How to Write Character & in Android Strings.Xml

How to write character & in android strings.xml

Encode it:


How can I write character ' in Android's strings.xml?

From the Documentation:

<string name="good_example">"This'll work"</string>
<string name="good_example_2">This\'ll also work</string>

writing some characters like ' ' in an xml file


< for <

> for >

& for &

Android Xml - How do you write '@' character in the string?

This should do the trick:

<string name="gmail">\@</string>

@ is, of course, the way you reference identified resources (@+id\textview) which requires escaping to use.

Pretty sure that formatted="false" does not flag Android to avoid looking up identifiers.

How to type apostrophe character in android strings xml

1. For Single Quote (')

You can use \' in your string resources.


You can can enclose the string in double quotes. For example:

"This'll work" will simply become This'll work once parsed

2. For double quote (")

"message \"quote string 1\" and \"quote string 2\" end message"

3. To represent in views xml (eg layout.xml), you have to use HTML character entities (like ")

"message "quoted string 1" and "quoted string 2" end message"

Though Android Studio in particular will complain about hardcoded strings and tell you to use a string resource in layout files instead of course!

Trying to write a the symbol '%' in strings.xml

It seems that there was no reason to do String.format() when just retrieving the string would automatically handle the formatting for me.

So it just becomes:

fun formatPercentageText(context: Context, percentage: Float): String {
return context.resources.getString(

Write % in strings.xml of android

You can use its code. Try this: %

Also check the similar question: Android XML Percent Symbol

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