Calling the Base Class Constructor from the Derived Class Constructor

Calling the base class constructor from the derived class constructor

The constructor of PetStore will call a constructor of Farm; there's
no way you can prevent it. If you do nothing (as you've done), it will
call the default constructor (Farm()); if you need to pass arguments,
you'll have to specify the base class in the initializer list:

: Farm( neededArgument )
, idF( 0 )

(Similarly, the constructor of PetStore will initialize
sizeF, by calling the constructor of Farm. The constructor of a class always calls the constructors of
all of its base classes and all of its members.)

Is it possible to call a derived class constructor from a base class constructor?

Short answer: no. That would be breaking the object-oriented paradigm, so you wouldn't want to be able to do that anyway. Think about it this way: an abstract base class can be extended by an arbitrary number of classes, but if it was tightly coupled to one of the child classes, how would that impact the other ones?

public class BaseClass {
// Call child class constructor
public BaseClass() : A() { }

public class A : BaseClass {
public A() { ... }

// How should BaseClass handle this? There is no constructor named "A."
public class B : BaseClass {
public B() { ... }

If you want the base class and derived class to share some functionality, you should make it a protected method in the base class. That way, you can call that method from the constructor.

You could also make a constructor on the base class that provides the common functionality and call it from the child class with : base(...).

Can I call a derived class constructor from a base class?

You cannot call a derived class constructor from a base class. The base class has no idea the derived class even exist.

How to get around calling base class constructor from derived class with the same arguments?

You may use a using-declaration to


[...] introduce base class members into derived class definitions.


Inheriting constructors

If the using-declaration refers to a constructor of a direct base of the class being defined (e.g. using Base::Base;), all constructors of that base (ignoring member access) are made visible to overload resolution when initializing the derived class.

If overload resolution selects an inherited constructor, it is accessible if it would be accessible when used to construct an object of the corresponding base class: the accessibility of the using-declaration that introduced it is ignored.

as such:

class B : public A {
using A::A;

Note the highlight that the accessibility of the using-declaration itself is ignored, meaning using A::A in the example needn't the be placed under public accessibility - what matters is the accessibility of the inherited constructors in B.

What are the rules for calling the base class constructor?

Base class constructors are automatically called for you if they have no argument. If you want to call a superclass constructor with an argument, you must use the subclass's constructor initialization list. Unlike Java, C++ supports multiple inheritance (for better or worse), so the base class must be referred to by name, rather than "super()".

class SuperClass

SuperClass(int foo)
// do something with foo

class SubClass : public SuperClass

SubClass(int foo, int bar)
: SuperClass(foo) // Call the superclass constructor in the subclass' initialization list.
// do something with bar

More info on the constructor's initialization list here and here.

derived class constructor call base constructor

Since size is a private variable in the base class Array, it cannot be accessed in the child class NumericArray.

There are two ways to access size in the child class NumericArray:

  1. Make size a protected variable in the base class Array and access it in the child class NumericArray.

    protected: int size;
  2. Write a getter public function (GetSize()) in the base class Array that returns size, and the child class NumericArray can just call this getter public function in the constructor of the child class using super.GetSize() per this link.

    GetSize() { return size }

C++ calling base class constructors

The short answer for this is, "because that's what the C++ standard specifies".

Note that you can always specify a constructor that's different from the default, like so:

class Shape  {

Shape() {...} //default constructor
Shape(int h, int w) {....} //some custom constructor


class Rectangle : public Shape {
Rectangle(int h, int w) : Shape(h, w) {...} //you can specify which base class constructor to call


The default constructor of the base class is called only if you don't specify which one to call.

How do I call the base class constructor?

You do this in the initializer-list of the constructor of the subclass.

class Foo : public BaseClass {
Foo() : BaseClass("asdf") {}

Base-class constructors that take arguments have to be called there before any members are initialized.

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