Get the Compiler Options from a Compiled Executable

Get the compiler options from a compiled executable?

gcc has a -frecord-gcc-switches option for that:

This switch causes the command line that was used to invoke the compiler to
be recorded into the object file that is being created. This switch is only
implemented on some targets and the exact format of the recording is target
and binary file format dependent, but it usually takes the form of a section
containing ASCII text.

Afterwards, the ELF executables will contain .GCC.command.line section with that information.

$ gcc -O2 -frecord-gcc-switches a.c
$ readelf -p .GCC.command.line a.out

String dump of section '.GCC.command.line':
[ 0] a.c
[ 4] -mtune=generic
[ 13] -march=x86-64
[ 21] -O2
[ 25] -frecord-gcc-switches

Of course, it won't work for executables compiled without that option.

For the simple case of optimizations, you could try using a debugger if the file was compiled with debug info. If you step through it a little, you may notice that some variables were 'optimized out'. That suggests that optimization took place.

Get the compiler options from the program

Because I'm using qmake build system I came across this solution :

I added this line to the end of my pro file :


then retrieved what I want from the FLAGS macro

Compiled binary path based on compiler options

Any better approaches / recommendations?

If I understand correctly, your GNU Make build system can build several variants of
your executable, differentiated by preprocessor macros that are defined (or not)
in the compilation commands depending on conditions that are tested in your Makefile
and/or on the arguments that you pass to make. And you want to be able to build
any of these variants independently, without needing a make clean to remove the
artifacts of the previous build, which might well have been a build of a different

This is one of the basic needs of build systems. The conventional solution is not the
one you're thinking about - to somehow encode differentiations into the name of
the executable. That won't work anyway, unless you do the same thing with the names of
the object files that are linked into the executable. If you don't, then when
you switch from variant X to variant Y, a variant-X object file foo.o
that is not older than foo.cpp, will not need to be recompiled,
even if should be for variant-Y, and that variant-X foo.o will be linked into the
variant Y executable, no matter what it is called.

The conventional solution is to differentiate, per variant, the place where the compiler
will output the object files and correspondingly the place where the linker
outputs the executable. No doubt all of the C/C++ IDEs you have ever used allow you
to build either a debug variant or a release variant of your project, and
they differentiate the debug object files and executable from the release object
files and executables by generating them in different subdirectories of the
project directory, e.g.


or maybe:


This approach automatically encodes the variant of an object file or executable
into its absolute pathname,e.g.


without any further ado, and the variants can be built independently.

It's straightforward to implement this scheme in a makefile. Most of the IDEs
that use it do implement it in the makefiles that they generate behind the scenes.
And it's also straightforward to extend the scheme to more variants than just debug
and release (although whatever variants you want, you'll certainly want debug
and release variants of those variants).

Here's an illustration for a toy program that we want to build in any of the
variants that we get for combinations of two build-properties that we'll call

| Y | Y |
| Y | N |
| N | Y |
| N | N |

And we want to be able to build any of those variants in debug mode or release
mode. TRAIT_{A|B} might map directly to a preprocessor macro, or to an
arbitrary combination of preprocessor flags, compiler options and/or linkage options.

Our program, prog, is built from just one source file:


#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>

int main(int atgc, char * argv[])
std::string cmd{"readelf -p .GCC.command.line "};
cmd += argv[0];
return system(cmd.c_str());

And all it does is invoke readelf to dump the linkage section .GCC.command.line
within its own executable. That linkage section only exists when we compile or
link with the GCC option -frecord-gcc-switches.
So purely for the purpose of the demo we'll always compile and link with that option.
Here's a makefile that adopts one way of differentiating all the variants:
object files are compiled in ./obj[/trait...]; executables are linked in


CXX = g++
CXXFLAGS := -frecord-gcc-switches
BINDIR := ./bin
OBJDIR := ./obj

ifdef DEBUG
$(error RELEASE and DEBUG are mutually exclusive)
BINDIR := $(BINDIR)/release
OBJDIR := $(OBJDIR)/release

ifdef DEBUG
$(error RELEASE and DEBUG are mutually exclusive)
CXXFLAGS += -O0 -g
BINDIR := $(BINDIR)/debug
OBJDIR := $(OBJDIR)/debug

ifdef TRAIT_A
CPPFLAGS += -DTRAIT_A # or whatever

ifdef TRAIT_B
CPPFLAGS += -DTRAIT_B # or whatever

SRCS := main.cpp
OBJS := $(OBJDIR)/$(SRCS:.cpp=.o)
EXE := $(BINDIR)/prog

.PHONY: all clean

all: $(EXE)

$(EXE): $(OBJS) | $(BINDIR)

$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.cpp | $(OBJDIR)
$(CXX) -c -o $@ $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $<

mkdir -p $@

$(RM) $(EXE) $(OBJS)

Now let's build, say, two variants in debug mode and two other variants in
release mode, one after the other

$ make DEBUG=1 TRAIT_A=1
mkdir -p obj/debug/TRAIT_A
g++ -c -o obj/debug/TRAIT_A/main.o -DTRAIT_A -frecord-gcc-switches -O0 -g main.cpp
mkdir -p bin/debug/TRAIT_A
g++ -DTRAIT_A -frecord-gcc-switches -O0 -g -o bin/debug/TRAIT_A/prog obj/debug/TRAIT_A/main.o

