Autocompletion in Vim

Autocompletion in Vim

You can use a plugin like AutoComplPop to get automatic code completion as you type.

2015 Edit: I personally use YouCompleteMe now.

Autocompletion in Vim

Try YouCompleteMe. It uses Clang through the libclang interface, offering semantic C/C++/Objective-C completion. It's much like clang_complete, but substantially faster and with fuzzy-matching.

In addition to the above, YCM also provides semantic completion for C#, Python, Go, TypeScript etc. It also provides non-semantic, identifier-based completion for languages for which it doesn't have semantic support.

Enable python autocompletion in Vim without any install

If you have compiled vim with +python3, you can try omnifunc.
Add following to your ~/.vimrc:

au FileType python setl ofu=python3complete#Complete

Then in insert mode, just type CtrlX + CtrlO.

See :help omnifunc.

How to trigger autocomplete suggestion box in vim or neovim (Plugin neoclide/coc.vim)

I've commented in

The suggestion box in your image is signatureHelp. If you want to reopen it, you need to trigger triggerCharacters in your function, usually is ( and ,. The triggerCharacters is defined by LS.

Is there a Vim plugin that would TAB-complete symbols from CTags index?

Basic keyword completion, :help i_ctrl-p/:help i_ctrl-n, already does that out of the box because of the default value of :help 'complete'.

Alternatively, you can use your tags files as exclusive source with :help i_ctrl-x_ctrl-].

Vim - how to auto complete buffer contents in command-line mode

I vaguely remembered this old plugin from way back and, well… it still seems to do the job:


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