destructor will get called here, after which it's memory is freed

When you create your object on the heap, you kinda need to delete your class before its destructor is called and memory is freed:

int main()
date* ob2 = new date(12);
// ob2->day holds 12
delete ob2; // ob2's destructor will get called here, after which it's memory is freed
return 0; // ob2 is invalid at this point.

(Failing to call delete on this last example will result in memory loss.)

Both ways have their advantages and disadvantages. The stack way is VERY fast with allocating the memory the object will occupy and you do not need to explicitly delete it, but the stack has limited space and you cannot move those objects around easily, fast and cleanly.

The heap is the preferred way of doing it, but when it comes to performance it is slow to allocate and you have to deal with pointers. But you have much more flexibility with what you do with your object, it's way faster to work with pointers further and you have more control over the object's lifetime.

How to call class destructor / constructor

In your code a controller owns a testing. The implication to anyone reading the code is that it is the same testing for the lifetime of the controller. This is certainly also how C++ see it - it will construct the testing during construction of a controller and destroy the testing when the controller is destroyed.

Two possible solutions:

  1. Instead of trying to replace testing, reset it. This is what @LogicStuff was talking about in his comment on your question. _testing = testing(); constructs a new testing and then copies its state to the existing instance, making the exisiting instance look like a new one. You could (should?) make this explicit by giving testing a Reset method (whose implementation should typically be that assignment *this = testing(); rather than a hand-coded resetting of each member variable.) - Do this only if resetting a testing makes business sense.
  2. If resetting testing doesn't make sense on a business level, and you are in fact wanting to replace it, then have controller own a std::unique_ptr<testing> instead. Then you can reset or swap a newly constructed instance in whenever you need to and still be sure that destructors will be called automatically.

How to call destructor of C++ class safely from a Python wrapper class using ctypes?

As per Python's data model doc:

Objects are never explicitly destroyed; however, when they become unreachable they may be garbage-collected. An implementation is allowed to postpone garbage collection or omit it altogether...


Some objects contain references to “external” resources such as open files or windows. It is understood that these resources are freed when the object is garbage-collected, but since garbage collection is not guaranteed to happen, such objects also provide an explicit way to release the external resource, usually a close() method. Programs are strongly recommended to explicitly close such objects. The try…finally statement and the with statement provide convenient ways to do this.

So even if in most cases __del__ method of an object is being called by GC, it is not guaranteed. with statement (from PEP 343) on the other hand guarantees that if __enter__ method of the object succeeded, then __exit__ method will be called at the end of the statement, both in case of normal execution and in case of exception. (More detailed in this question)

An example could be as below, with the usage of "object-closing" context manager from PEP 343 examples, and a wrapper class with close method which calls native object's destructor:

class NativeObjectWrapper(object):
def __init__(self):
self.nativeObject = nativeLib.CreateInstance()
def close(self):

class closing(object):
def __init__(self, obj):
self.obj = obj
def __enter__(self):
return self.obj
def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
close_it = self.obj.close
except AttributeError:

#example of usage
with closing(NativeObjectWrapper()) as objectWrapper:
... #some usage of native wrapper

Calling private member getter call class destructor every time

Even though you have defined the _weapon member of your HumanA class as a reference to a Weapon, the getWeapon function is declared as returning an actual Weapon object (by value); so, when called, it will make a copy of the Weapon object referenced by the member and return that – the copied object will be destroyed (and it's destructor called) when it goes out of context.

You should declare your getWeapon function as returning a reference, and then return (a copy of) the relevant human's _weapon member:

Weapon& HumanA::getWeapon(void) const {
return _weapon;

C++ destructor called after calling constructor

In this assignment statement

 *a = Foo(10);

there is created a temporary object of the type Foo that is assigned to the object specified by the expression *a using the default copy assignment operator (neither copy or move constructor is called here). After the assignment the temporary object is deleted. The undeclared variable cow (it seems it is a data member of the class Foo) of the object pointed to by the pointer a now contains the same value 10. And in the end of the program the object pointed to by the pointer a is also deleted.

As a result you will get two messages

10 ~ Foo -
10 ~ Foo -

The first one is generated by the destructor of the temporary object and the second one is generated by the object pointed to by the pointer a.

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