Differencebetween a Static and Const Variable

What is the difference between static const and const?

The difference is the linkage.

// At file scope
static const int a=5; // internal linkage
const int i=5; // external linkage

If the i object is not used outside the translation unit where it is defined, you should declare it with the static specifier.

This enables the compiler to (potentially) perform further optimizations and informs the reader that the object is not used outside its translation unit.

Difference between static and const variables

const and readonly perform a similar function on data members, but they have a few important differences.
A constant member is defined at compile time and cannot be changed at runtime. Constants are declared as a field, using the const keyword and must be initialized as they are declared.

The static modifier is used to declare a static member, this means that the member is no longer tied to a specific object. The value belongs to the class, additionally the member can be accessed without creating an instance of the class. Only one copy of static fields and events exists, and static methods and properties can only access static fields and static events

What is the difference between a constant and a static variable and which should I choose?


A constant in Rust is immutable. You neither can reassign nor modify it:

struct Foo(u32);

const FOO: Foo = Foo(5);
const mut FOO: Foo = Foo(5); // illegal

fn main() {
FOO = Foo(1); //illegal
FOO.0 = 2; //illegal

A static variable can be mutable and therefore can either be modified or reassigned. Note that writing/modifying a global static variable is unsafe and therefore needs an unsafe block:

struct Foo(u32);
static FOO: Foo = Foo(5);
static mut FOO_MUT: Foo = Foo(3);

fn main() {
unsafe {
FOO = Foo(1); //illegal
FOO.0 = 2; //illegal

FOO_MUT = Foo(1);
FOO_MUT.0 = 2;


When you compile a binary, all const "occurrences" (where you use that const in your source code) will be replaced by that value directly.

statics will have a dedicated section in your binary where they will be placed (the BSS section, see Where are static variables stored in C and C++? for further information).

All in all, stick to a const whenever possible. When not possible, because you need to initialize a variable later in the program of with non-const methods, use lazy_static!.

Interior mutability

While both const and static can use interior mutability you should never ever do it with a const. Here's an example

use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering};

static STATIC: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0);
const CONST: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0);

fn print() {
println!("static: {}", STATIC.load(Ordering::Relaxed));
println!("const: {}", CONST.load(Ordering::Relaxed));

fn main() {
STATIC.store(3, Ordering::Relaxed);
CONST.store(3, Ordering::Relaxed);


This compiles fine without any warnings, but leads to unwanted behavoir. Output:

static: 3
const: 0

When using clippy, it will show the two following warnings:

warning: a `const` item should never be interior mutable
--> src/main.rs:4:1
4 | const CONST: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0);
| -----^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| |
| make this a static item (maybe with lazy_static)
= note: `#[warn(clippy::declare_interior_mutable_const)]` on by default
= help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#declare_interior_mutable_const

warning: a `const` item with interior mutability should not be borrowed
--> src/main.rs:8:27
8 | println!("const: {}", CONST.load(Ordering::Relaxed));
| ^^^^^
= note: `#[warn(clippy::borrow_interior_mutable_const)]` on by default
= help: assign this const to a local or static variable, and use the variable here
= help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#borrow_interior_mutable_const

warning: a `const` item with interior mutability should not be borrowed
--> src/main.rs:13:5
13 | CONST.store(3, Ordering::Relaxed);
| ^^^^^
= help: assign this const to a local or static variable, and use the variable here
= help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#borrow_interior_mutable_const

Difference between static and const variable in Dart

The declaration for cons must be using const. You have to declare it as static const rather than just const.

static, final, and const mean entirely distinct things in Dart:

static means a member is available on the class itself instead of on instances of the class. That's all it means, and it isn't used for anything else. static modifies members.

final means single-assignment: a final variable or field must have an initializer. Once assigned a value, a final variable's value cannot be changed. final modifies variables.

const has a meaning that's a bit more complex and subtle in Dart. const modifies values. You can use it when creating collections, like const [1, 2, 3], and when constructing objects (instead of new) like const Point(2, 3). Here, const means that the object's entire deep state can be determined entirely at compile time and that the object will be frozen and completely immutable.

