Panic: Broken Avd System Path. Check Your Android_Sdk_Root Value

Windows: PANIC: Broken AVD system path. Check your Android_SDK_Root value [C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Local\Android\SDK]!

Please follow below step to run AVD

F:\AndroidStudioSetup\sdk>cd tools

F:\AndroidStudioSetup\sdk\tools>emulator -list-avds

F:\AndroidStudioSetup\sdk\tools>emulator -avd Nexus_5_API_24

Hax is enabled

Hax ram_size 0x60000000

HAX is working and emulator runs in fast virt mode.

Broken AVD system path. Check your ANDROID_SDK_ROOT value

Well, it's solved. The issue comes because of Windows 10 Spanish version sets as default username Tú. Creating a folder at C:\Users\Tú

The accent breaks the AVD giving the error at the picture. We should change our username, rename the folder and swap all the windows registry entries referencing to the folder.

If you have this issue, maybe this video would help:

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