The Difference Between C and C++ Regarding the ++ Operator

The difference between C and C++ regarding the ++ operator

In both C and C++, the result of x++ is an rvalue, so you can't assign to it.

In C, ++x is equivalent to x += 1 (C standard §; all C standard cites are to WG14 N1570). In C++, ++x is equivalent to x += 1 if x is not a bool (C++ standard §5.3.2 [expr.pre.incr]/p1; all C++ standard cites are to WG21 N3936).

In C, the result of an assignment expression is an rvalue (C standard §6.5.16/p3):

An assignment operator stores a value in the object designated by the
left operand. An assignment expression has the value of the left
operand after the assignment, but is not an lvalue.

Because it's not an lvalue, you can't assign to it: (C standard §6.5.16/p2 - note that this is a constraint)

An assignment operator shall have a modifiable lvalue as its left

In C++, the result of an assignment expression is an lvalue (C++ standard §5.17 [expr.ass]/p1):

The assignment operator (=) and the compound assignment operators all
group right-to-left. All require a modifiable lvalue as their left
operand and return an lvalue referring to the left operand.

So ++ptr = ptr1; is a diagnosable constraint violation in C, but does not violate any diagnosable rule in C++.

However, pre-C++11, ++ptr = ptr1; has undefined behavior, as it modifies ptr twice between two adjacent sequence points.

In C++11, the behavior of ++ptr = ptr1 becomes well defined. It's clearer if we rewrite it as

(ptr += 1) = ptr1;

Since C++11, the C++ standard provides that (§5.17 [expr.ass]/p1)

In all cases, the assignment is sequenced after the value computation
of the right and left operands, and before the value computation of
the assignment expression. With respect to an
indeterminately-sequenced function call, the operation of a compound
assignment is a single evaluation.

So the assignment performed by the = is sequenced after the value computation of ptr += 1 and ptr1. The assignment performed by the += is sequenced before the value computation of ptr += 1, and all value computations required by the += are necessarily sequenced before that assignment. Thus, the sequencing here is well-defined and there is no undefined behavior.

Difference between C and in C++ regarding the ^= operator

The difference is not in the pointers as you initially suspected, but in the different order of evaluation rules. In the "new" C++11 "Sequenced-before rules", we have:

The side effect (modification of the left argument) of the built-in assignment operator and of all built-in compound assignment operators is sequenced after the value computation (but not the side effects) of both left and right arguments, and is sequenced before the value computation of the assignment expression (that is, before returning the reference to the modified object)

(From cppr.) This rule guarantees the desired right-to-left evaluation of your expression.

In contrast to this, C and C++98 use "Sequence points". Since there are no sequence points in the long statement, you have multiple unsequenced modification of the values the pointers point to and thus invoke Undefined Behavior.

For C, gcc warns about this (live). For C++98 it apparently uses the new rules already, which is fine because undefined behavior is undefined.

Splitting the statement solves this problem of course because the end of the statement explicitly introduces sequence points where you need them. It is also superior because it is more readable and one does not need to know sequencing rules to determine whether or not the code is correct.

For reference: A great explanation of sequencing rules in C++ can be found here.

Conditional operator differences between C and C++

The conditional operator in C++ can return an lvalue, whereas C does not allow for similar functionality. Hence, the following is legal in C++:

(true ? a : b) = 1;

To replicate this in C, you would have to resort to if/else, or deal with references directly:

*(true ? &a : &b) = 1;

Also in C++, ?: and = operators have equal precedence and group right-to-left, such that:

(true ? a = 1 : b = 2);

is valid C++ code, but will throw an error in C without parentheses around the last expression:

(true ? a = 1 : (b = 2));

What is the difference between the * and the & operators in c programming?

Not quite. You're confusing a * appearing in a type-name (used to define a variable), with the * operator.

int main() {
int i; // i is an int
int *p; // this is a * in a type-name. It means p is a pointer-to-int
p = &i; // use & operator to get a pointer to i, assign that to p.
*p = 3; // use * operator to "dereference" p, meaning 3 is assigned to i.

What is the difference between += and =+ C assignment operators

In modern C, or even moderately ancient C, += is a compound assignment operator, and =+ is parsed as two separate tokens. = and +. Punctuation tokens are allowed to be adjacent.

So if you write:

x += y;

it's equivalent to

x = x + y;

except that x is only evaluated once (which can matter if it's a more complicated expression).

If you write:

x =+ y;

then it's parsed as

x = + y;

and the + is a unary plus operator.

Very early versions of C (around the mid 1970s, before the publication of K&R1 in 1978) used different symbols for compound assignments. Where modern C uses +=, early C used =+. Early C had no unary + operator, but it did have a unary - operator, and the use of =- caused problems; programmers would write x=-y intending it to mean x = -y, but it was silently interpreted as x =- y. The language was changed some time between 1975 and 1978 to avoid that problem. As late as 1999, I worked with a compiler (VAXC on VMS) that would warn about an ambiguous use of =-, but would use the older meaning. That shouldn't be a concern now unless you're a hobbyist playing with some very old software and/or hardware.

(A 1975 C Reference Manual shows the old =-, =+, et al forms of the compound assignment operators. The first edition of The C Programming Language by Kernighan and Ritchie, published in 1978, shows the modern -=, +=, et al, but mentions the older forms under "Anachronisms".)

What's the difference between &C::c and &(C::c)?

C++ distinguishes two forms of operands to the & operator, lvalues in general and (qualified) identifiers specifically. In &C::c the operand of & is a qualified identifier (i.e. just a name) whereas in &(C::c) the operand is a general expression (because ( cannot be part of a name).

The qualified identifier form has a special case: If it refers to a non-static member of a class (like your C::c), & returns a special value known as a "pointer to member of C". See here for more information about member pointers.

In &(C::c) there is no special case. C::c is resolved normally and fails because there is no object to get a c member of. At least that's what happens in main; in methods of C (like your foo) there is an implicit this object, so C::c actually means this->c there.

As for why the output is different for printf vs. cout: When you try to print a member pointer with <<, it is implicitly converted to a bool, yielding false if it's a null pointer and true otherwise. false is printed as 0; true is printed as 1. Your member pointer is not null, so you get 1. This is different from normal pointers, which are implicitly converted to void * and printed as addresses, but member pointers cannot be converted to void * so the only applicable overload of operator<< is the one for bool. See

Note that technically your printf calls have undefined behavior. %p takes a void * and you're passing it pointers of different types. In normal function calls the automatic conversion from T * to void * would kick in, but printf is a variable-arguments function that provides no type context to its argument list, so you need a manual conversion:

printf("%p\n", static_cast<void *>(&(C::c)));

The relevant part of the standard is [expr.unary.op], saying:

The result of the unary & operator is a pointer to its operand.
The operand shall be an lvalue or a qualified-id. If the operand is a qualified-id naming a non-static or variant member m of some class C with type T, the result has type “pointer to member of class C of type T” and is a prvalue designating C​::​m.
Otherwise, if the type of the expression is T, the result has type “pointer to T” [...]

difference between - and . operator in C language (struct)

a->b is short for (*a).b.

There is no difference between a->b and (*a).b. There is a difference between (*a).b and a.b, of course - which is that the * dereferences a first (which must be a pointer or an array).

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