Const objects have a couple of interesting properties and restrictions:
They must be created from data that can be calculated at compile time. A const object does not have access to anything you would need to calculate at runtime. 1 + 2 is a valid const expression, but new DateTime.now() is not.
They are deeply, transitively immutable. If you have a final field containing a collection, that collection can still be mutable. If you have a const collection, everything in it must also be const, recursively.
They are canonicalized. This is sort of like string interning: for any given const value, a single const object will be created and re-used no matter how many times the const expression(s) are evaluated. In other words:

getConst() => const [1, 2]; 

main() {
var a = getConst();
var b = getConst();
print(a === b); // true

I think Dart does a pretty good job of keeping the semantics and the keywords nicely clear and distinct. (There was a time where const was used both for const and final. It was confusing.) The only downside is that when you want to indicate a member that is single-assignment and on the class itself, you have to use both keywords: static final.


I suggest you to have a look at this question

What is the difference between the "const" and "final" keywords in Dart?

PHP 5: const vs static

In the context of a class, static variables are on the class scope (not the object) scope, but unlike a const, their values can be changed.

class ClassName {
static $my_var = 10; /* defaults to public unless otherwise specified */
const MY_CONST = 5;
echo ClassName::$my_var; // returns 10
echo ClassName::MY_CONST; // returns 5
ClassName::$my_var = 20; // now equals 20
ClassName::MY_CONST = 20; // error! won't work.

Public, protected, and private are irrelevant in terms of consts (which are always public); they are only useful for class variables, including static variable.

  • public static variables can be accessed anywhere via ClassName::$variable.
  • protected static variables can be accessed by the defining class or extending classes via ClassName::$variable.
  • private static variables can be accessed only by the defining class via ClassName::$variable.

Edit: It is important to note that PHP 7.1.0 introduced support for specifying the visibility of class constants.

What is the difference between const and static in C#?

const fields can only hold value types or System.String. They must be immutable and resolvable at compile-time.

static readonly fields can and generally do hold reference types, which (other than strings) can only be created at runtime. These can (but shouldn't) be mutable types; the only thing that cannot change is the reference itself.

If you need to maintain a "constant" set of instances that are reference types, you generally do it with a set of public static readonly fields, such as the members of System.Drawing.SystemColors.

Last but not least, initialization of a readonly field can be deferred until the execution of a constructor, which means that it even though it can only be written to once, it does not always have to be initialized with the exact same value. True constants declared with const can only ever have a single value (specified at compile time).

What's the difference between const array and static const array in C/C++

A local variable declared as static has a lifetime of the entire running program, and is typically stored in the data segment. Compilers implement this by having a section that has the values in them.

Local variables not declared as static typically live on the stack and must be initialized every time the variable's scope is entered.

Looking at the assembly for the static case, MSVC 2015 outputs the following:

; Listing generated by Microsoft (R) Optimizing Compiler Version 19.00.24215.1 

include listing.inc
.model flat


?Arr@?1??tfuuuuuuu@@9@9 DQ 04060c00000000000r ; 134 ; `tfuuuuuuu'::`2'::Arr
DQ 03fe15efd20a7955br ; 0.542845
DQ 03fdf59701e4b19afr ; 0.489834
DQ 0bfd8e38e9ab7fcb1r ; -0.388889
DQ 0bfe59f22c01e68a1r ; -0.675676
DQ 0bfeb13b15d5aa410r ; -0.846154
DQ 0bfe2c2355f07776er ; -0.586207
DQ 03fefffffbf935359r ; 1
ORG $+1036128
PUBLIC _tfuuuuuuu
EXTRN __fltused:DWORD
; Function compile flags: /Odtp
_Ind$ = 8 ; size = 4
_tfuuuuuuu PROC
; File c:\users\dennis bush\documents\x2.c
; Line 4
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
; Line 106
mov eax, DWORD PTR _Ind$[ebp]
fld QWORD PTR ?Arr@?1??tfuuuuuuu@@9@9[eax*8]
; Line 107
pop ebp
ret 0
_tfuuuuuuu ENDP

While gcc 4.8.5 outputs the following:

