The Completest Cocos2D-X Tutorial & Guide List

The Completest Cocos2d-x Tutorial & Guide List

Here you got complementaries discussions about the topic, it can be interesting.



How to develop cocos2d-x game for android & iphone?

simple :

-> Framework : cocos2d-X
-> Editor : Xcode
-> Language : C++

once you complete your Game for iphone then You can port your this game to any platform like Android or Windows. you already have all useful links . still follow this :

Setting_up_Android_Development_Environment_on_Mac_OSX :

How to port your project to win32,iPhone and Android

Integrate Cocos2d-x (C++) into an Android application (Java)

-> You just have to convert this native code using some JNI or say NDK .
-> using Cocos2d-x u can Develop games on Windows, Mac OS and Linux .

getting started with cocos2d for android

If I were you, I would use Cocos2d-x, because cocos2d doesn't have support anymore. Cocos2d-x is based on C++ and use JNI to run on Android. You don't have to know how does it work, just compile it and program your game in C++. To start using it check: The Completest Cocos2d-x Tutorial & Guide List and the official web of the project:

Where can I find a good tutorial to start programming using Cocos2D-x?

cocos2d - android is not updated anymnore. If you are already using Cocos2d-x = crossplatform, you must know that, differently from iOS, in Android you program directly on cpp. The eclipse project uses makefiles to compile the code in cpp, but that code is not with $YOURCOCOS2DPROJECT>android path, it's inside the Classes that, compiles the code when uses the eclipse project, and you must put your director, scene and layers over there.

Cocos2d-x vs cocos2d-android for an Android game

Note that there are two projects with almost the same name: cocos2d-android and cocos2d-android*1*. The latter is a fork of the former and its author did it because cocos2d-android project was almost dead.

In the beginning I was in doubt about cocos2d-android1 (which seems to be a very good work) and cocos2d-x but the possibility to develop in C++ (that I like a lot) and be multi-platform made me chose cocos2d-x.

I'm still trying to learn cocos2d-x.

What I like about it:

  • List item

  • it's a C++ framework

  • you can develop for Android, iPhone, Bada, Blackblerry Playbook, Windows and Linux.
    Please, notice that at the moment cocos2d-x team advises that Windows and Linux port are meant for easy your development not for production.

  • it has a Lua binding

  • it has a version for Marmalade (a paid multi-platform SDK)

cocos2d-x works with NDK since release 4. Currently I'm using NDK r7. You can develop for devices running since android 2.1 (API 7)

It seems that there are some issues with cocos2d-x on android 4 (what shouldn't be a problem because both it's still not that wide spread and cocos2d-x team will fix any problem they come across).

You will be able to access platform specific functionality like in-app purchase but it comes with a price: you will do almost everything using JNI.

Definitely it's harder than just putting a jar SDK into libs folder and directly call Java functions but it's feasible.

You can develop on Windows, Linux or Mac. For each OS you're using in the development machine the procedures to prepare your environment (cocos2d-x + target SDKs) varies. It's not a problem because you usually will stick with one of them.

Now let me tell you that it's not that easy to debug JNI / Java code. Why? Because there are many steps you must take to enable this and debugging process is slow.

So that cocos2d-x team advices to develop all your game for Linux or Windows and after that everything is up and running you compile it to Android. This way you will have minor problems to solve (if any)

I prefer to develop for android from the beginning.

All in all, I'm really happy coding with cocos2d-x. Community is very passionate about cocos2d-x and they are very supportive.

In the process of learning I wrote two tutorials:

  • Developing with cocos2d-x for android on Linux, that teaches how to prepare your environment to develop for android using cocos2d-x

  • How to debug cocos2d-x and Java code using Eclipse that explain in details all needed steps to perform debugging sessions.


Cocos2d for iPhone vs. Cocos2d-x

The lure of multi-platform builds are a nightmare in disguise. Any web designer will tell you horror stories of trying to juggle IE with Firefox with Chrome with whatever at the same time. You will not suddenly earn more sales because you were able to launch on Android/iOS/etc on day one. More than likely, your attempts to multi-platform will restrict your app in ways that will kill it on all platforms. Your best bet is to start with one platform, finish that, then build for others. Your end product will thank you.

There are no pros/cons to Cocos2d-x unless you like C++ more than Obj-C.

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