Trying to Get the Display Size of an Image in an Imageview

Get the displayed size of an image inside an ImageView

the following will work:

ih=imageView.getMeasuredHeight();//height of imageView
iw=imageView.getMeasuredWidth();//width of imageView
iH=imageView.getDrawable().getIntrinsicHeight();//original height of underlying image
iW=imageView.getDrawable().getIntrinsicWidth();//original width of underlying image

if (ih/iH<=iw/iW) iw=iW*ih/iH;//rescaled width of image within ImageView
else ih= iH*iw/iW;//rescaled height of image within ImageView

(iw x ih) now represents the actual rescaled (width x height) for the image within the view (in other words the displayed size of the image)

EDIT: I think a nicer way to write the above answer (and one that works with ints) :

final int actualHeight, actualWidth;
final int imageViewHeight = imageView.getHeight(), imageViewWidth = imageView.getWidth();
final int bitmapHeight = ..., bitmapWidth = ...;
if (imageViewHeight * bitmapWidth <= imageViewWidth * bitmapHeight) {
actualWidth = bitmapWidth * imageViewHeight / bitmapHeight;
actualHeight = imageViewHeight;
} else {
actualHeight = bitmapHeight * imageViewWidth / bitmapWidth;
actualWidth = imageViewWidth;

return new Point(actualWidth,actualHeight);

Get image dimensions after it draws in screen

You can do a lot with the matrix the view uses to display the image.

Here I calculate the scale the image is drawn at:

private float scaleOfImageView(ImageView image) {
float[] coords = new float[]{0, 0, 1, 1};
Matrix matrix = image.getImageMatrix();
return coords[2] - coords[0]; //xscale, method assumes maintaining aspect ratio

Applying the scale to the image dimensions gives the displayed image size:

private void logImageDisplaySize(ImageView image) {
Drawable drawable = image.getDrawable();
int width = drawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
int height = drawable.getIntrinsicHeight();
float scale = scaleOfImageView(image);
float displayedWidth = scale * width;
float displayedHeight = scale * height;
Log.d(TAG, String.format("Image drawn at scale: %.2f => %.2f x %.2f",
scale, displayedWidth, displayedHeight));

I suspect you don't really care about the image size, I suspect you want to map touch points back to a coordinate on the image, this answer shows how to do this (also using the image matrix):

How to change imageview according to screen size

First, remove the try and catch. Its not good to hide this error, simply check for possible url issues and set your image by hand, like in your cache block. Check the userimage url for its empty or null, if you use a String or Uri.

The point is you are using a LinearLayout, which takes care that the child views not overlap. If you change the ImageView height it could be possible, that your TextViews get cut on bottom, because there is not enough space defined by your android:layout_height="@dimen/nav_header_height" value.

Set your wished hight and width in XML like:

app:srcCompat="@android:drawable/sym_def_app_icon" />

Simply find your correct size / ask your designer (if you work with one) whats the suitable size for this image. This will change the View bounds of the ImageView, the shown image will, of course, depend on this size.

You can play a little bit with the following attributes for imageView:


This changes the behavior how the image will be shown inside the bounds of the ImageView.

Use dp instead of pixel, this takes also care, that your image view gets good scaled on different device sizes.

And you can play with Picasso functions like:



.resize(imageView.getMeasuredWidth(), imageView.getMeasuredHeight()) // <-- is needed for some functions

.fit()// <--
.centerCrop()// <--
.centerInside()// <--


Simply find your function which gives you best result.

Android ImageView Fixing Image Size

Fix ImageView's size with dp or fill_parent and set android:scaleType to fitXY.

increase the size of the image inside the imageview

Try this:

for image use: android:scaleType="fitXY"

and for 1/3 of the screen use android weightsum and layout_weight

 <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""

android:visibility="visible" />



enter image description here

Trying to get an ImageView to scale as the screen gets bigger

you should change the scaleType of imageview.
if you want to scale image with maintain aspect ratio you should use


u can try another option like centerCrop and fitxy and see the result

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