$ make DEBUG=1 TRAIT_B=1
mkdir -p obj/debug/TRAIT_B
g++ -c -o obj/debug/TRAIT_B/main.o -DTRAIT_B -frecord-gcc-switches -O0 -g main.cpp
mkdir -p bin/debug/TRAIT_B
g++ -DTRAIT_B -frecord-gcc-switches -O0 -g -o bin/debug/TRAIT_B/prog obj/debug/TRAIT_B/main.o

mkdir -p obj/release/TRAIT_A/TRAIT_B
g++ -c -o obj/release/TRAIT_A/TRAIT_B/main.o -DNDEBUG -DTRAIT_A -DTRAIT_B -frecord-gcc-switches -O3 main.cpp
mkdir -p bin/release/TRAIT_A/TRAIT_B
g++ -DNDEBUG -DTRAIT_A -DTRAIT_B -frecord-gcc-switches -O3 -o bin/release/TRAIT_A/TRAIT_B/prog obj/release/TRAIT_A/TRAIT_B/main.o

$ make RELEASE=1
g++ -c -o obj/release/main.o -DNDEBUG -frecord-gcc-switches -O3 main.cpp
g++ -DNDEBUG -frecord-gcc-switches -O3 -o bin/release/prog obj/release/main.o

That last one is the release variant with neither TRAIT_A nor TRAIT_B.

We've now built four versions of program prog in different ./bin[/...] subdirectories
of the project, from different object files that are in different ./obj[/...] subdirectories,
and those versions will all tell us how they were differently built. Running in the order
we built them:-

$ bin/debug/TRAIT_A/prog

String dump of section '.GCC.command.line':
[ 0] -imultiarch x86_64-linux-gnu
[ 2b] -D TRAIT_A
[ 36] main.cpp
[ 3f] -mtune=generic
[ 4e] -march=x86-64
[ 5c] -auxbase-strip obj/debug/TRAIT_A/main.o
[ 84] -g
[ 87] -O0
[ 8b] -frecord-gcc-switches
[ a1] -fstack-protector-strong
[ ba] -Wformat
[ c3] -Wformat-security

$ bin/debug/TRAIT_B/prog

String dump of section '.GCC.command.line':
[ 0] -imultiarch x86_64-linux-gnu
[ 2b] -D TRAIT_B
[ 36] main.cpp
[ 3f] -mtune=generic
[ 4e] -march=x86-64
[ 5c] -auxbase-strip obj/debug/TRAIT_B/main.o
[ 84] -g
[ 87] -O0
[ 8b] -frecord-gcc-switches
[ a1] -fstack-protector-strong
[ ba] -Wformat
[ c3] -Wformat-security

$ bin/release/TRAIT_A/TRAIT_B/prog

String dump of section '.GCC.command.line':
[ 0] -imultiarch x86_64-linux-gnu
[ 2b] -D NDEBUG
[ 35] -D TRAIT_A
[ 40] -D TRAIT_B
[ 4b] main.cpp
[ 54] -mtune=generic
[ 63] -march=x86-64
[ 71] -auxbase-strip obj/release/TRAIT_A/TRAIT_B/main.o
[ a3] -O3
[ a7] -frecord-gcc-switches
[ bd] -fstack-protector-strong
[ d6] -Wformat
[ df] -Wformat-security

$ bin/release/prog

String dump of section '.GCC.command.line':
[ 0] -imultiarch x86_64-linux-gnu
[ 2b] -D NDEBUG
[ 35] main.cpp
[ 3e] -mtune=generic
[ 4d] -march=x86-64
[ 5b] -auxbase-strip obj/release/main.o
[ 7d] -O3
[ 81] -frecord-gcc-switches
[ 97] -fstack-protector-strong
[ b0] -Wformat
[ b9] -Wformat-security

We can clean the first one:

$ make DEBUG=1 TRAIT_A=1 clean
rm -f ./bin/debug/TRAIT_A/prog ./obj/debug/TRAIT_A/main.o

And the last one:

$ make RELEASE=1 clean
rm -f ./bin/release/prog ./obj/release/main.o

The second and third are still there and up to date:

$ make DEBUG=1 TRAIT_B=1
make: Nothing to be done for 'all'.

make: Nothing to be done for 'all'.

For the exercise, you might consider refining the makefile to let you build, or clean,
all the variants at the same time. Or to default to DEBUG if RELEASE not is defined, or vice versa. Or to fail if no valid combination of traits is selected, for some definition of valid.

BTW, note that preprocessor options are conventionally assigned in the make variable
CPPFLAGS, for either C or C++ compilation; C compiler options are assigned
in CFLAGS and C++ compiler options in CXXFLAGS. GNU Make's built-in
rules assume that you follow these conventions.

How to print current compilation flags that are set with target_compile_options()?


  • COMPILE_OPTIONS target property to get target-specific compilation flags;
  • add_custom_command with a POST_BUILD option to print any variable;

This gave me a ;-list of the options both at configure and compile times:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
project(cmake_gcc_options_try_c C)


add_executable(cmake_gcc_options_try_c main.c)

PUBLIC -W -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -pedantic-errors)

get_target_property(MAIN_CFLAGS cmake_gcc_options_try_c COMPILE_OPTIONS)
message("-- Target compiler flags are: ${MAIN_CFLAGS}")

add_custom_command(TARGET cmake_gcc_options_try_c POST_BUILD
COMMAND echo built with the flags: ${MAIN_CFLAGS})

Update after question was updated: to get C/CXX standard, look up C_STANDARD. If you wonder why CMake sets -gnu variant of the flag, it's because of CXX_EXTENSIONS is ON by default.

Update2: To get the full compiler/linker commands for every source file as a JSON file, set CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS to ON (only works in CMake 3.5+, make and ninja generators). Credit for this piece goes to Florian's comment in this question.

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