Using Namespace Std; in a Header File

using namespace std; in a header file

Let's say I declare a class string myself. Because I'm a lazy bum, I do so in global namespace.

// Solar's stuff
class string
// ...

Some time later on, I realize that re-using some of your code would benefit my project. Thanks to you making it Open Source, I can do so:

#include <solarstuff.hpp>
#include <phoenixstuff.hpp>

string foo;

But suddenly the compiler doesn't like me anymore. Because there is a ::string (my class) and another ::string (the standard one, included by your header and brought into global namespace with using namespace std;), there's all kinds of pain to be had.

Worse, this problem gets promoted through every file that includes my header (which includes your header, which... you get the idea.)

Yes I know, in this example I am also to blame for not protecting my own classes in my own namespace, but that's the one I came up with ad-hoc.

Namespaces are there to avoid clashes of identifiers. Your header not only introduces MyStuff into the global namespace, but also every identifier from string and fstream. Chances are most of them are never actually needed by either of us, so why dragging them into global, polluting the environment?

Addition: From the view of a maintenance coder / debugger, foo::MyStuff is ten times more convenient than MyStuff, namespace'd somewhere else (probably not even the same source file), because you get the namespace information right there at the point in the code where you need it.

using namespace in c++ headers

You should definitely NOT use using namespace in headers for precisely the reason you say, that it can unexpectedly change the meaning of code in any other files that include that header. There's no way to undo a using namespace which is another reason it's so dangerous. I typically just use grep or the like to make sure that using namespace isn't being called out in headers rather than trying anything more complicated. Probably static code checkers flag this too.

The header should include just the headers that it needs to compile. An easy way to enforce this is to always include each source file's own header as the first thing, before any other headers. Then the source file will fail to compile if the header isn't self-contained. In some cases, for example referring to implementation-detail classes within a library, you can use forward declarations instead of #include because you have full control over the definition of such forward declared class.

I'm not sure I would call it common, but it definitely shows up once in a while, usually written by new programmers that aren't aware of the negative consequences. Typically just a little education about the risks takes care of any issues since it's relatively simple to fix.

Is it ok to have using namespace statement in a header file?

Because header files get included by other files, you pollute the global namespace of other people who use your code. You may think a little pollution is okay, but if everybody thought that way, we would run out of good names quickly. If you really can't resist using namespace directives in your headers, then limit it to within your header. You can do that by putting the directive inside a scope. For example, if you have your own namespace block, the body of which is entirely restricted to your header file, then you can put a using directive in it without polluting the global namespace.

namespace your_namespace
// this directive is restricted to this namespace block
using namespace ALongNameSpaceName::LongerNamespaceName;


You can do this inside functions too without worrying about it affecting other code.

Why is including using namespace into a header file a bad idea in C++?

Consider this program:

1 #include <string>
3 using namespace std;
5 struct string { const char* p; }; // Beware: another string!
7 int main()
8 {
9 string x; // Error: ambiguous - which string is wanted?
10 }

If you try to compile it, you'll see errors:

g++   -o using In function `int main()': error: use of `string' is ambiguous error: first declared as `struct string' here
/usr/lib/gcc/i386-redhat-linux/3.4.6/../../../../include/c++/3.4.6/bits/stringfwd.h:60: error:
also declared as `typedef struct std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > std::string' here error: `string' was not declared in this scope error: expected `;' before "x"

The problem here is that when main() specifies string x;, the compiler's not sure whether the user-defined ::string or included std::string is wanted.

Now imagine you take the top part of the program... lines 1 through 5 - up to and including the struct string... and put it into a header file which you then #include before main(). Nothing changes: you still have an error. So, just as for standalone programs, header files with using statements in them can cause trouble for other code that includes them, making some of their statements ambiguous.

It can be a bigger pain though, as headers can be included - directly or indirectly - by arbitrarily huge amounts of dependent code, and...

  • removing the using statement from the header, or
  • a change to the contents of <string>, or any other header affecting std::

...might break code including the problematic header. Either problem may render dependent code uncompilable, and issues may not even be noticed until another compilation is attempted. Further, the person suffering due to the using statement may not have filesystem/code-repository permissions, corporate authority etc. to remove the using statement from the header, nor fix other affected client code.

That said, if a header only has "using" inside a class or function, then there's no affect on code beyond that scope, so the potential impact of changes to std:: is dramatically reduced.

Why shouldn't I put using namespace std in a header?

Because it forces anyone who uses your header file to bring the std namespace into global scope. This could be a problem if they have a class that has the same name as one of the standard library classes.

using namespace std; in header file

Seeing as this is a course header, I think students are supposed to include it and then use most of the standard library that way. I am surprised Stroustrup teaches it that way (it is, in my opinion, still bad practice), but it does mean that he has one less bit of syntax to explain to his students. I don't think any non-coursework applications (or, even worse, libraries) are supposed to include it, so it's arguably somewhat acceptable.

I still think it's very poor style, and that saying that standard things have to be prefixed with std:: would have been better.

Why is using namespace std; considered bad practice?

Consider two libraries called Foo and Bar:

using namespace foo;
using namespace bar;

Everything works fine, and you can call Blah() from Foo and Quux() from Bar without problems. But one day you upgrade to a new version of Foo 2.0, which now offers a function called Quux(). Now you've got a conflict: Both Foo 2.0 and Bar import Quux() into your global namespace. This is going to take some effort to fix, especially if the function parameters happen to match.

If you had used foo::Blah() and bar::Quux(), then the introduction of foo::Quux() would have been a non-event.

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