How to Start an Application Using Android Adb Tools

How to start an application using Android ADB tools

adb shell
am start -n

Or you can use this directly:

adb shell am start -n

You can also specify actions to be filter by your intent-filters:

am start -a com.example.ACTION_NAME -n 

Start application on phone from ADB

If you install the app AppXplore from Google Play, you can inspect your installed applications and learn the package name and the Activities in the APK.

I've verified it just now and it worked by starting Adobe Reader from adb shell:

am start -n com.adobe.reader/com.adobe.reader.AdobeReader

Launch App via adb without knowing Activity name

Yes, it is possible to launch an app via adb shell making use of the monkey tool.

Using the command from this answer:

adb shell monkey -p -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 1

This command simulates the app icon click, so the intent implicit intent LAUNCHER is delivered to the specific receiver declared in app manifest (MAIN)

How to start an Android application from the command line?

adb shell
am start -n

Or you can use this directly:

adb shell am start -n

You can also specify actions to be filter by your intent-filters:

am start -a com.example.ACTION_NAME -n

How to launch my Android application using adb shell?

You should escape the $ - \$ - since otherwise it gets changed to nothing. $WDLanceor is interpreted as a shell variable by the android shell, and since the variable is not set it becomes an empty string.

Quoting the arguments (adb ... -n "... GWDPSupaScale_Android$WDL‌​a‌​nceur") will only quote it on the Windows side, when it goes into the shell on the android side it'll be without quotes. The backslash will survive the Windows command prompt and be converted to an actual $ on the android shell.

Is it possible to start activity through adb shell?

Launch adb shell and enter the command as follows

am start -n yourpackagename/.activityname

Start Android APK with args from adb

First, How can I get args in OnCreate method?

That is not possible, in the terms that you describe.

Then with adb, How can I run my application with those args?

That is not possible, in the terms that you describe.

What you can do — and what the adb example shows you — is supply Intent extras:

adb shell am start -S -D com.example.apk/ --es args '"-name MYNAME -email"'

This is not a particularly good way to use Intent extras, but let's start with it.

Here, you are passing a string extra named args with a value of "-name MYNAME -email".

In onCreate() of your activity, you could call getIntent().getStringExtra("args") to retrieve that string:

String args = getIntent().getStringExtra("args");

Now, the args variable will hold -name MYNAME -email

A simpler and cleaner adb shell am start command would be:

adb shell am start -S -D com.example.apk/ --es name MYNAME --es email

Now you are passing two string extras, name and email. You can then retrieve each value individually:

String name = getIntent().getStringExtra("name");
String email = getIntent().getStringExtra("email");

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