Common Uses for Pointers

Common Uses For Pointers?

Any time you'd use a reference in C#. A "reference" is just a pointer with fancy safety airbags around it.

I use pointers about once every six lines in the C++ code that I write. Off the top of my head, these are the most common uses:

  • When I need to dynamically create an object whose lifetime exceeds the scope in which it was created.
  • When I need to allocate an object whose size is unknown at compile time.
  • When I need to transfer ownership of an object from one thing to another without actually copying it (like in a linked list/heap/whatever of really big, expensive structs)
  • When I need to refer to the same object from two different places.
  • When I need to slice an array without copying it.
  • When I need to write directly to a specific region of memory (because it has memory-mapped IO).

C++: What are scenarios where using pointers is a Good Idea(TM)?

Pointers are commonly used in C++. Becoming comfortable with them, will help you understand a broader range of code. That said if you can avoid them that is great, however, in time as your programs become more complex, you will likely need them even if only to interface with other libraries.

  • Primarily pointers are used to refer to dynamically allocated memory (returned by new).

  • They allow functions to take arguments that cannot be copied onto the stack either because they are too big or cannot be copied, such as an object returned by a system call. (I think also stack alignment, can be an issue, but too hazy to be confident.)

  • In embedded programing they are used to refer to things like hardware registers, which require that the code write to a very specific address in memory.

  • Pointers are also used to access objects through their base class interfaces. That is if I have a class B that is derived from class A class B : public A {}. That is an instance of the object B could be accessed as if it where class A by providing its address to a pointer to class A, ie: A *a = &b_obj;

  • It is a C idiom to use pointers as iterators on arrays. This may still be common in older C++ code, but is probably considered a poor cousin to the STL iterator objects.

  • If you need to interface with C code, you will invariable need to handle pointers which are used to refer to dynamically allocated objects, as there are no references. C strings are just pointers to an array of characters terminated by the nul '\0' character.

Once you feel comfortable with pointers, pointers to pointers won't seem so awful. The most obvious example is the argument list to main(). This is typically declared as char *argv[], but I have seen it declared (legally I believe) as char **argv.

The declaration is C style, but it says that I have array of pointers to pointers to char. Which is interpreted as a arbitrary sized array (the size is carried by argc) of C style strings (character arrays terminated by the nul '\0' character).

Why Use Pointers in C?

A variable itself is a pointer to data

No, it is not. A variable represents an object, an lvalue. The concept of lvalue is fundamentally different from the concept of a pointer. You seem to be mixing the two.

In C it is not possible to "rebind" an lvalue to make it "point" to a different location in memory. The binding between lvalues and their memory locations is determined and fixed at compile time. It is not always 100% specific (e.g. absolute location of a local variable is not known at compile time), but it is sufficiently specific to make it non-user-adjustable at run time.

The whole idea of a pointer is that its value is generally determined at run time and can be made to point to different memory locations at run time.

Why use double indirection? or Why use pointers to pointers?

If you want to have a list of characters (a word), you can use char *word

If you want a list of words (a sentence), you can use char **sentence

If you want a list of sentences (a monologue), you can use char ***monologue

If you want a list of monologues (a biography), you can use char ****biography

If you want a list of biographies (a bio-library), you can use char *****biolibrary

If you want a list of bio-libraries (a ??lol), you can use char ******lol

... ...

yes, I know these might not be the best data structures

Usage example with a very very very boring lol

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int wordsinsentence(char **x) {
int w = 0;
while (*x) {
w += 1;
return w;

int wordsinmono(char ***x) {
int w = 0;
while (*x) {
w += wordsinsentence(*x);
return w;

int wordsinbio(char ****x) {
int w = 0;
while (*x) {
w += wordsinmono(*x);
return w;

int wordsinlib(char *****x) {
int w = 0;
while (*x) {
w += wordsinbio(*x);
return w;

int wordsinlol(char ******x) {
int w = 0;
while (*x) {
w += wordsinlib(*x);
return w;

int main(void) {
char *word;
char **sentence;
char ***monologue;
char ****biography;
char *****biolibrary;
char ******lol;

