How to View Androidmanifest.Xml from APK File

How to view AndroidManifest.xml from APK file?

Yes you can view XML files of an Android APK file. There is a tool for this: android-apktool

It is a tool for reverse engineering 3rd
party, closed, binary Android apps

How to do this on your Windows System:

  1. Download apktool-install-windows-* file
  2. Download apktool-* file
  3. Unpack both to your Windows directory

Now copy the APK file also in that directory and run the following command in your command prompt:

apktool d HelloWorld.apk ./HelloWorld

This will create a directory "HelloWorld" in your current directory. Inside it you can find the AndroidManifest.xml file in decrypted format, and you can also find other XML files inside the "HelloWorld/res/layout" directory.

Here HelloWorld.apk is your Android APK file.

See the below screen shot for more information:
alt text

How to parse the AndroidManifest.xml file inside an .apk package

Use android-apktool

There is an application that reads apk files and decodes XMLs to nearly original form.


apktool d Gmail.apk && cat Gmail/AndroidManifest.xml

Check android-apktool for more information

Android Manifest.XML File looks odd and I cannot seem to get it in a readable format

The AndroidManifest.xml file is only XML in the source code. Once you compile the app, it gets compiled into a binary format that is more efficient for the Android platform to read from.

This format is undocumented but there are multiple attempts at reverse engineering the source code, e.g.

Or if all you need is see what's in the manifest, you can simply use aapt2 (shipped as part of Android platform tools) with the command aapt2 dump xmltree app.apk --file AndroidManifest.xml

Encode/Decode AndroidManifest.xml inside APK

You may use apktool again to create a new APK file including your changed AndroidManifest.xml.

First, decompile the APK file:

java -jar apktool.jar decode app.apk app

Then modify the files you want in the app directory and recompile it back into a new APK:

java -jar apktool.jar build app app_new.apk

aapt must be on our PATH or use the --aapt option to specify the location of the executable. Otherwise apktool will fail when rebuilding the APK.

Note: The rebuilt APK is neither signed nor zipaligned, just repackaged. Take a look at this website for details about signing and aligning your new APK.

How to read compiled XML files such as the Android manifest

Try ApkTool

A tool for reverse engineering 3rd party, closed, binary Android apps. It can decode resources to nearly original form and rebuild them after making some modifications; it makes possible to debug smali code step by step. Also it makes working with an app easier because of project-like file structure and automation of some repetitive tasks like building apk, etc.

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