Parcelable Encountered Ioexception Writing Serializable Object Getactivity()

Parcelable encountered IOException writing serializable object getactivity()

Caused by: com.resources.student_list.DSLL$DNode

Your DSLL class appears to have a DNode static inner class, and DNode is not Serializable.

Java android ava.lang.RuntimeException: Parcelable encountered IOException writing serializable object

Try replacing Serializable implementation with Parcelable in Vals & RawBean classes

Replace getSerializableExtra with getParcelableExtra in *onActivityResult**

 public class Vals implements Serializable, Parcelable {
public ArrayList<RowBean> data;

public Vals(ArrayList<RowBean> data) { = data;

protected Vals(Parcel in) {
if (in.readByte() == 0x01) {
data = new ArrayList<RowBean>();
in.readList(data, RowBean.class.getClassLoader());
} else {
data = null;

public int describeContents() {
return 0;

public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
if (data == null) {
dest.writeByte((byte) (0x00));
} else {
dest.writeByte((byte) (0x01));

public static final Parcelable.Creator<Vals> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<Vals>() {
public Vals createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new Vals(in);

public Vals[] newArray(int size) {
return new Vals[size];

public class RowBean implements Serializable, Parcelable {

public String title;
public boolean selected;

public RowBean(){

public boolean isSelected() {
return selected;

public void setSelected(boolean selected) {
this.selected = selected;

public RowBean(boolean selected, String title) {
this.selected = selected;
this.title = title;

public String getTitle() {
return title;

public void setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;

protected RowBean(Parcel in) {
title = in.readString();
selected = in.readByte() != 0x00;

public int describeContents() {
return 0;

public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
dest.writeByte((byte) (selected ? 0x01 : 0x00));

public static final Parcelable.Creator<RowBean> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<RowBean>() {
public RowBean createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new RowBean(in);

public RowBean[] newArray(int size) {
return new RowBean[size];

parcelable encountered ioexception writing serializable object.........?

Ok i implemented part of it for you. You have to add all the other properties of your SongDetails class:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

SongDetails Songinfo1 = new SongDetails();

SongDetails Songinfo2 = new SongDetails();

ArrayList<SongDetails> list = new ArrayList<SongDetails>();

Intent intent = new Intent(this, SecondActivity.class);
intent.putParcelableArrayListExtra("Data1", list);
intent.putExtra("Data2", 1);


In the activity in which you are retrieving the songs, use this:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

ArrayList<SongDetails> songs = getIntent().getParcelableArrayListExtra("Data1");

for(SongDetails songDetails : songs) {
Log.i("", songDetails.getSong());

Your SongDetails class should look like this:


public class SongDetails implements Parcelable {
Bitmap icon;
String song;
String Artist;
String Album;
String Path;
int icLauncher;

public SongDetails() {

public SongDetails(Parcel in) {
String[] data = new String[1];
in.readStringArray(data); = data[0];

public String getSong() {
return song;

public void setSong(String song) { = song;

public String getArtist() {
return Artist;

public void setArtist(String Artist) {
this.Artist = Artist;

public Bitmap getIcon() {
return icon;

public void setIcon(Bitmap bitmap) {
this.icon = bitmap;

public String getPath2() {
return Path;

public void setPath2(String Path) {
this.Path = Path;

public String getAlbum() {
return Album;

public void setAlbum(String Album) {
this.Album = Album;

public void setIcon(int icLauncher) {
this.icLauncher = icLauncher;

public int describeContents() {
return 0;

public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
dest.writeStringArray(new String[] { });

public static final Parcelable.Creator CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator() {
public SongDetails createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new SongDetails(in);

public SongDetails[] newArray(int size) {
return new SongDetails[size];

Parcelable encountered IOException writing serializable object when I don't serialize anything

So I have an answer to the problem. This answers has base on the answers given on this post:

Why is it possible to pass a Drawable trough a Bundle from one Activity to a Fragment?

The answer is simple, as when passing objects as arguments to a Fragment will not cause it to be Marshled. This means it wouldn't be Serialized/Deserialized unless the Fragment is destroyed. And in this case he is destroyed when I try to start a new Activity. I tought Drawable was serializable cause I wasn't getting any errors while I was inside the Fragment, little did I know I was dealing with the same object (reference) itself.

Parcelable encountered IOException writing serializable object in Fragment

Your VaccineDetailsModel must implements as Serializable

java.lang.RuntimeException: Parcelable encountered IOException writing serializable object (name = com.jaapp.treeview.InMemoryTreeStateManager)

The root cause of your problem is

Caused by: com.jaapp.dto.QuestionsDto

which clearly indicates that your class is not serializable.
Make sure your class implements the Serializable marker interface.

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