//fill data structure
word = malloc(4 * sizeof *word); // assume it worked
strcpy(word, "foo");

sentence = malloc(4 * sizeof *sentence); // assume it worked
sentence[0] = word;
sentence[1] = word;
sentence[2] = word;
sentence[3] = NULL;

monologue = malloc(4 * sizeof *monologue); // assume it worked
monologue[0] = sentence;
monologue[1] = sentence;
monologue[2] = sentence;
monologue[3] = NULL;

biography = malloc(4 * sizeof *biography); // assume it worked
biography[0] = monologue;
biography[1] = monologue;
biography[2] = monologue;
biography[3] = NULL;

biolibrary = malloc(4 * sizeof *biolibrary); // assume it worked
biolibrary[0] = biography;
biolibrary[1] = biography;
biolibrary[2] = biography;
biolibrary[3] = NULL;

lol = malloc(4 * sizeof *lol); // assume it worked
lol[0] = biolibrary;
lol[1] = biolibrary;
lol[2] = biolibrary;
lol[3] = NULL;

printf("total words in my lol: %d\n", wordsinlol(lol));



total words in my lol: 243

c++: when to use pointers?

If you don't know when you should use pointers just don't use them.

It will become apparent when you need to use them, every situation is different. It is not easy to sum up concisely when they should be used. Do not get into the habit of 'always using pointers for objects', that is certainly bad advice.

When to use pointers in C#/.NET?

When is this needed? Under what circumstances does using pointers becomes inevitable?

When the net cost of a managed, safe solution is unacceptable but the net cost of an unsafe solution is acceptable. You can determine the net cost or net benefit by subtracting the total benefits from the total costs. The benefits of an unsafe solution are things like "no time wasted on unnecessary runtime checks to ensure correctness"; the costs are (1) having to write code that is safe even with the managed safety system turned off, and (2) having to deal with potentially making the garbage collector less efficient, because it cannot move around memory that has an unmanaged pointer into it.

Or, if you are the person writing the marshalling layer.

Is it only for performance reasons?

It seems perverse to use pointers in a managed language for reasons other than performance.

You can use the methods in the Marshal class to deal with interoperating with unmanaged code in the vast majority of cases. (There might be a few cases in which it is difficult or impossible to use the marshalling gear to solve an interop problem, but I don't know of any.)

Of course, as I said, if you are the person writing the Marshal class then obviously you don't get to use the marshalling layer to solve your problem. In that case you'd need to implement it using pointers.

Why does C# expose this functionality through an unsafe context, and remove all of the managed advantages from it?

Those managed advantages come with performance costs. For example, every time you ask an array for its tenth element, the runtime needs to do a check to see if there is a tenth element, and throw an exception if there isn't. With pointers that runtime cost is eliminated.

The corresponding developer cost is that if you do it wrong then you get to deal with memory corruption bugs that formats your hard disk and crashes your process an hour later rather than dealing with a nice clean exception at the point of the error.

Is it possible to use pointers without losing any advantages of managed environment, theoretically?

By "advantages" I assume you mean advantages like garbage collection, type safety and referential integrity. Thus your question is essentially "is it in theory possible to turn off the safety system but still get the benefits of the safety system being turned on?" No, clearly it is not. If you turn off that safety system because you don't like how expensive it is then you don't get the benefits of it being on!

Why should I use a pointer rather than the object itself?

It's very unfortunate that you see dynamic allocation so often. That just shows how many bad C++ programmers there are.

In a sense, you have two questions bundled up into one. The first is when should we use dynamic allocation (using new)? The second is when should we use pointers?

The important take-home message is that you should always use the appropriate tool for the job. In almost all situations, there is something more appropriate and safer than performing manual dynamic allocation and/or using raw pointers.