    .file   "MyLBP.c"
.globl tfuuuuuuu
.type tfuuuuuuu, @function
pushq %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
.cfi_offset 6, -16
movq %rsp, %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_register 6
movl %edi, -4(%rbp)
movl -4(%rbp), %eax
movq Arr.1724(,%rax,8), %rax
movq %rax, -16(%rbp)
movsd -16(%rbp), %xmm0
popq %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
.size tfuuuuuuu, .-tfuuuuuuu
.section .rodata
.align 32
.type Arr.1724, @object
.size Arr.1724, 1238400
.long 0
.long 1080082432
.long 547853659
.long 1071734525
.long 508238255
.long 1071602032
.long 2595749041
.long -1076305010
.long 3223218337
.ident "GCC: (GNU) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-16)"
.section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits

So both define the data globally and reference that global array directly.

Now lets look at the non-static code. First for VSMC2015:

; Listing generated by Microsoft (R) Optimizing Compiler Version 19.00.24215.1 

include listing.inc
.model flat


PUBLIC _tfuuuuuuu
PUBLIC __real@3e45798ee2308c3a
PUBLIC __real@3f40e1cf9350aa3c
PUBLIC __real@3f43b1f90beff84b
PUBLIC __real@3f4c6220dc6e8066
PUBLIC __real@3f4ea4c648794089
PUBLIC __real@3f50023666188dc0
PUBLIC __real@3f53957e56f300e9
PUBLIC __real@3f55235d7d33b25f
PUBLIC __real@3f5828f66e5bd33a
PUBLIC __real@3f5c044284dfce31
PUBLIC __real@3f5c87c05341c674
EXTRN @__security_check_cookie@4:PROC
EXTRN __chkstk:PROC
EXTRN _memset:PROC
EXTRN ___security_cookie:DWORD
EXTRN __fltused:DWORD
; COMDAT __real@bff0000000000000
__real@bff0000000000000 DQ 0bff0000000000000r ; -1
; COMDAT __real@bfefffffdfc9a9ad
__real@bfefffffdfc9a9ad DQ 0bfefffffdfc9a9adr ; -1
; COMDAT __real@bfefffffbf935359
__real@bfefffffbf935359 DQ 0bfefffffbf935359r ; -1
; COMDAT __real@bfefffff9f5cfd06
__real@bfefffff9f5cfd06 DQ 0bfefffff9f5cfd06r ; -1
; COMDAT __real@bfefffff7f26a6b3
__real@bfefffff7f26a6b3 DQ 0bfefffff7f26a6b3r ; -1
; COMDAT __real@bfefffff5ef05060
__real@bfefffff5ef05060 DQ 0bfefffff5ef05060r ; -1
; Function compile flags: /Odtp
_Arr$ = -1238404 ; size = 1238400
__$ArrayPad$ = -4 ; size = 4
_Ind$ = 8 ; size = 4
_tfuuuuuuu PROC
; File c:\users\dennis bush\documents\x2.c
; Line 4
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
mov eax, 1238404 ; 0012e584H
call __chkstk
mov eax, DWORD PTR ___security_cookie
xor eax, ebp
mov DWORD PTR __$ArrayPad$[ebp], eax
; Line 5
movsd xmm0, QWORD PTR __real@4060c00000000000
movsd QWORD PTR _Arr$[ebp], xmm0
movsd xmm0, QWORD PTR __real@3fe15efd20a7955b
movsd QWORD PTR _Arr$[ebp+8], xmm0
movsd xmm0, QWORD PTR __real@3fdf59701e4b19af
movsd QWORD PTR _Arr$[ebp+16], xmm0
movsd xmm0, QWORD PTR __real@bfd8e38e9ab7fcb1
movsd QWORD PTR _Arr$[ebp+24], xmm0
movsd xmm0, QWORD PTR __real@bfe59f22c01e68a1
movsd QWORD PTR _Arr$[ebp+32], xmm0
movsd xmm0, QWORD PTR __real@bfeb13b15d5aa410
movsd QWORD PTR _Arr$[ebp+40], xmm0
movsd xmm0, QWORD PTR __real@bfe2c2355f07776e
movsd QWORD PTR _Arr$[ebp+48], xmm0
push 1036128 ; 000fcf60H
push 0
lea eax, DWORD PTR _Arr$[ebp+202272]
push eax
call _memset
add esp, 12 ; 0000000cH
; Line 106
mov ecx, DWORD PTR _Ind$[ebp]
fld QWORD PTR _Arr$[ebp+ecx*8]
; Line 107
mov ecx, DWORD PTR __$ArrayPad$[ebp]
xor ecx, ebp
call @__security_check_cookie@4
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
ret 0
_tfuuuuuuu ENDP

