Calculating the Amount of Combinations

Calculating the Amount of Combinations

Here's an ancient algorithm which is exact and doesn't overflow unless the result is to big for a long long

unsigned long long
choose(unsigned long long n, unsigned long long k) {
if (k > n) {
return 0;
unsigned long long r = 1;
for (unsigned long long d = 1; d <= k; ++d) {
r *= n--;
r /= d;
return r;

This algorithm is also in Knuth's "The Art of Computer Programming, 3rd Edition, Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms" I think.

UPDATE: There's a small possibility that the algorithm will overflow on the line:

r *= n--;

for very large n. A naive upper bound is sqrt(std::numeric_limits<long long>::max()) which means an n less than rougly 4,000,000,000.

Calculate the total amount (number) of combinations of a set with the specified combination length?

Let's try it with three characters, A, B and C (n = 3) and combo length of k = 2, as your example states.

With repetition

  • We start with two empty spaces.
  • The first empty space can be filled in 3 possible ways.
  • For each of three possible ways, the second space can be filled in another three possible ways.

This gives you a total of 3 × 3 possibilities.

In general, there are n ^ k possibilities.

Without repetition

  • We start with two empty spaces.
  • The first empty space can be filled in 3 possible ways.
  • The second empty space can be filled in 2 possible ways, because you don't want to repeat yourself.

This gives you 3 × 2 possibilities in your case.

Let's go with another example. Say, you have five letters (ABCDE) and combo length of four _ _ _ _.

  • We put any of five letters on the first empty space. This is five possibilities: A, B, C, D, E.
  • Now for each possibility after the last step, no matter which letter we've chosen, now we have 4 letters left to choose from. If in the previous step we've chosen A, the corpus is now BCDE -- this is four possibilities. For B, we choose from ACDE -- this is again for possibilities. In total, since there were 5 ways to do previous step, and there are 4 ways to go after any of the previous choices, in total this is 20 possibilities: (AB, AC, AD, AE), (BA, BC, BD, BE), (CA, CB, CD, CE), (DA, DB, DC, DE), (EA, EB, EC, ED).
  • Let's keep going. After picking two letters, we're left with 3. With the same logic as before, for each of the previous 20 possibilities we have another 3 possibilities. This is 60 in total.
  • And one more space left. We have two letters which we haven't chosen before. From any of the previous 60 possibilities, we now have two possibilities. That's 120 in total.

So we've arrived at this by multiplying 5 × 4 × 3 × 2. Why start from 5? Because we initially had 5 letters: ABCDE. Why have four numbers in our multiplication? Because there were 4 empty spaces: _ _ _ _.

In general, you keep multiplying a decremented value starting from n, and do this k times: n × (n - 1) × ... × (n - k + 1).

The last value is (n - k + 1) because you are multiplying k values in total. From n to (n - k + 1) there are k values in total (inclusive).

We can test this with our n = 5 and k = 4 example. We said that the formula was 5 × 4 × 3 × 2. Now look at the general formula: indeed, we start from n = 5 and keep multiplying until we reach the number 5 - 4 + 1 = 2.

In your function's signature, n is setLength, k is comboLength. The implementation should be trivial with the above formulas, so I'm leaving this to the reader.

These are called permutations with and without repetition.

Finding the amount of combination of three numbers in a sequence which fulfills a specific requirement

When you seek for items in value range D in sorted list, and get index difference M, then you should calculate C(M,3).

But for such combination number you don't need to use huge factorials:

 C(M,3) = M! / (6 * (M-3)!) = M * (M-1) * (M-2) / 6

To diminish intermediate results even more:

 A = (M - 1) * (M - 2) / 2
A = (A * M) / 3

Calculating the number of possible combinations - C#

since allNumbers! always contains (allNumbers - PerGroup)!, why don't you exclude them from start.

int b = 1;

if (allNumbers - PerGroup == 0)
return 1;
else if (allNumbers - PerGroup == 1)
return allNumbers;
for (int i = (allNumbers - PerGroup + 1); i <= allNumbers; i++)
b *= i;

return b;

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