How to Use Sharedpreferences in Xamarin.Android

How do I use SharedPreferences in Xamarin.Android?

The Xamarin.Android equivalent of SharedPreferences is an interface called ISharedPreferences.

Use it in the same way, and you will be able to easily port Android code across.

For example, to save a true/false bool using some Context you can do the following:

ISharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.GetDefaultSharedPreferences (mContext);
ISharedPreferencesEditor editor = prefs.Edit ();
editor.PutBoolean ("key_for_my_bool_value", mBool);
// editor.Commit(); // applies changes synchronously on older APIs
editor.Apply(); // applies changes asynchronously on newer APIs

Access saved values using:

ISharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.GetDefaultSharedPreferences (mContext);
mBool = prefs.GetBoolean ("key_for_my_bool_value", <default value>);
mInt = prefs.GetInt ("key_for_my_int_value", <default value>);
mString = prefs.GetString ("key_for_my_string_value", <default value>);

From this sample, you can see that once you know the correct C# interface to use, the rest is easy. There are many Android java examples on how to use SharedPreferences for more complex situations, and these can be ported very easily using ISharedPreferences.

For more information, read this thread:

  • Android Shared Preference on Xamarin forum

How to use SharedPreferences to save my checkbox state in Android Xamarin

Use this way

To save bool value

ISharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.GetDefaultSharedPreferences (this);
ISharedPreferencesEditor editor = prefs.Edit ();
editor.PutBoolean ("bool_value", mBool);

To Retrive the bool value

ISharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.GetDefaultSharedPreferences (this);
mBool = prefs.GetBoolean ("bool_value", <default value>);

Use Shared Preferences in xamarin

what I recommend that you do is to implement shared preferences... going by this way

SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getApplicationContext());
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit();
editor.putstring("PreferenceName","YOUR PREFERENCE VALUE");

and whenever you want to check the loginMethod value just call the preference value like this...

SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getApplicationContext());
String myValue= preferences.getString("PreferenceName", "");

if you need more assistant I'll be more than happy to help you

Xamarin.Forms shared preferences

ISharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.GetDefaultSharedPreferences(this); 
ISharedPreferencesEditor editor = prefs.Edit();
editor.PutString("username", name);
editor.PutString("password", password);

Xamarin Forms Sharedpreferences cross

  1. The Application subclass has a static Properties dictionary which can be used to store data. This can be accessed from anywhere in your Xamarin.Forms code using Application.Current.Properties.
Application.Current.Properties ["id"] = someClass.ID;

if (Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("id"))
var id = Application.Current.Properties ["id"] as int;
// do something with id

The Properties dictionary is saved to the device automatically. Data added to the dictionary will be available when the application returns from the background or even after it is restarted. Xamarin.Forms 1.4 introduced an additional method on the Application class - SavePropertiesAsync() - which can be called to proactively persist the Properties dictionary. This is to allow you to save properties after important updates rather than risk them not getting serialized out due to a crash or being killed by the OS.

  1. Xamarin.Forms plugin which uses the native settings management.

    • Android: SharedPreferences
    • iOS: NSUserDefaults
    • Windows Phone: IsolatedStorageSettings
    • Windows Store / Windows Phone RT: ApplicationDataContainer

Accessing Android Shared Preferences with MAUI Preview

As @ToolmakerSteve already pointed out, if this is Android specific code you want to use, place it in the Platforms\Android folder. Read more about the code sharing strategies in the .NET MAUI Docs:

However, this shouldn't be Android specific code, depending on your actual needs. There is also the Preferences API in Essentials. This uses, in fact, the Android Shared Preferences. You can find all the info here:

Note, the documentation is about Xamarin.Essentials, but all APIs are ported to .NET MAUI as well.

Application settings/properties in Xamarin Forms similar to Shared Preferences in Android

You can use the settings plugin for Xamarin Forms if you data you want to save does not need securing.

You could create a settings object, serialise and store with a context key if you need to store different preferences per context

If it is usernames, passwords or tokens and needs securing one option is the secure storage plugin

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