Create Objects in Conditional C++ Statements

Create objects in conditional c++ statements

I don't know if I understood your question correctly but can't you just declare report before the if/else block and then initialize inside it?

Report header;

if (...) {
header = Report();
header = Report(name,company);

Or in a shorter way:

Report header; // calls default constructor

if (shouldInitializeWithParams) {
header = Report(name,company);

Of course this requires you to have the empty constructor defined.

How can i have an if statement when creating an object in c#?

You can just do this afterwards if this is an object data assignment.

    var modelObj = new TestModel
Id = id,
Description = obj.Description

if (status == 1)
modelObj.Service = obj.Url,
modelObj.Username = obj.ServiceUsername,
modelObj.Password = obj.Password,
modelObj.Token = obj.Token,
modelObj.FirstName = obj.FirstName

Otherwise best bet is to use a class constructor instead of inline initialization.

How can I conditionally instantiate an object?

You can use an IIILE (immediately invoked initializing lambda expression):

auto object = [&] {
if (cond) {
auto object = getObject();
return object;
} else {
auto object = getDifferentObject();
return object;
}(); // note that the lambda must be called


This will work even if Type is not default-constructible.

Here's a demo.

Is there a way to declare objects within a conditional statement?

In your case, because you want to accomplish polymorphism, you should go for pointers and references. Why? I would highly recommend this beautiful answer. Why doesn't polymorphism work without pointers/references?

So, should you go for a raw pointer, something like Player *?

In almost all scenarios, you should never ever go for raw pointers and especially, when it points to dynamic memory. Simply because any programming error or an exception might lead to delete getting skipped.

Therefore, I would highly recommend you to go for smart pointers introduced in C++11 like unique_ptr and shared_ptr which follow RAII pattern and guarantee deinitialization.

Here is an example of usage of unique_ptr in your case.

#include <memory>

using PlayerPtr = std::unique_ptr<Player>;
using KnightPtr = std::unique_ptr<Knight>;
using WizardPtr = std::unique_ptr<Wizard>;

int main()
PlayerPtr playerPtr = nullptr;

switch (input) {
case 1: {
playerPtr = KnightPtr(new Knight);

case 2: {
playerPtr = WizardPtr(new Wizard);

// use playerPtr outside.


As rightly pointed out by HTNW, you must go for std::make_unique instead of using new. But remember, that is a C++14 concept. You must have compiler support for it.

Can we declare a object inside the if-else statement?

The simple answer is: Yes, you can declare objects inside if and else blocks, but they will be destroyed while leaving this blocks. In fact, after the if block there is no obj anymore.

Your idea to have different data types represented by a single object, depending on other runtime variables will not work in c++. C++ has a strong type system which makes your code idea impossible. That can be done on languages like python, but not at all by c++.

If you have the same algorithm, which should be used for different data types, you can play with templates. But this will still generate the complete code multiple times, a single instance per used data type.

From C++17 you can use std::variant to have a container, which can contain different data types during runtime. But that comes with the cost, that there is an additional value ( tag ), which tells the rest of the code which data type is currently stored in the variant itself. On every access the compiler has to generate something like if ( data == int ) then ... In detail it will be handled a bit different ( jumptable for different methods to call ). variant can also be used from other libraries like boost before C++17.

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