Migration from Gcm to Fcm Needed

Migration from GCM to FCM needed?

Update: There was a recent announcement via email that GCM is now deprecated and will be completely removed next year (2019), and all GCM users should start migrating to FCM. For more details, see my answer here.

In addition to what Pritam Baral's answer, note that FCM's core is composed of GCM itself. There is no actual need to migrate to it, but it is encouraged, since when migrated to FCM, all of the features tied to it will be available for use. When referring to the Firebase Official Pricings Page, the features that are included for free are:

Analytics, App Indexing, Authentication, Dynamic Links, FCM, Invites, Notifications, Crash Reporting, & Remote Config

Pre-IO GCM implementations should still work for a longer time in the future, as stated in the GCM and FCM FAQs:

We will continue to support the current version of GCM Android and iOS SDKs because we know a lot of developers are using GCM SDKs today to handle notifications, and client app upgrade takes time.

But all new client-side features will be added to FCM SDKs only moving forward. You are strongly encouraged to upgrade to FCM SDKs.

As per the recent highlights:

Firebase Cloud Messaging builds on and improves the Google Cloud Messaging API. You can keep using Google Cloud Messaging with com.google.android.gms.gcm, but we recommend upgrading to com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging.

Server migration from GCM to FCM

I don't see it in the Maven Repo, but it's GitHub releases page itself has the v1.0-SNAPSHOT available -- which contains the updates (that I think) you're looking for.

Migrate from gcm to fcm in the server

There is no FCM client library. It is actually supported by the one you already use.

You can specify to which endpoint a message should be sent in the constructor for Sender.

Sender sender = new Sender(apiKey, Constants.FCM_SEND_ENDPOINT);
Message message = new Message.Builder()
.addData("message", "a message")
Result result = sender.send(message, registrationId, numberOfRetries)

Note that if you do not specify an endpoint, it defaults to FCM.

If you are using a recent version of the lib, you probably don't have to change anything.

Web Push : Migrating from GCM to FCM

  1. Just import your project to the Firebase Console. The GCM Sender ID is actually just the same as the Project's ID -- is unique and permanent. Importing your project to Firebase won't change it.

  2. After you import your GCM project and migrate your servers, the token relationships (i.e. topic subscriptions, device groups, registration tokens in general) should still be usable. See this and this.

Unfortunately I'm not knowledgeable enough to comment on the 3rd item. But from what I can tell from mobile side of things, it's using the same permissions.

Migrating from gcm to fcm on android

I searched a lot but couldn't find a satisfactory answer. So, I applied this fix.

I am continuing using the old method I was using to send push notifications to GCM users and for the users who registers through FCM, I am able to send them push notifications through FCM or Firebase Notification console.

P.S. You can't send push notification to GCM registration tokens through FCM.

Migration from GCM to FCM effects on current porduction apps

If you want to migrate a GCM Client App for Android to FCM, keep in mind that:

  • GCM and FCM SDKs cannot co-exist within an application.
  • GCM tokens retrieved via GoogleCloudMessaging.register() or InstanceID.getToken() will continue to work in FCM without any
    modification or renewal.

So if you have an existing FCM project into which you would like to migrate GCM app and it's users, there are special steps you must perform.

These special steps are required because the existing Firebase project
will not be able to send messages to tokens belonging to a completely
separate GCM project. Until all client app instances upgrade to your
Firebase app, you'll need to create a mapping between old GCM tokens
and the Firebase project.

For more information, follow this documentation on how to Migrate GCM to an existing Firebase project.

GCM to FCM migration ionic v1

Based from this link, you need to update your client code and migrate to FCM.

Existing deployed client-side apps receiving notifications will continue to work for the foreseeable future. But from mid-april, you:

  1. won't be able to compile code using the old client-side APIs on a newer SDK/Google Play Services anymore
  2. won't be able to call the GCM REST API to send messages anymore

To compile against the new SDK/Google Play Services, you will need to make changes to your client app to migrate to Firebase Cloud Messaging from GCM. This involves changes to the build.gradle, to AndroidManifest.xml and to your code, as described in Migrate a GCM Client App for Android to Firebase Cloud Messaging.

But aside from those changes, you don't need to get new tokens for all users. The existing tokens from GCM will continue to work.

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