Passing JSONobject into Another Activity

Passing JSONObject into another activity

You can just encapsulate all of the information about a movie into a Movie object, which implements Parcelable.

The code will look similar to above, but instead of passing 6 different extras you can just pass one extra that is the movie.

Movie movie = new Movie();
i.putExtra("movie", movie);

For information on implementing a Parcelable object, see Parcelable docs. You basically just write out each string in 'writeToParcel', and read in each string in 'readFromParcel' in the correct order.

How to pass json data in another activity

You can not pass directly JSONObject to another activity. But you can convert json to string and pass it. Then in SecondActivity you can convert it to json again.

Start SecondActivity codes in FirstActivity:

Intent intent = new Intent(FirstActivity.this, SecondActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("data", json.toString());

Then get this data from SecondActivity:

String data = getIntent().getStringExtra("data");
try {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(data);
} catch (JSONException e) {

Good luck.

How to send and receive the json object from one activity to another?

You are doing the correct way. To get it in another activity, you can proceed as

if (getIntent().getExtras() != null) {
String scamDatas = getIntent().getStringExtra("scamDatas");
String scamSubCategoryText = getIntent().getStringExtra("scamSubCategoryText");
try {
JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
JsonObject scamDataJsonObject = parser.parse(scamDatas).getAsJsonObject();
} catch (Exception e) {

Android/Java: How to get the ArrayListJSONObject from an Activity to another?

JSONObject is not Parcelable, or even Serializable. So the only option you're left with is to utilize JSONObject's toString() method and then rely on using putStringArrayListExtra() of Intent to pass it to the other.

On the other activity, use getExtras() of Intent to receive and convert that to JSONObject by passing the String into its constructor & loop to form the ArrayList if required.

Say, the ArrayList of JSONObject is sendingArr :

List<String> sendingListOfStrings = new ArrayList<String>();
for(int i = 0; i < sendingArr.length(); i++) {
sendingListOfStrings.add( sendingArr.getJSONObject(i).toString() );

Sending from ActivityOne to ActivityTwo:

Intent intent = new Intent(ActivityOne.this, ActivityTwo.class);
intent.putStringArrayListExtra("sending_list", sendingListOfStrings);

Then capture it = in the other:

ArrayList<JSONObject> receivingArr;
Bundle receivingListOfStrings = getIntent().getExtras();
ArrayList<String> list = receivingListOfStrings.getStringArrayList("sending_list");
for (int i = 0; i < receivingListOfStrings.length(); i++) {
receivingArr.add( new JSONObject( receivingListOfStrings.get(i) ) );

How to pass json result from one activity to another

i recommended to send JSON result as string see the following code

Intent intent=new Intent(getApplicationContext(),DistClass.class);

in the second class do the following

String jsonResult=getIntent().getExtras().getString("json");
JSONObject json=new JSONObject(jsonResult);

that's all

Pass JSON Object from one activity to another Android

In your second activity, you can access the intent's JSON string with


Then you can convert that back into a JSON object if needed.


The reason why you're receiving an error in the Intent constructor in your Async task is because you're not passing in a valid context as a parameter. Your context property is of type Intent when it should be Context so fix that like this:

private Context mContext;

Add a constructor to your GetNearbyPlacesList like so

public GetNearbyPlacesList(Context context) {
mContext = context

Pass it a context on instantiation, your first activity most likely.

So then when you construct that intent in your async task class you can do so like this:

Intent intent = new Intent(mContext, ListRestActivity.class)

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