How to Update Gradle in Android Studio

How to update gradle in android studio?

Step 1 (Use default gradle wrapper)

FileSettingsBuild, Execution, DeploymentBuild Tools→GradleUse default Gradle wrapper (recommended)

Android studio settings Gradle Wrapper

Changing to Gradle Wrapper in the new version of Android Studio:
Android Studio Setting Gradle Wrapper new version

Step 2 (Select desired gradle version)

FileProject StructureProject

Android Studio project structure

The following table shows compatibility between Android plugin for Gradle and Gradle:

Compatibility table

Latest stable versions you can use with Android Studio 4.1.2 (March 2021):

Android Gradle Plugin version: 4.1.2
Gradle version: 6.5

Official links

  • Version Compatibility
  • Migrate to Android Plugin for Gradle 3.0.0
  • Find out the latest version of Gradle
  • Info about the Gradle Wrapper

Android gradle plugin update to version 7.0

If 'preview tool' you saying is about the AGP Upgrade Assistant:

The assistant allows you to toggle the commands that will be executed
on your project to upgrade to a higher version of AGP, preview exactly
which files will be affected by the AGP upgrade
, and lastly globally
update deprecated configurations.

The assistant is automatically prompted when you open a project which is using an older gradle version (or select it manually from Tools > AGP Upgrade Assistant...).


pop up

preview 0

preview 1

preview 2

When you select Show Usages button:

preview 3

And for actual preview purpose, I would back up the project folder (e.g. simply compress to a zip or ideally using a VCS as @MartinZeitler suggests) and then execute update with AGP Upgrade Assistant by submitting Run selected steps button.

If I encounter a problem by upgrade, just delete the project folder and extract from the zip or rollback with VCS.

How to update latest gradle version of kotlin library

4.1.2 is android gradle plugin version, it's not related to gradle version.

Android gradle plugin is shipped with Android Studio, if you wanna use latest version mentioned by @Egor, you have to use Android Studio.

IntelliJ IDEA supports them with a delay - the last supported version at the moment is 7.0.4, which works fine to me, the only problem you might have with it is the lack of support for the 32 target version of Android - but it's not required to upload the app and will work fine on 32 devices, also you can build release version in AS with newest plugin, and develop in IDEA, as to me it seems more performant in KMM projects.

How can I change gradle to work offline in Android Studio Bumblebee for a Flutter project

I suspect that the project was not properly linked with the file when I opened it since it's a flutter project.

To fix this close the project and then go to Open > Then select the build.gradle file. This will then open the project as a gradle project and the gradle pane will appear.

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