How to Change the Color of Header Bar and Address Bar in Newest Chrome Version on Lollipop

How to change the color of header bar and address bar in newest Chrome version on Lollipop?

Found the solution after some searching.

You need to add a <meta> tag in your <head> containing name="theme-color", with your HEX code as the content value. For example:

<meta name="theme-color" content="#999999" />


If the android device has native dark-mode enabled, then this meta tag is ignored.

Chrome for Android does not use the color on devices with native dark-mode enabled.


How to change the TEXT color of header bar and address bar in newest Android Chrome version on Lollipop or Android M?

Short answer: you can't.

Depending on the background color you choose, Google chrome will decide whether to render text in white or black color in order to maximize contrast / readability.

If it was allowed, someone could go around choosing the same color for the text and background (say black on black) and visually break Chrome's UI.

Here's an article from Material Design guidelines on the matter of text legibility and text backgrounds

Color in top bar in mobile version of chrome

Starting in version 39 of Chrome for Android on Lollipop, you’ll now
be able to use the theme-color meta tag to set the toolbar color—this
means no more Seattle gray toolbars! The syntax is pretty simple: add
a meta tag to your page’s <head> with the name="theme-color", and set
the content to any valid CSS color.

Screenshot of phone showing theme-color

For example, to set the background to your favorite color or
HTML5Rocks orange:

<meta name="theme-color" content="#db5945">

In addition, Chrome will show beautiful high-res favicons when they’re
provided. Chrome for Android picks the highest res icon that you
provide, and we recommend providing a 192×192px PNG file. For example:

<link rel="icon" sizes="192x192" href="nice-highres.png">

Check out the theme-color here on HTML5Rocks as well as on the Web
Fundamentals site, and be sure to check out the Add to home screen docs for more ways to make your site stand out.

Source :

How to change address bar color on mobile browsers in Gatsby.js

You can change the color on mobile Android using the meta tag theme-color in the head of your page, e.g.

<meta name="theme-color" content="#123456">

See for a more in-detail discussion about other browsers.

If you are using the gatsby-starter-blog or the gatsby-starter-default you can set this meta tag in gatsby-config.js:

resolve: `gatsby-plugin-manifest`,
options: {
theme_color: `#123456`,

If you are not using these starters, you can use React Helmet. Install it by following the instructions on , then place the following code somewhere that is executed on every page, e.g. in src/components/layout.js

  import { Helmet } from "react-helmet"

return (
name: `theme-color`,
content: '#123456',
// ... rest of the page ...

Android lollipop change navigation bar color

It can be done inside styles.xml using

<item name="android:navigationBarColor">@color/theme_color</item>


window.setNavigationBarColor(@ColorInt int color)

Note that the method was introduced in Android Lollipop and won't work on API version < 21.

The second method (works on KitKat) is to set windowTranslucentNavigation to true in the manifest and place a colored view beneath the navigation bar.

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