Googletest: How to Skip a Test

GoogleTest: How to skip a test?

The docs for Google Test 1.7 suggest:

If you have a broken test that you cannot fix right away, you can add the DISABLED_ prefix to its name. This will exclude it from execution. This is better than commenting out the code or using #if 0, as disabled tests are still compiled (and thus won't rot).

Example from the above documentation:

// Tests that Foo does Abc.
TEST(FooTest, DISABLED_DoesAbc) { ... }

class DISABLED_BarTest : public testing::Test { ... };

// Tests that Bar does Xyz.
TEST_F(DISABLED_BarTest, DoesXyz) { ... }

If you have access to more recent versions of Google Test (the current version is v1.12.1), check out the GTEST_SKIP() macro suggested by jslmsca in the comments and Peter Bloomfield in another answer. From the sample in

TEST(SkipTest, DoesSkip) {
GTEST_SKIP() << "Skipping single test";
EXPECT_EQ(0, 1); // Won't fail; it won't be executed

class SkipFixture : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() override {
GTEST_SKIP() << "Skipping all tests for this fixture";

// Tests for SkipFixture won't be executed.
TEST_F(SkipFixture, SkipsOneTest) {
EXPECT_EQ(5, 7); // Won't fail

Disable whole test case in gtest

Running tests with --gtest_filter=-Class1Test.* should skip all tests in Class1Test test case. This does not seem much complicated.

How to Skip a Portion of the ”Code” in the source code while doing GoogleTest

Dont rely on the compilation flags, without affecting the production code use the GMOCK methods to get rid off the while (1) loop , the code can go like below:


class test_common : public ::testing::Test {
TEST_F(test_common, create_common) {
Common commonObj();
ON_CALL(mock_if, GetBool())
EXPECT_CALL(mock_if, GetBool())
commonObj. ProcessData ();


class AbstractIf {
AbstractIf (void) = default;
virtual ~AbstractIf (void) = default;
virtual bool GetBool() = 0;


class MockIf : public AbstractIf {


class Common: public Thread {
friend class test_common;
Common {
~Common () {
virtual void ThreadMain();
virtual void ProcessData(void);
AbstractIf *prov_fl_if_;
void Common::ProcessData(void) {
while (prov_fl_if_->GetBool()) { }

By this way we can skip the part of the code we want without affecting the production code

Is there a way to stop GoogleTest after a specific test is run, whether it passes or fails?

You have several options:

  1. Simply call exit function at the end of fooTest.

  2. Create a test fixture. In SetUp check for a flag that is always false, but it sets to true if fooTest is executed. Something like this:

bool skip_testing = false;

// Class for test fixture
class MyTestFixture : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() override {
if (skip_testing) {

TEST_F(MyTestFixture, test1) {
EXPECT_EQ(1, 1);

TEST_F(MyTestFixture, footest) {
EXPECT_EQ(1, 1);
skip_testing = true;

TEST_F(MyTestFixture, test2) {
EXPECT_EQ(1, 1);

TEST_F(MyTestFixture, test3) {
EXPECT_EQ(1, 1);

See a working a working example here:

  1. Similar to Option 2, but use explicit success and failure in SetUp instead of GTEST_SKIP. However using GTEST_SKIP is preferred, cause your output will show that the tests were skipped.

How to signal to gtest that a test wants to skip itself

I came up with a simple yet acceptable solution:

Simply print an additional skip line myself using a macro:

if(!TypeParam::hasFeature(FEATURE_NAME)) {\
std::cout << "[ SKIPPED ] Feature " << #FEATURE_NAME << "not supported" << std::endl;\
} while(0)

Then I can simply use this macro:

TYPED_TEST_P(TheTest, ATest){
// ... real test code goes here

The result will look as follows:

[ RUN      ] XYZ/TheTest/0.ATest
[ SKIPPED ] Feature MyFeatureXY not supported
[ OK ] XYZ/TheTest/0.ATest (0 ms)

The only small flaw is that there is still an OK line, but at least it is apparent that the test case was skipped and also the missing feature is displayed neatly. Another flaw is that a GUI test runner will not display the skip that neatly, but I don't care about this as I only use command line tools to run the test cases.

Xml Generation from Google test does not show skipped test cases

It's probably a version issue. I'm gussing it was added here. The tag testsuite has skipped for me:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuites tests="3" failures="0" disabled="0" errors="0" time="0" timestamp="2022-05-13T17:38:54.980" name="AllTests">
<testsuite name="MyTestSuite" tests="3" failures="0" disabled="0" skipped="1" errors="0" time="0" timestamp="2022-05-13T17:38:54.980">
<testcase name="Test1" status="run" result="skipped" time="0" timestamp="2022-05-13T17:38:54.980" classname="MyTestSuite">
<skipped message="tests/gtest_demo/ "><![CDATA[tests/gtest_demo/
<testcase name="Test2" status="run" result="completed" time="0" timestamp="2022-05-13T17:38:54.981" classname="MyTestSuite" />
<testcase name="Test3" status="run" result="completed" time="0" timestamp="2022-05-13T17:38:54.981" classname="MyTestSuite" />

This is the example that I ran:

Make sure you are running the latest release.

googletest SetUpTestSuite() does not run

Several things:

  1. The example is SetUpTestSuite, not SetUpTestCase.
  2. SetUpTestSuite should be a static member.
  3. field should be a static member of the class if used in SetUpTestSuite.
  4. SetUpTestSuite runs once per test suite, not once per test case.
  5. If you want something to run once per test case, use SetUp, which is a non-static member function.
  6. SetUp can then manipulate non-static member variables.

See this example that shows the usage of both functions:

class Game_test : public testing::Test {
Game_test() = default;
virtual ~Game_test() = default;

static void SetUpTestSuite() {
std::cout << "========Beginning of a test suit ========" << std::endl;
static_field = std::string("AAAA");

void SetUp() override {
std::cout << "========Beginning of a test ========" << std::endl;
object_field = std::string("AAAA");

static std::string static_field;
std::string object_field;

std::string Game_test::static_field;

TEST_F(Game_test, Test1) {
EXPECT_EQ(static_field, std::string("AAAA"));
EXPECT_EQ(object_field, std::string("AAAA"));

// We change object_field, SetUpTestSuite cannot reset it back to "AAAA" because
// it only runs once at the beginning of the test suite.
static_field = std::string("BBBB");

// Although we change object_field here,
// SetUp will reset it back to "AAAA" at the beginning of each test case.
object_field = std::string("BBBB");

TEST_F(Game_test, Test2) {
EXPECT_EQ(static_field, std::string("BBBB"));
EXPECT_EQ(object_field, std::string("AAAA"));

Live example:

How to run specific test cases in GoogleTest

You could use advanced options to run Google tests.

To run only some unit tests you could use --gtest_filter=Test_Cases1* command line option with value that accepts the * and ? wildcards for matching with multiple tests. I think it will solve your problem.


Well, the question was how to run specific test cases. Integration of gtest with your GUI is another thing, which I can't really comment, because you didn't provide details of your approach. However I believe the following approach might be a good start:

  1. Get all testcases by running tests with --gtest_list_tests
  2. Parse this data into your GUI
  3. Select test cases you want ro run
  4. Run test executable with option --gtest_filter

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