Android Studio Installation on Windows 7 Fails, No Jdk Found

Android Studio installation on Windows 7 fails, no JDK found

Adding a system variable JDK_HOME with value c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21\ worked for me. The latest Java release can be downloaded here.

Additionally, make sure the variable JAVA_HOME is also set with the above location.

running Android Studio on Windows 7 fails, no Android SDK found

ok, here's how it worked:

I downloaded the Adt bundle and Copied the file "SDK Manager.exe" to the Android studio root directory and just executed it (this set the SDK environment variable to C:\Program Files\Android\android-studio\sdk).

then In Android studio clicked Configure ==> Project Defaults ==> Project Structure

then in the tab Project / Project SDK selected android SDK.

then in the tab SDKs / build target selected Android 4.2.2

I can't install Android Studio (JDK can't be found)

I have found an alternative solution to my problem:

  • download and install IntelliJ IDEA (the IDE):

  • download and install android SDK tools package (not Android Studio).

  • download and install the latest JDK (or at least a 1.7 version).

  • download Gradle (binary):

  • run the SDK manager as an Administrator (in C:/Program Files/Android/android-sdk) and install the default packages.

  • run IntelliJ IDEA (as an Administrator) and on the bottom right corner click on Configure -> Project Defaults -> Project Structure. On the left panel, go to SDKs and add (with the + sign) JDK (select the JDK folder. It's "jdk1.8.0_11" for me and usually it's in C:/Program Files/Java). Also add Android SDK (C:/Program Files/Android/android-sdk). Click on Apply and OK.

  • create a new project.

  • to resolve errors with Gradle, go to File -> Settings. On the left panel, go to Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Gradle. Select "Use local gradle distribution" (and set the path of gradle). Check the box "Offline work".

Android Studio Setup - could not detect JDK

In this link Android Studio ZIP, I did the download for windows after unzip all the file, I started execute the "studio.exe", that is inside the bin folder.

Thanks everyone for the help.

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