Use Std::Fill to Populate Vector with Increasing Numbers

Populate a vector with linearly increased values

The first thing you could go is switch to using std::generate or std::generate_n instead of a for loop. The generate version could look like

int main()
float a = 1.132;
std::vector<float> v(100);
std::generate(v.begin(), v.end(), [n = 0, &a]() mutable { return n++ * a; });

Another option is to create an iterator that will generate the value as you iterate it. This has the advantage that you do not need to initialize v with any default constructed valued (this can be/is expensive). Then you use the vectors range constructor and it will initialize all of the elements. As long as the iterator abides by the forward iterator requirements then the vector will figure out the space needed (which if it is not random access causes a full iteration), allocate, and then initialize(full iteration). This could be expensive with the double iteration so it might not be any faster and could be slower then the generate case (since zero initializing is pretty fast).

Fill vector with unrepeated random numbers. why not working?


only works on sorted ranges. Use std::find instead:

while (std::find(ret.begin(), ret.end(), val) != ret.end())

Alternatively, you may use std::unordered_set:

std::unordered_set<int> ret;
while (ret.size() < v_size) {
ret.insert(rand() % v_max);

Keep in mind that with this approach the order of the generated number will be unspecified, i.e. probably less random than the vector approach. If you want a sorted sequence of random numbers, consider std::set.

Remark: The use of rand() is discouraged in modern C++, although it will probably do the trick for toy programs. See also

Populate vector with integer sequence, on construction

Don't over do it. The simple thing to do is to default initialize the vector, reserve and initialize from the range.

Make sure objects are initialized before they are used.

That does not mean that the member must be fully initialized in the initialization list, rather than the my_class object must be fully initialized when the constructor completes.

Other than that, just for the sake of it, there are different things you can do in vanilla C++ to handle this, like creating a helper function and returning the vector by value:

std::vector<int> create_vector() {
std::vector<int> v;
// ...
return v;

But I would not use this (or any other alternative) to initialize a member, only if needed (the vector is const might be sufficient excuse :))

Using std::iota to fill an alphabet vector

The behavior of std::iota is very simple:

Fills the range [first, last) with sequentially increasing values, starting with value and repetitively evaluating ++value.

This means your code will only work when the encoding represents the characters 'a', 'b' ... 'z' in increasing order. This is the case with ASCII encoding, so your code will work in that case. For any other encoding, where these characters are not increasing, or there are other characters interspersed between 'a' and 'z', this will not work.

Comparing pushing data (1 million numbers) with and without prior resizing in std::vector

After this change: vec2.resize(times); it works faster

I think maybe that's because after the resize the vec2 actually holds 2*times space,so it does not need reallocating in later push_back.

After this change: vec2.reserve(times); it works even faster

this version does not need reallocating,so it's better than the first one.

After this change: vec2[i] = i; becomes super fast

this directly place the element on its position,without any redundant operations compared with push_back

origin answer

You should do like:

vector<double> vec2;
vec2.resize(sizeof(double)* times); // this directly chage the size(),with capacity() also changed.
tp_start = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
for (double i = 0; i < times; i++)
vec2[i]=i;//not push_back

If you still use push_back in this situation,it does not have any efficiency.

And in your example with resize,the size of vec2 is larger than vec1,which needs more time to reallocate its memory,and takes more time to do push_back.By the way it's better to do reserve(n) in your case.

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