Timepickerdialog and Am or Pm

TimePickerDialog and AM or PM

The hourOfDay will always be 24-hour. If you opened the dialog with is24HourView set to false, the user will not have to deal with 24-hour formatted times, but Android will convert that to a 24-hour time when it calls onTimeSet().

TimePicker - how to set AM or PM?

Android automatically sets AM/PM based on time it is supplied in 24 hours format. To clarify:

You have to set TimePicker to 12 hour mode by calling


and then supply time in 24 hour format using


If i were you i would take string apart and check if last part was AM or PM and if it is PM i would add 12 to hour value, so if it was 11:11:PM i would get 23 hours, give it to android and let it take care of everything else.

NOTE: this works for both spinner and clock mode

how to get the TimePickerDialog AM PM values

Maybe this answers your question.

TimePickerDialog and AM or PM

Not able to select AM/PM dynamically in TimePickerDialog

You don't need to get am/pm value cause hour will be always in 24h format. Timepicker display ap/pm but return 24h format value.

here hourOfDay will always be 24-hour. If you opened the dialog with is24HourView set to false, the user will not have to deal with 24-hour formatted times, but Android will convert that to a 24-hour time when it calls onTimeSet().

    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
TimePickerDialog timePickerDialogfrom = new TimePickerDialog(activity, new TimePickerDialog.OnTimeSetListener() {
public void onTimeSet(TimePicker view, int hourOfDay, int minute) {
calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hourOfDay);
calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minute);
//Conversion for AM/PM as you are doing
}, calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR), calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE), false);

How do I set AM/PM in a TimePicker?

You'll have to use Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY instead of Calendar.HOUR.

i.e., timePicker.setCurrentHour() always expects the argument in 24-hour format. Unfortunately, this fact is not documented properly in the API documentation.

How to set 12 hours format in time picker with AM & PM?

use this logic to find am pm

public void onTimeSet(TimePicker view, int hourOfDay, int minute) {
String AM_PM ;
if(hourOfDay < 12) {
AM_PM = "AM";
} else {
AM_PM = "PM";

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