Remote Debugging C++ Application with Eclipse Gui

Remote debugging C++ application with Eclipse GUI

I believe that the "C/C++ Remote Application" option uses Eclipse's RDT (Remote Development Tools) and RSE (Remote System Explorer) to connect, upload, execute, and debug the application itself. It

If all you want to do is connect to a gdbserver, then create a "C/C++ Attach to Application" debug configuration, and under the Debugger tab, set Debugger to gdbserver.

Nvidia Nsight Eclipse edition remote debugging with C/C++ remote launch configuration

Nsight 5.0 does not support remote debugging - as this requires special cuda-gdb server software. cuda-gdbserver and Nsight EE remote debugging will be released as a part CUDA toolkit 5.5 (we demoed CUDA Toolkit 5.5 at GTC last week and we are working hard to release it as soon as possible).

Note that our remote debugger connection UI will be slightly different and will not require any Eclipse plugins installed separately.

Update: CUDA Toolkit 5.5 RC (which includes Nsight EE 5.5) is available for download for registered CUDA developers. It includes the remote debug support.

How to set up the Eclipse for remote C debugging with gdbserver?

gdbserver needs more arguments. For example, say gdbserver localhost:1337 yourprogram yourprogramarguments and keep it running.

Then, in Eclipse, create a new debug configuration for a "C/C++ Application". On the main tab, on the bottom, choose GDB (GSF) Remote System Process Launcher as launcher. On the debugger tab, choose gdbserver Debugger as the debugger. Under connection, say TCP as connection type and give localhost:1337 as address. When you launch the configuration, you may control the remote gdb by entering commands into the console.

How to debug a linux C++ program from Windows with Eclipse?

I suggest to install an X11 server on your Windows machine (e.g. Xming perhaps?) and to do ssh -X with some X11 client applications (like emacs, ddd if needed, xterm) on your Linux server. Don't use a complex thing like Eclipse. You could just use emacs (remotely on the Linux server, displaying on the Windows desktop X11 server)...

Once emacs works well (running on the remote Linux server, displaying on the Windows desktop X11 server), you can run gdb inside it.

To get ssh -X working, you need to configure it appropriately. Maybe you forgot that step. To test it, just use ssh -X yourlinuxhost xterm, and work on configuration till that step works.

Of course you could also install Linux on your laptop or desktop, perhaps inside a virtual machine above your Windows.

NB. I never used Windows, but I do know that some X11 servers exist for it.

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