Calling Constructors in C++ Without New

Calling constructors in c++ without new

Both lines are in fact correct but do subtly different things.

The first line creates a new object on the stack by calling a constructor of the format Thing(const char*).

The second one is a bit more complex. It essentially does the following

  1. Create an object of type Thing using the constructor Thing(const char*)
  2. Create an object of type Thing using the constructor Thing(const Thing&)
  3. Call ~Thing() on the object created in step #1

C++, is it possible to call a constructor directly, without new?

Sort of. You can use placement new to run the constructor using already-allocated memory:

 #include <new>

Object1 ooo[2] = {Object1("I'm the first object"), Object1("I'm the 2nd")};
ooo[0].~Object1(); // call destructor

new (&ooo[0]) Object1("I'm the 3rd object in place of first");

So, you're still using the new keyword, but no memory allocation takes place.

Can constructor call another constructor in c++?

Not before C++11.

Extract the common functionality into a separate function instead. I usually name this function construct().

The "so-called" second call would compile, but has a different meaning in C++: it would construct a new object, a temporary, which will then be instantly deleted at the end of the statement. So, no.

A destructor, however, can be called without a problem.

How to call constructor without new?

You can use cast operator to implicitly:

    sealed class Student
public string Name
private set;


public static implicit operator Student(string name)
return new Student
Name = name

Then you can do Student student = "Sabrina";.

C++: allocate block of T without calling constructor

Firstly, you are not allocating a "block of T*". You are allocating a "block of T".

Secondly, if your T has non-trivial constructor, then until elements are constructed, your block is not really a "block of T", but rather a block of raw memory. There's no point in involving T here at all (except for calculating size). A void * pointer is more appropriate with raw memory.

To allocate the memory you can use whatever you prefer

void *raw_data = malloc(num * sizeof(T));


void *raw_data = new unsigned char[num * sizeof(T)];


void *raw_data = ::operator new(num * sizeof(T));


std::allocator<T> a;
void *raw_data = a.allocate(num);
// or
// T *raw_data = a.allocate(num);

Later, when you actually construct the elements (using placement new, as you said), you'll finally get a meaningful pointer of type T *, but as long as the memory is raw, using T * makes little sense (although it is not an error).

Unless your T has some exotic alignment requirements, the memory returned by the above allocation functions will be properly aligned.

You might actually want to take a look at the memory utilities provided by C++ standard library: std::allocator<> with allocate and construct methods, and algorithms as uninitialized_fill etc. instead or trying to reinvent the wheel.

Call to constructors without the new keyword

Without copying the exact line that worries you I might be off target, but if your concern is code like:

T f() {
return T();

That is not a call to the constructor, but rather the creation of a temporary which in this case is value-initialized. The memory is allocated locally in the stack (if at all, Return Value Optimization should avoid it).

Constructor without new C#

You can implement it like this:

  public class Person {
// Private (or protected) Constructor to ensure using factory methods
private Person(String name) {
if (null == name)
name = "SomeDefaultValue";

//TODO: put relevant code here

// Factory method, please notice "static"
public static Person CreateWithName(String name) {
return new Person(name);

// Factory method, please notice "static"
public static Person CreateEmpty() {
return new Person(null);

Does the `new` operator always call the constructor?

If you search for constructor on the linked MSDN page, it says this:

When new is used to allocate memory for a C++ class object, the object's constructor is called after the memory is allocated.

In other words, a constructor is called if one exists. If none exists, none is called.

Instantiating objects without calling the constructor in C++

5 is an example of C++'s most vexing parse.

Dog dog();

This declares a function named dog that accepts no parameters and returns a Dog. To avoid the most vexing parse (and if you are using C++11), you can do:

Dog dog{};

And semantically (at least until C++17), Dog dog = Dog(); will first create a temporary object (Dog()), and then move construct (or copy construct, if Dog class has no move constructor) a named object (dog) from it. Although compilers might optimize the move away, this statement does have different semantics from the rest.

If I remember correctly, since C++17, P0135r0 will change the semantics of Dog dog = Dog(); so that it has the same meaning as Dog dog;.

EDIT: As pointed out by @LightnessRacesinOrbit in the comments, Dog dog(); is vexing, but not quite the most vexing parse. Dog dog(Dog()); is true most vexing parse. Dog dog(); is just a, well, plain declaration, I guess.

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