How to Exclude Certain Messages by Tag Name Using Android Adb Logcat

How to exclude certain messages by TAG name using Android adb logcat?

If you are using adb logcat you could pipe it through grep and use it's inverted matching:
From the grep manpage:

v, --invert-match
Invert the sense of matching, to select non-matching lines.

For example:

$adb logcat | grep --invert-match 'notshownmatchpattern' 

You can extend this by using regular expressions.

Here is an example of such an expression:


This one would check for either of the given to occur, grep would then not list them.

How to exclude Log Tag in logcat Android Studio?

I'm sorry for answering my own question after 20 minutes of asking.
My friend just sent me a link that solves my question

here it is: How to exclude certain messages by TAG name using Android adb logcat?

for android studio users

go to Logcat console > Edit Filter Configuration > Log Tag(regex) and
put this instead


note that EXCLUDE_TAG1 and EXCLUDE_TAG2 are Log Tag you exclude from logcat.

Another way to answer the question is to exclude all, except ...
To block all tags from showing up, except INCLUDE_TAG

(?:INCLUDE_TAG) for one tag
(?:(INCLUDE_TAG1|INCLUDE_TAGx)) for multiple tags

Exclude the tag string when using adb logcat in CMD

The log record format is fixed. Every record saved to the log will include all the fields. But you can control which fields get printed out:

-v <format>     Sets the log print format, where <format> is:
brief color epoch long monotonic printable process raw
tag thread threadtime time uid usec UTC year zone

raw is the format you are looking for

adb logcat -v raw

Filter LogCat to get only the messages from My Application in Android?

Package names are guaranteed to be unique so you can use the Log function with the tag as your package name and then filter by package name:

NOTE: As of Build Tools 21.0.3 this will no longer work as TAGS are restricted to 23 characters or less.

Log.<log level>("<your package name>", "message");

adb -d logcat <your package name>:<log level> *:S

-d denotes an actual device and -e denotes an emulator. If there's more than 1 emulator running you can use -s emulator-<emulator number> (eg, -s emulator-5558)

Example: adb -d logcat com.example.example:I *:S

Or if you are using System.out.print to send messages to the log you can use adb -d logcat System.out:I *:S to show only calls to System.out.

You can find all the log levels and more info here:

EDIT: Looks like I jumped the gun a little and just realized you were asking about logcat in Eclipse. What I posted above is for using logcat through adb from the command line. I'm not sure if the same filters transfer over into Eclipse.

Filter output in logcat by tagname

use this:

adb logcat -s "TAGNAME"

Filter out certain logs from logcat

Combining previous two answers with some checking of the documentation gave me a good solution to see the logs that I want.

adb -d logcat -v threadtime | grep -w 4451 | grep -v 4488

-d so I can limit the output to the logs from my currently connected device while I still have emulators running in the background.

-v threadtime So that I can see the Process ID and Thread ID and timestamp.

grep -w 4451 With 4451 being the Process ID. This makes sure I see only logs from my app.

grep -v 4488 With 4488 being the Thread ID of the error message I want to filter out. This removes all lines with the specified Thread ID. This works because in my case the error message only comes in a separate thread.

Now I can see all the logs from my application without all the noise from the error in the library.
(Not confirmed but I believe the logs will still disappear when the log file is full because of the constant stream of error messages from the library.)

This is a command line solution, so it is still not an optimal solution using logcat in android studio. But it does perfectly work from the Terminal tab in Android Studio.

Filter application specific logs in adb logcat. (log tag, log message, pid, package name)

Try this: adb logcat -s "YOURTAG" >> "Testdata".txt

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