The initializers are still stored globally. However, notice how each value is given a name internally and that 2 move instruction are generated for each value in the array. Creating those names and the explicit moves is why it takes so long to generate the code.

And now the gcc 4.8.5 version:

    .file   "MyLBP.c"
.section .rodata
.align 32
.long 0
.long 1080082432
.long 547853659
.long 1071734525
.long 508238255
.long 1071602032
.long 2595749041
.long -1076305010
.long 3223218337
.long -1075470558
.globl tfuuuuuuu
.type tfuuuuuuu, @function
pushq %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
.cfi_offset 6, -16
movq %rsp, %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_register 6
subq $1238416, %rsp
movl %edi, -1238404(%rbp)
leaq -1238400(%rbp), %rax
movl $.LC0, %ecx
movl $1238400, %edx
movq %rcx, %rsi
movq %rax, %rdi
call memcpy ; <-------------- call to memcpy
movl -1238404(%rbp), %eax
movq -1238400(%rbp,%rax,8), %rax
movq %rax, -1238416(%rbp)
movsd -1238416(%rbp), %xmm0
.cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
.size tfuuuuuuu, .-tfuuuuuuu
.ident "GCC: (GNU) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-16)"
.section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits

Rather than generating explicit instructions to copy each value, gcc just calls memcpy to copy the values from global data into the local array, so generating the initialization code is much faster.

So the moral of the story is that MSVC is being very inefficient in how it initializes local variables.

Also, as noted in the comments, this is a confirmed bug which is due to be fixed in VS 2019.

What is the difference between static const int and static int const?

The grammar for declaration specifiers is given in C 2018 6.7 1, and it shows that specifiers for storage class (such as static), type (such as short or double), qualifiers (such as const), functions (inline and _Noreturn), and alignment may appear in any order. Nothing in clause 6.7 gives any meaning to the order in which the specifiers appear, so we may presume any combination of specifiers has the same meaning regardless of order.

The only mention of “order” in this regard appears in 6.7.2 2, which says “… the type specifiers may occur in any order, possibly intermixed with the other declaration specifiers.” So you can write long static int const long for static const long long int, just as you can say “square red big house” instead of “big square red house”—there is no rule against it, but it will seem funny to people and may throw them off.

Note that the * that indicates a pointer, as well as ( and ) for either grouping or argument lists and [ and ] for subscripts are not declaration specifiers and may not be freely reordered with declaration specifiers. (They are in fact part of a declarator, which is a separate part of a declaration from the declaration-specifiers.)

However, the standard describes using storage-class specifiers after other specifiers or qualifiers as obsolescent, in 6.11.5:

The placement of a storage-class specifier other than at the beginning of the declaration specifiers in a declaration is an obsolescent feature.

“Obsolescent” means the feature may be considered for withdrawal in future revisions of the standard (per Introduction paragraph 2). Thus, compilers that issue a warning for using const static are suggesting a change that helps prepare the source code for a future version of C.

What does 'const static' mean in C and C++?

It has uses in both C and C++.

As you guessed, the static part limits its scope to that compilation unit. It also provides for static initialization. const just tells the compiler to not let anybody modify it. This variable is either put in the data or bss segment depending on the architecture, and might be in memory marked read-only.

All that is how C treats these variables (or how C++ treats namespace variables). In C++, a member marked static is shared by all instances of a given class. Whether it's private or not doesn't affect the fact that one variable is shared by multiple instances. Having const on there will warn you if any code would try to modify that.

If it was strictly private, then each instance of the class would get its own version (optimizer notwithstanding).

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