How to Enable and Disable a Component

Unity enable/disable component script from component on same gameObject

What speaks against

public Behaviour CleanerController;

and then

CleanerController.enabled = false; // or true accordingly


  • Behaviour

    Behaviours are Components that can be enabled or disabled.

  • Behaviour.enabled

    Enabled Behaviours are Updated, disabled Behaviours are not.

    or in other words: If a Behaviour is set to enabled = false then it's Update (and similar event methods) is not called anymore.

How to disable or enable html component through JS?

I would use onkeyup event to check the input value of the text box because the onkeydown event fire up after key down so while there is a single character in the text box it needs to clear one more time to check for the empty value condition.

The demo with your code is:

function myHandler() { console.log(document.getElementById("name").value.trim()); if (document.getElementById("name").value.length == 0) {  document.getElementById("select").disabled = false;  return; } else {  document.getElementById("select").disabled = true; }}
<form>    <input type="text" id="name" onkeyup="myHandler()"/>    <select id="select">        <option value = "a">a</option>        <option value = "b">b</option>    </select></form>

A-frame add enable/disable component on function

You could just use removeAttribute() to remove the rain

function toggleRain() {
let a = document.getElementById('a');
if (a.hasAttribute('rain')) {
} else {
a.setAttribute('rain', '1');
console.log ("ok");
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<button onclick="toggleRain()">
Toggle rain
<a-scene id="a" rain>

<a-entity position="0 0 10">

<a-entity geometry="primitive:sphere"></a-entity>

<a-sky color="#222"></a-sky>

<a-entity light="type:directional;color:#666" position="-10 -10 -10"></a-entity>

How to enable disable component in a complex vue app?

You could do this either by using v-if on each of the components, or by using dynamic components. In either case, your button should toggle a data value which would be used to control which component is displayed.

ReactJS - Disabling a component

Since you mentioned in a comment that instead of hiding it, you want to grey it instead. I would use the disabled state and style the component. Since PostList could be nested, we don't know what the props are since you did not specify them.

Also, I assuming that you are not using styled-components.

import React, { useState } from "react";
import PostList from "./PostList";

const App = () => {
const [disabled, setDisabled] = useState(true);

return (
<div className="ui container">
opacity: disabled ? 0.25 : 1,
pointerEvents: disabled ? "none" : "initial"

export default App;

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