Dynamic allocation

In your question, you've demonstrated two ways of creating an object. The main difference is the storage duration of the object. When doing Object myObject; within a block, the object is created with automatic storage duration, which means it will be destroyed automatically when it goes out of scope. When you do new Object(), the object has dynamic storage duration, which means it stays alive until you explicitly delete it. You should only use dynamic storage duration when you need it.
That is, you should always prefer creating objects with automatic storage duration when you can.

The main two situations in which you might require dynamic allocation:

  1. You need the object to outlive the current scope - that specific object at that specific memory location, not a copy of it. If you're okay with copying/moving the object (most of the time you should be), you should prefer an automatic object.
  2. You need to allocate a lot of memory, which may easily fill up the stack. It would be nice if we didn't have to concern ourselves with this (most of the time you shouldn't have to), as it's really outside the purview of C++, but unfortunately, we have to deal with the reality of the systems we're developing for.

When you do absolutely require dynamic allocation, you should encapsulate it in a smart pointer or some other type that performs RAII (like the standard containers). Smart pointers provide ownership semantics of dynamically allocated objects. Take a look at std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr, for example. If you use them appropriately, you can almost entirely avoid performing your own memory management (see the Rule of Zero).


However, there are other more general uses for raw pointers beyond dynamic allocation, but most have alternatives that you should prefer. As before, always prefer the alternatives unless you really need pointers.

  1. You need reference semantics. Sometimes you want to pass an object using a pointer (regardless of how it was allocated) because you want the function to which you're passing it to have access that that specific object (not a copy of it). However, in most situations, you should prefer reference types to pointers, because this is specifically what they're designed for. Note this is not necessarily about extending the lifetime of the object beyond the current scope, as in situation 1 above. As before, if you're okay with passing a copy of the object, you don't need reference semantics.

  2. You need polymorphism. You can only call functions polymorphically (that is, according to the dynamic type of an object) through a pointer or reference to the object. If that's the behavior you need, then you need to use pointers or references. Again, references should be preferred.

  3. You want to represent that an object is optional by allowing a nullptr to be passed when the object is being omitted. If it's an argument, you should prefer to use default arguments or function overloads. Otherwise, you should preferably use a type that encapsulates this behavior, such as std::optional (introduced in C++17 - with earlier C++ standards, use boost::optional).

  4. You want to decouple compilation units to improve compilation time. The useful property of a pointer is that you only require a forward declaration of the pointed-to type (to actually use the object, you'll need a definition). This allows you to decouple parts of your compilation process, which may significantly improve compilation time. See the Pimpl idiom.

  5. You need to interface with a C library or a C-style library. At this point, you're forced to use raw pointers. The best thing you can do is make sure you only let your raw pointers loose at the last possible moment. You can get a raw pointer from a smart pointer, for example, by using its get member function. If a library performs some allocation for you which it expects you to deallocate via a handle, you can often wrap the handle up in a smart pointer with a custom deleter that will deallocate the object appropriately.

When to use a pointer to a pointer in C?

You use a pointer to type T when you need to add a level of indirection to an object of type T. When type T happens to be a pointer, you make a pointer to a pointer.

In your particular situation it appears that the function needs to return several things at once. A common idiom in C for functions providing several results is to pass pointers to results into the function, and let the function set them. Your function provides three results:

  • The number of items in dataArrayP, through numDataP,
  • An array of data, through dataArrayP, and
  • An lwm2m object, through objectP

All three results are returned by setting pointers inside the function. The second result happens to be a pointer, i.e. lwm2m_data_t *. In order to return a pointer by setting a pointer, a double-pointer must be passed:

int numData;
lwm2m_data_t *dataArray;
lwm2m_object_t object;
uint8_t status = prv_read(instanceId, &numDataP, &dataArray, &object);

Note: Another common use for double-pointers is defining jagged arrays.

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