Drawing in a Win32 Console on C++

Drawing in a Win32 Console on C++?

No you can't just do that because Win32 console doesn't support those methods. You can however use GDI to draw on the console window.

This is a great example of drawing a bitmap on a console by creating a child window on it:

And this tells you how to draw lines and circles:


This isn't really drawing in the console though. This is sort of drawing "over" the console but it still does the trick pretty well.

Is there ANY way to write an image to the Win32 Console?

Have you looked at ASCII art?

Is it possible to draw an image in the console using C#?

No. It is not possible to draw to the console window. It supports text only. The closest you will get is ASCII art! I would recommend WPF app for graphics

draw on desktop using visual c++

The code below draws a blue rectangle on the desktop.

#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>

int main() {

/* hide console window */
ShowWindow(FindWindowA("ConsoleWindowClass", NULL), false);

/* Calling GetDC with argument 0 retrieves the desktop's DC */
HDC hDC_Desktop = GetDC(0);

/* Draw a simple blue rectangle on the desktop */
RECT rect = { 20, 20, 200, 200 };
HBRUSH blueBrush=CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0,0,255));
FillRect(hDC_Desktop, &rect, blueBrush);

return 0;

Just for fun. A Mandelbrot fractal drawn directly on the desktop.

#define NUMCOLOURS 256
#define WIDTH 640
#define HEIGHT 200
#define UP 72
#define DOWN 80
#define LEFT 75
#define RIGHT 77
#define SPACE 32
#define ENTER 13
#define ESCAPE 27
#define TAB 9
#define INSERT 82

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int col(int x, int y);
void fract(void);

char op;
int ch,max_iterations;
double xmin = -2.10, xmax = 0.85, ymin = -1.5 , ymax = 1.5;
double width_fact, height_fact;

int main(){

COLORREF color = RGB(255,0,0); // COLORREF to hold the color info

SetConsoleTitle("Pixel In Console!"); // Set text of the console so you can find the window
HWND hwnd = FindWindow(NULL, "Pixel In Console?"); // Get the HWND
HDC hdc = GetDC(hwnd); // Get the DC from that HWND

width_fact = (xmax-xmin)/WIDTH;
height_fact = (ymax-ymin)/HEIGHT;

for( int x = 0 ; x < 640 ; x++ ){
for (int y = 0;y < 480; y++ ){

int blue = (col(x,y) & 0x0f) << 4;
int green = (col(x,y) & 0xf0) << 0;
int red = (col(x,y) & 0xf00) >> 4;
SetPixel(hdc, x,y, RGB(red,green,blue));



ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); // Release the DC
DeleteDC(hdc); // Delete the DC

void fract(){
int x,y,icount=0;
width_fact = (xmax-xmin)/WIDTH;
height_fact = (ymax-ymin)/HEIGHT;

for (y=0;y<HEIGHT;y++){
for (x=0;x<WIDTH;x++){
// setcolor(col(x,y));
// gotoxy(x+3,y+3);printf("Û");



int col( int x, int y){
int n,icount=0;
float p,q,r,i,prev_r,prev_i;

p= (( (float)x ) * width_fact) + (float)xmin;
q= (( (float)y ) * height_fact) +(float)ymin;

prev_i = 0;
prev_r = 0;

for (n=0; n <= NUMCOLOURS; n++){
r = (prev_r * prev_r) - (prev_i * prev_i) +p;
i = 2 * (prev_r * prev_i) +q;

if (( r*r + i*i) < MAGNITUDE_CUTOFF ){
prev_r = r;
prev_i = i;
else {
return n;
return n;

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