Android Animation Is Not Finished in Onanimationend

android animation is not finished in onAnimationEnd

Here is the actual bug related to this issue

This basically states that the onAnimationEnd method doesn't really work well when an AnimationListener is attached to an Animation

The workaround is to listen for the animation events in the view to which you were applying the animation to
For example if initially you were attaching the animation listener to the animation like this

mAnimation.setAnimationListener(new AnimationListener() {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animation arg0) {
//Functionality here

and then applying to the animation to a ImageView like this


To work around this issue, you must now create a custom ImageView

public class MyImageView extends ImageView {

and then override the onAnimationEnd method of the View class and provide all the functionality there

protected void onAnimationEnd() {
//Functionality here

This is the proper workaround for this issue, provide the functionality in the over-riden View -> onAnimationEnd method as opposed to the onAnimationEnd method of the AnimationListener attached to the Animation.

This works properly and there is no longer any flicker towards the end of the animation. Hope this helps.

End animation event android

You can add Animation listener to your animation object like

anim.setAnimationListener(new Animation.AnimationListener(){
public void onAnimationStart(Animation arg0) {
public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation arg0) {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animation arg0) {

Detect when animation is finished (AnimationListener)

You can check this.

Try using this code :

animation_view.addAnimatorListener(object:Animator.AnimatorListener {
override fun onAnimationRepeat(animation: Animator?) {
TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.

override fun onAnimationEnd(animation: Animator?) {
TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.

override fun onAnimationCancel(animation: Animator?) {
TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.

override fun onAnimationStart(animation: Animator?) {
TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.

Check if AnimatorSet has finished animation?

You can set an AnimatorListener on fadeinAnimation5.
This will give you an onAnimationEnd callback.

fadeinAnimation5.addListener(new AnimatorListener() {

public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {
// ...

public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) {
// ...

public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
// ...

public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {
// ...

Or, as suggested by slott use an AnimatorListenerAdapter

fadeinAnimation5.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {

public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
// ...

onAnimationEnd is not getting called for imageview rotation animation

Because you have set INFINITE in Animation


it will start with infinite mode means never End

Your animation iteration updatation will notify in onAnimationRepeat

public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {


What document saying of method onAnimationEnd

Notifies the end of the animation. This callback is not invoked for
animations with repeat count set to INFINITE.

as per comment:

But I need animation end event. for example after 2 rotations.

for that add this lines in code


AnimationListener's onAnimationEnd not triggered when postDelayed is used

A simple workaround that gets the result I wanted (that is to show the ImageView for a few seconds and then fade it out and set it to GONE):

Because postDelayed was the culprit in my previous attempt, I dropped it in favor of using Animation's setStartOffset(startOffset).

That means I simply delayed the animation start with the interval I used initially for postDelayed. I still don't know why postDelayed messed the listener of the animation.

Android, How can I know that the animation is finished?

On your animation object call this code:

am1.setAnimationListener(new AnimationListener() {    
public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) {
// Pass the Intent to switch to other Activity


Why isn't my Android animation not calling my onAnimationEnd?

You're not calling Animation#setAnimationListener anywhere. You need to call r.setAnimationListener(PromoActivity.this) and/or q.setAnimationListener(PromoActivity.this) for the listener to be called.

Something to keep in mind is that you have two animations and they may not finish at exactly the same time. So you probably want to keep track of how many times your listener was called and only call startActivity when the number of animations that was supposed to end has been reached.

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