How to Play M3U8 on Android

Play m3u8 video in android

The video was existed in In this there is Mobile Api for live streaming.

The Api is:

In above link there is full information for mobile compatible. To get the rtsp link from the channel to use this link

Replace the your channel name instead of proshowcase. And then get all mobile compatible url's like IPhone, Android, Blackberry etc.,

Using that url you can stream the video in Android by using video view or media player.

For more information please read the Mobile Api link.

If any one get the same problem I hope this answer will helps you.

Best of luck.

how to play m3u8 with exoplayer, the screen remains black

You need to use HLS media source to play m3u8 file.

use this

private MediaSource buildMediaSource(Uri uri) {
DataSource.Factory dataSourceFactory = new DefaultDataSourceFactory(this, "exoplayer-codelab");
return new HlsMediaSource.Factory(dataSourceFactory).createMediaSource(uri);

instead of this

private MediaSource buildMediaSource(Uri uri) {
DataSource.Factory dataSourceFactory = new DefaultDataSourceFactory(this, "exoplayer-codelab");
return new ProgressiveMediaSource.Factory(dataSourceFactory).createMediaSource(uri);

Any ideas on how can i stream m3u8 video in android

By m3u8 if you mean HLS videos, Google's ExoPlayer supports that. Also if you don't want to use ExoPlayer, android mediaplayer api has limited support for HLS stream from android 4.0.

I would suggest if you can spend some money on purchasing some thirdparty players, they'll give the best playabck experience and features. Refer the following players

  1. NexStreaming
  2. Akamai
  3. Brightcove
  4. JW Player - Its built on top of exoplayer

Exoplayer playing m3u8 files Android

On Android 4.1+, you can use this library . The example mentioned on the Read-me page should be sufficient to get you started. I have reproduced that code snippet with a few additions/modifications.

            private void setupVideoView() {
EMVideoView emVideoView = (EMVideoView)findViewById(;

//Enter your m3u8 URL below

public void onPrepared(MediaPlayer mp) {
//Starts the video playback as soon as it is ready

public void onPause() {
//Pause Video Playback

How to Play M3U8 Format Android & iOS on Flutter

YoYo player is a great choice.

  1. Add dependency:

yoyo_player: #latest

  1. Use anywhere you want:
aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
url: "",
videoStyle: VideoStyle(),
videoLoadingStyle: VideoLoadingStyle(),

Android - m3u8 video streaming

Try this library for .m3u8 , this will solve your problem :

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""



In Activity write below code

private VideoView videoView;

private void setupVideoView() {
// Make sure to use the correct VideoView import
videoView = (VideoView)findViewById(;

//For now we just picked an arbitrary item to play

public void onPrepared() {
//Starts the video playback as soon as it is ready

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